schreibfaul1 / ESP32-MiniWebRadio

Internetradio with ESP32, I2S DAC and SPI TFT Display with Touchpad
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Connection issues #497

Open FranZatGIT opened 2 weeks ago

FranZatGIT commented 2 weeks ago

Hi Wolle,

Today I loaded the latest version on my testboard and I'm having massive wifi connection issues with the new code. I downloaded a full fresh clone from Git (including the SD content) and the radio is pretty much not working at all. Ping only works occasionally. If I go back to my custom code version (based on a version from May), it works without problems. To rule out the HW, I also tried a new ESP - with the same result. Do you have any ideas?

I would like to use your latest changes and add my code lines. But that makes no sense if it is not working.

Many thanks Franz

schreibfaul1 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi Franz, before I published the version, I did exactly the same. I rewrote the SD card and cloned the Git repository into a new folder. I rule out HW problems. What does the log say? Please do a "Full Clean" before uploading. There may be something strange in settings.json or stations.json. You can delete these two files, they will be recreated.

FranZatGIT commented 2 weeks ago

deleted the 2 files - no change.

Here a screenshot of the output and below the full text of another try:


ESP32 Chip: ESP32-S3 Arduino Version: 3.0.4 ESP-IDF Version: 5.1.4 MiniWebRadio Version 3.4 Aug 23/2024 ARDUINO_LOOP_STACK_SIZE 8192 words (32 bit) FLASH size 16777216 bytes, speed 80 MHz CPU speed 240 MHz SDMMC speed 80 MHz TFT speed 40 MHz PSRAM total size: 8388608 bytes RESET_REASON: Reset due to power-on event

00:00:00 00:00:00
MiniWebRadio V3

00:00:00 00:00:00 setup: .... Arduino is pinned to core 1 00:00:00 tft_info: . init ILI9488 00:00:00 setup: .... Init SD card 00:00:00 setup: .... SD card found, 2.0 MB by 29.2 MB free [ 843][W][common.h:730] updateStationsList(): Stations: 26, favorites: 15 00:00:00 setup: .... seek for WiFi networks [ 5221][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected. 00:00:00 WiFI_info: Connecting WiFi... 00:00:00 WiFI_info: mDNS name: MiniWebRadio 00:00:00 setup: .... connected to skynet, IP address is, Received Signal Strength -39 dB 00:00:00 ftpServer: Buffers allocated: 4622 bytes 00:00:00 rtime_info: Initializing SNTP 00:00:00 audiotask: is pinned to core 0 00:00:00 audiotask: priority is 2 00:00:00 AUDIO_info: commFMT = Philips 00:00:00 setup: .... number of saved stations: 26 00:00:00 setup: .... number of saved favourites: 15 00:00:00 setup: .... current station number: 1 00:00:00 setup: .... current volume: 21 00:00:00 setup: .... volume steps: 21 00:00:00 setup: .... volume after alarm: 12 00:00:00 setup: .... last connected host: 00:00:00 setup: .... connection timeout: 2500 ms 00:00:00 setup: .... connection timeout SSL: 3500 ms 00:00:00 action: ... switch to station 1 00:00:00 AUDIO_info: PSRAM found, inputBufferSize: 638965 bytes 00:00:00 AUDIO_info: buffers freed, free Heap: 186744 bytes 00:00:00 AUDIO_info: connect to: "" on port 8000 path "/0n-70s.mp3" 23:43:56 AUDIO_info: Request failed! [ 10431][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 8 - ASSOC_LEAVE 23:43:56 AUDIO_info: Request failed! 23:43:56 StationName: 23:43:56 StreamTitle: 23:43:56 BT-Emitter: KCX_BT_Emitter not found 23:43:56 ftpServer: Ftp server waiting for connection on port 21 23:44:00 AUDIO_info: buffers freed, free Heap: 184180 bytes 23:44:00 AUDIO_info: connect to: "" on port 8000 path "/0n-70s.mp3" 23:44:03 AUDIO_info: Request failed! [ 17575][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 8 - ASSOC_LEAVE 23:44:03 AUDIO_info: Request failed! 23:44:03 StationName: 23:44:03 StreamTitle: [ 18655][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 2 - AUTH_EXPIRE [ 18663][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected. 23:44:17 AUDIO_info: buffers freed, free Heap: 184012 bytes 23:44:17 AUDIO_info: connect to: "" on port 8000 path "/0n-70s.mp3" 23:44:20 AUDIO_info: Request failed! [ 34580][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 8 - ASSOC_LEAVE 23:44:20 AUDIO_info: Request failed! 23:44:20 StationName: 23:44:20 StreamTitle: [ 35654][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 2 - AUTH_EXPIRE [ 35662][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected. [ 36679][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 2 - AUTH_EXPIRE [ 36686][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected. [ 37919][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 39 - TIMEOUT 23:44:34 WiFi : Reconnecting to WiFi... [ 48553][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected. [ 51383][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 205 - CONNECTION_FAIL [ 51391][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected. [ 52449][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 2 - AUTH_EXPIRE [ 52456][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected.
23:44:42 AUDIO_info: buffers freed, free Heap: 184932 bytes 23:44:42 AUDIO_info: connect to: "" on port 8000 path "/0n-70s.mp3" 23:44:45 AUDIO_info: Request failed! [ 59578][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 8 - ASSOC_LEAVE 23:44:45 AUDIO_info: Request failed! 23:44:45 StationName: 23:44:45 StreamTitle: [ 60641][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 2 - AUTH_EXPIRE [ 60649][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected.
[ 61665][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 2 - AUTH_EXPIRE [ 61673][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected.
[ 62690][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 2 - AUTH_EXPIRE [ 62697][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected.
23:44:56 AUDIO_info: buffers freed, free Heap: 184236 bytes 23:44:56 AUDIO_info: connect to: "" on port 8000 path "/0n-70s.mp3" 23:44:59 AUDIO_info: Request failed! [ 73581][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 8 - ASSOC_LEAVE 23:44:59 AUDIO_info: Request failed! 23:44:59 StationName: 23:44:59 StreamTitle: [ 74670][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 2 - AUTH_EXPIRE [ 74678][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected.
[ 75695][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 2 - AUTH_EXPIRE [ 75702][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected.
[ 76729][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 2 - AUTH_EXPIRE [ 76737][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected. [ 78541][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 39 - TIMEOUT 23:45:13 WiFi : Reconnecting to WiFi... [ 87552][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected. [ 90382][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 205 - CONNECTION_FAIL [ 90390][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected. 23:45:22 AUDIO_info: buffers freed, free Heap: 184784 bytes 23:45:22 AUDIO_info: connect to: "" on port 8000 path "/0n-70s.mp3" 23:45:25 AUDIO_info: Request failed! [ 99576][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 8 - ASSOC_LEAVE 23:45:25 AUDIO_info: Request failed! 23:45:25 StationName: 23:45:25 StreamTitle: [102196][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 201 - NO_AP_FOUND [102203][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected. [103433][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 39 - TIMEOUT 23:45:39 WiFi : Reconnecting to WiFi... [113558][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected. [116388][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 205 - CONNECTION_FAIL [116396][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected. [117476][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 2 - AUTH_EXPIRE [117483][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected. 23:45:46 AUDIO_info: buffers freed, free Heap: 184584 bytes 23:45:46 AUDIO_info: connect to: "" on port 8000 path "/0n-70s.mp3" 23:45:49 AUDIO_info: Request failed! [123581][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 8 - ASSOC_LEAVE 23:45:49 AUDIO_info: Request failed! 23:45:49 StationName: 23:45:49 StreamTitle: E (124090) sdmmc_cmd: sdmmc_read_sectors_dma: sdmmc_send_cmd returned 0x107 E (124091) diskio_sdmmc: sdmmc_read_blocks failed (263) E (124091) sdmmc_cmd: sdmmc_read_sectors_dma: sdmmc_send_cmd returned 0x107 E (124098) diskio_sdmmc: sdmmc_read_blocks failed (263) 23:45:50 AUDIO_info: file "/common/m/RSSI3.bmp" not found [124644][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 2 - AUTH_EXPIRE [124651][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected. E (125089) sdmmc_cmd: sdmmc_read_sectors_dma: sdmmc_send_cmd returned 0x107 E (125090) diskio_sdmmc: sdmmc_read_blocks failed (263) E (125090) sdmmc_cmd: sdmmc_read_sectors_dma: sdmmc_send_cmd returned 0x107 E (125097) diskio_sdmmc: sdmmc_read_blocks failed (263) 23:45:51 AUDIO_info: file "/common/m/RSSI4.bmp" not found [125668][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 2 - AUTH_EXPIRE [125675][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected. [126914][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 39 - TIMEOUT 23:46:03 WiFi : Reconnecting to WiFi... [137552][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected. [140382][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 205 - CONNECTION_FAIL [140390][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected. [142246][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 39 - TIMEOUT 23:46:17 WiFi : Reconnecting to WiFi... [151559][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected. [154389][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 205 - CONNECTION_FAIL [154397][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected. [155468][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 2 - AUTH_EXPIRE [155475][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected. [157068][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 39 - TIMEOUT 23:46:31 WiFi : Reconnecting to WiFi... [165558][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected. [168588][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 205 - CONNECTION_FAIL [168596][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected. [169702][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 2 - AUTH_EXPIRE [169709][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected. 23:46:39 AUDIO_info: buffers freed, free Heap: 185284 bytes

FranZatGIT commented 2 weeks ago

compared the Common.h with the old one and set all the BT Emitter pins to -1 ( BT Emittter is not used in my case ) and changed the SDMMC Frequency to 40MHz. It seems to work now - I will keep it open until tomorrow and watch if it is stable. I think I found another thing while testing with the AP Mode. I will open another issue for that.

FranZatGIT commented 2 weeks ago

Hi Wolle still have some issues with the connection - Some times it work some times not. I can not really reproduce it. Fact is that the old 3.1 release always works. Was there any major change with the Wifi part in 3.4?

Shark2805 commented 1 day ago

hi friend. I really liked the project and I want to bring it to life. The board is stitched, but there is no Wi-Fi connection and does not create an access point. I tried all the options described in the problems, with no result. Help please. ESP32 Chip: ESP32-S3 Arduino Version: 3.0.4 ESP-IDF Version: 5.1.4 MiniWebRadio Version 3.4bd - Sep 09/202 ARDUINO_LOOP_STACK_SIZE 8192 words (32 bit) FLASH size 16777216 bytes, speed 80 MHz CPU speed 240 MHz SDMMC speed 80 MHz TFT speed 40 MHz PSRAM total size: 8388608 bytes RESET_REASON: Reset due to power-on event

00:00:00 [0m 00:00:00 [33m [0m 00:00:00 [33m MiniWebRadio V3 [0m 00:00:00 [33m [0m 00:00:00 [0m 00:00:00 setup: .... Arduino is pinned to core [36m1[0m [0;37m[ 1220][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type SPI_MASTER_SCK (34) successfully set to 0x42129f18[0m [0;37m[ 1242][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type SPI_MASTER_MISO (35) successfully set to 0x42129e30[0m [0;37m[ 1255][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type SPI_MASTER_MOSI (36) successfully set to 0x42129d48[0m [0;37m[ 1268][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type SPI_MASTER_SS (37) successfully set to 0x42129c24[0m [0;37m[ 1281][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type GPIO (1) successfully set to 0x42140560[0m [0;37m[ 1293][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:160] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 17 successfully set to type GPIO (1) with bus 0x12[0m [0;37m[ 1304][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:160] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 17 successfully set to type SPI_MASTER_SCK (34) with bus 0x1[0m [0;37m[ 1316][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type GPIO (1) successfully set to 0x42140560[0m [0;37m[ 1328][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:160] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 2 successfully set to type GPIO (1) with bus 0x3[0m [0;37m[ 1339][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:160] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 2 successfully set to type SPI_MASTER_MISO (35) with bus 0x1[0m [0;37m[ 1350][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type GPIO (1) successfully set to 0x42140560[0m [0;37m[ 1362][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:160] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 18 successfully set to type GPIO (1) with bus 0x13[0m [0;37m[ 1373][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:160] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 18 successfully set to type SPI_MASTER_MOSI (36) with bus 0x1[0m [0;37m[ 1385][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type GPIO (1) successfully set to 0x42140560[0m [0;37m[ 1397][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:160] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 12 successfully set to type GPIO (1) with bus 0xd[0m [0;37m[ 1408][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type GPIO (1) successfully set to 0x42140560[0m [0;37m[ 1420][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:160] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 8 successfully set to type GPIO (1) with bus 0x9[0m 00:00:00 tft_info: . init [36mILI9341[0m 00:00:00 setup: .... Init SD card[0m [0;37m[ 1551][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type GPIO (1) successfully set to 0x42140560[0m [0;37m[ 1567][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:160] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 4 successfully set to type GPIO (1) with bus 0x5[0m [0;37m[ 1577][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type GPIO (1) successfully set to 0x42140560[0m [0;37m[ 1589][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:160] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 11 successfully set to type GPIO (1) with bus 0xc[0m [0;37m[ 1600][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type SDMMC_CLK (38) successfully set to 0x420181dc[0m [0;37m[ 1613][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type SDMMC_CMD (39) successfully set to 0x420181dc[0m [0;37m[ 1625][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type SDMMC_D0 (40) successfully set to 0x420181dc[0m [0;37m[ 1638][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:160] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 11 successfully set to type INIT (0) with bus 0x0[0m [0;37m[ 1695][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:160] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 14 successfully set to type SDMMC_CMD (39) with bus 0x3fca1498[0m [0;37m[ 1707][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:160] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 13 successfully set to type SDMMC_CLK (38) with bus 0x3fca1498[0m [0;37m[ 1719][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:160] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 11 successfully set to type SDMMC_D0 (40) with bus 0x3fca1498[0m 00:00:00 [37msetup: .... SD card found, 30413.8 MB by 30440.0 MB free[0m [0;37m[ 1774][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type LEDC (9) successfully set to 0x4207e868[0m [0;37m[ 1787][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:160] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 10 successfully set to type LEDC (9) with bus 0x3fced698[0m [0;32m[ 1798][I][esp32-hal-ledc.c:151] ledcAttachChannel(): LEDC attached to pin 10 (channel 0, resolution 8)[0m 00:00:00 setup: .... seek for WiFi networks[0m [0;32m[ 2172][I][WiFiMulti.cpp:86] addAP(): [WIFI][APlistAdd] add SSID: ROSTELECOM_E328[0m [0;32m[ 2191][I][WiFiMulti.cpp:86] addAP(): [WIFI][APlistAdd] add SSID: ROSTELECOM_E328[0m [0;32m[ 2199][I][WiFiMulti.cpp:86] addAP(): [WIFI][APlistAdd] add SSID: ROSTELECOM_OAD7[0m [0;37m[ 2225][V][NetworkEvents.cpp:119] checkForEvent(): Network Event: 9 - WIFI_READY[0m [0;37m[ 2291][V][STA.cpp:184] _onStaEvent(): STA Started[0m [0;37m[ 2297][V][NetworkEvents.cpp:119] checkForEvent(): Network Event: 11 - STA_START[0m [0;37m[ 2306][V][STA.cpp:110] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Arduino STA Event: 11 - STA_START[0m [0;37m[ 9099][V][WiFiGeneric.cpp:77] _arduino_event_cb(): SCAN Done: ID: 128, Status: 0, Results: 10[0m [0;37m[ 9108][V][NetworkEvents.cpp:119] checkForEvent(): Network Event: 10 - SCAN_DONE[0m [0;32m[ 9117][I][WiFiMulti.cpp:129] run(): [WIFI] scan done[0m [0;32m[ 9123][I][WiFiMulti.cpp:134] run(): [WIFI] 10 networks found[0m [0;36m[ 9130][D][WiFiMulti.cpp:233] run(): 0: [11][90:31:4B:A4:69:59] WIFINVR001243942c76 (-39) () (visible)[0m [0;37m[ 9141][V][WiFiMulti.cpp:175] run(): known ssid: ROSTELECOM_OAD7, has failed: no[0m [0;37m[ 9149][V][WiFiMulti.cpp:208] run(): rssi_scan: -54, bestNetworkDb: -2147483648[0m [0;37m[ 9157][V][WiFiMulti.cpp:211] run(): best network is now: ���?[0m [0;36m[ 9164][D][WiFiMulti.cpp:228] run(): ---> 1: [3][84:A4:23:38:0A:D7] ROSTELECOM_OAD7 (-54) () (visible)[0m [0;36m[ 9175][D][WiFiMulti.cpp:233] run(): 2: [1][48:29:E4:5C:56:5E] RT-WiFi-565D (-61) () (visible)[0m [0;36m[ 9185][D][WiFiMulti.cpp:233] run(): 3: [3][00:E0:20:8D:67:A9] WiFi-Repeater (-69) () (visible)[0m [0;37m[ 9195][V][WiFiMulti.cpp:175] run(): known ssid: ROSTELECOM_E328, has failed: no[0m [0;37m[ 9203][V][WiFiMulti.cpp:208] run(): rssi_scan: -73, bestNetworkDb: -54[0m [0;36m[ 9211][D][WiFiMulti.cpp:228] run(): ---> 4: [6][50:FF:20:50:CF:06] ROSTELECOM_E328 (-73) () (visible)[0m [0;36m[ 9222][D][WiFiMulti.cpp:233] run(): 5: [1][84:D8:1B:61:D3:47] TP-Link_D347 (-78) () (visible)[0m [0;37m[ 9232][V][WiFiMulti.cpp:175] run(): known ssid: ROSTELECOM_E328, has failed: no[0m [0;37m[ 9240][V][WiFiMulti.cpp:208] run(): rssi_scan: -88, bestNetworkDb: -54[0m [0;36m[ 9247][D][WiFiMulti.cpp:228] run(): ---> 6: [8][50:FF:20:96:34:60] ROSTELECOM_E328 (-88) () (visible)[0m [0;36m[ 9258][D][WiFiMulti.cpp:233] run(): 7: [10][74:9D:79:D2:73:54] RT-WiFi-7352 (-88) () (visible)[0m [0;36m[ 9268][D][WiFiMulti.cpp:233] run(): 8: [11][F0:82:61:70:F0:48] ROSTELECOM_F047 (-92) () (visible)[0m [0;36m[ 9279][D][WiFiMulti.cpp:233] run(): 9: [8][EC:4C:4D:A2:78:98] RT-WiFi_7898 (-93) () (visible)[0m [0;37m[ 9289][V][WiFiMulti.cpp:239] run(): foundCount = 3, failCount = 0[0m [0;32m[ 9296][I][WiFiMulti.cpp:249] run(): [WIFI] Connecting BSSID: 84:A4:23:38:0A:D7 SSID: ROSTELECOM_OAD7 Channel: 3 (-54)[0m [0;33m[ 9308][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected.[0m [0;37m[ 10398][V][STA.cpp:214] _onStaEvent(): STA Disconnected: SSID: ROSTELECOM_OAD7, BSSID: 84:a4:23:38:0a:d7, Reason: 2[0m [0;37m[ 10409][V][NetworkEvents.cpp:119] checkForEvent(): Network Event: 14 - STA_DISCONNECTED[0m [0;37m[ 10418][V][STA.cpp:110] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Arduino STA Event: 14 - STA_DISCONNECTED[0m [0;33m[ 10427][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 2 - AUTH_EXPIRE[0m [0;36m[ 10434][D][STA.cpp:153] _onStaArduinoEvent(): WiFi Reconnect Running[0m [0;33m[ 10442][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected.[0m [0;37m[ 11524][V][STA.cpp:214] _onStaEvent(): STA Disconnected: SSID: ROSTELECOM_OAD7, BSSID: 84:a4:23:38:0a:d7, Reason: 2[0m [0;37m[ 11536][V][NetworkEvents.cpp:119] checkForEvent(): Network Event: 14 - STA_DISCONNECTED[0m [0;37m[ 11545][V][STA.cpp:110] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Arduino STA Event: 14 - STA_DISCONNECTED[0m [0;33m[ 11553][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 2 - AUTH_EXPIRE[0m [0;36m[ 11561][D][STA.cpp:156] _onStaArduinoEvent(): WiFi AutoReconnect Running[0m [0;33m[ 11568][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected.[0m [0;37m[ 12651][V][STA.cpp:214] _onStaEvent(): STA Disconnected: SSID: ROSTELECOM_OAD7, BSSID: 84:a4:23:38:0a:d7, Reason: 2[0m [0;37m[ 12662][V][NetworkEvents.cpp:119] checkForEvent(): Network Event: 14 - STA_DISCONNECTED[0m [0;37m[ 12671][V][STA.cpp:110] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Arduino STA Event: 14 - STA_DISCONNECTED[0m [0;33m[ 12680][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 2 - AUTH_EXPIRE[0m [0;36m[ 12687][D][STA.cpp:156] _onStaArduinoEvent(): WiFi AutoReconnect Running[0m [0;33m[ 12695][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected.[0m [0;37m[ 13777][V][STA.cpp:214] _onStaEvent(): STA Disconnected: SSID: ROSTELECOM_OAD7, BSSID: 84:a4:23:38:0a:d7, Reason: 2[0m [0;37m[ 13789][V][NetworkEvents.cpp:119] checkForEvent(): Network Event: 14 - STA_DISCONNECTED[0m [0;37m[ 13797][V][STA.cpp:110] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Arduino STA Event: 14 - STA_DISCONNECTED[0m [0;33m[ 13806][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 2 - AUTH_EXPIRE[0m [0;36m[ 13813][D][STA.cpp:156] _onStaArduinoEvent(): WiFi AutoReconnect Running[0m [0;33m[ 13821][W][STA.cpp:537] disconnect(): STA already disconnected.[0m [0;31m[ 14338][E][WiFiMulti.cpp:301] run(): [WIFI] Connecting Failed (6).[0m [0;36m[ 14345][D][WiFiMulti.cpp:327] markAsFailed(): [WIFI] Marked SSID ROSTELECOM_OAD7 as failed[0m [0;37m[ 14356][V][STA.cpp:214] _onStaEvent(): STA Disconnected: SSID: ROSTELECOM_OAD7, BSSID: 84:a4:23:38:0a:d7, Reason: 202[0m [0;37m[ 14367][V][NetworkEvents.cpp:119] checkForEvent(): Network Event: 14 - STA_DISCONNECTED[0m [0;37m[ 14368][V][STA.cpp:188] _onStaEvent(): STA Stopped[0m [0;37m[ 14382][V][STA.cpp:110] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Arduino STA Event: 14 - STA_DISCONNECTED[0m [0;33m[ 14391][W][STA.cpp:135] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Reason: 202 - AUTH_FAIL[0m [0;37m[ 14398][V][NetworkEvents.cpp:119] checkForEvent(): Network Event: 12 - STA_STOP[0m [0;37m[ 14406][V][STA.cpp:110] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Arduino STA Event: 12 - STA_STOP[0m [0;37m[ 14417][V][NetworkEvents.cpp:119] checkForEvent(): Network Event: 8 - WIFI_OFF[0m [0;37m[ 14425][V][NetworkInterface.cpp:264] destroyNetif(): Unregistered event handler[0m 00:00:00 WiFI_info: [31mWiFi credentials are not correct[0m [0;37m[ 14449][V][NetworkEvents.cpp:119] checkForEvent(): Network Event: 9 - WIFI_READY[0m [0;37m[ 14461][V][STA.cpp:184] _onStaEvent(): STA Started[0m [0;37m[ 14466][V][NetworkEvents.cpp:119] checkForEvent(): Network Event: 11 - STA_START[0m [0;37m[ 14475][V][STA.cpp:110] _onStaArduinoEvent(): Arduino STA Event: 11 - STA_START[0m [0;37m[ 16771][V][WiFiGeneric.cpp:77] _arduino_event_cb(): SCAN Done: ID: 129, Status: 0, Results: 9[0m [0;37m[ 16780][V][NetworkEvents.cpp:119] checkForEvent(): Network Event: 10 - SCAN_DONE[0m 00:00:00 setup: .... 9 WiFi networks found[0m 00:00:00 setup: .... [32mWIFINVR001243942c76 (-39)[0m 00:00:00 setup: .... [32mRT-WiFi-565D (-61)[0m 00:00:00 setup: .... [32mROSTELECOM_OAD7 (-69)[0m 00:00:00 setup: .... [32mWiFi-Repeater (-71)[0m 00:00:00 setup: .... [32mROSTELECOM_E328 (-73)[0m 00:00:00 setup: .... [32mTP-Link_D347 (-77)[0m 00:00:00 setup: .... [32mROSTELECOM_E328 (-86)[0m 00:00:00 setup: .... [32mRT-WiFi-7352 (-90)[0m 00:00:00 setup: .... [32mROSTELECOM_F047 (-92)[0m [0;37m[ 16836][V][AP.cpp:106] _onApEvent(): AP Started[0m [0;37m[ 16842][V][NetworkEvents.cpp:119] checkForEvent(): Network Event: 19 - AP_START[0m [0;37m[ 16850][V][AP.cpp:88] _onApArduinoEvent(): Arduino AP Event: 19 - AP_START[0m 00:00:00 Accesspoint: [31mIP:[0m 00:00:00 setup: .... connected to [36m[37m, IP address is [36m0.0.0.0[37m, Received Signal Strength [36m0[37m dB[0m 00:00:00 audiotask: is pinned to core [36m0[0m 00:00:00 audiotask: priority is [36m2[0m 00:00:00 AUDIO_info: [32mcommFMT = Philips[0m 00:00:00 setup: .... number of saved stations: [36m26[0m 00:00:00 setup: .... number of saved favourites: [36m15[0m 00:00:00 setup: .... current station number: [36m1[0m 00:00:00 setup: .... current volume: [36m21[0m 00:00:00 setup: .... volume steps: [36m21[0m 00:00:00 setup: .... volume after alarm: [36m12[0m 00:00:00 setup: .... last connected host: [36m[0m 00:00:00 setup: .... connection timeout: [36m2500[37m ms[0m 00:00:00 setup: .... connection timeout SSL: [36m3500[37m ms[0m [0;37m[ 17289][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type I2C_MASTER_SDA (30) successfully set to 0x4207e0b0[0m [0;37m[ 17302][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type I2C_MASTER_SCL (31) successfully set to 0x4207e0b0[0m [0;32m[ 17315][I][esp32-hal-i2c.c:109] i2cInit(): Initializing I2C Master: sda=41 scl=42 freq=400000[0m [0;37m[ 17324][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:160] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 41 successfully set to type I2C_MASTER_SDA (30) with bus 0x1[0m [0;37m[ 17336][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:160] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 42 successfully set to type I2C_MASTER_SCL (31) with bus 0x1[0m =========== After Setup Start ============ INTERNAL Memory Info:

Total Size : 325588 B ( 318.0 KB) Free Bytes : 191700 B ( 187.2 KB) Allocated Bytes : 124064 B ( 121.2 KB) Minimum Free Bytes: 187732 B ( 183.3 KB) Largest Free Block: 180212 B ( 176.0 KB)

SPIRAM Memory Info:

Total Size : 8388608 B (8192.0 KB) Free Bytes : 8262864 B (8069.2 KB) Allocated Bytes : 116344 B ( 113.6 KB) Minimum Free Bytes: 8261836 B (8068.2 KB) Largest Free Block: 8257524 B (8064.0 KB)

GPIO Info:

GPIO : BUS_TYPE[bus/unit][chan]

 4 : GPIO
 8 : GPIO
10 : LEDC[0][0]
11 : SDMMC_D0
12 : GPIO
15 : GPIO
39 : GPIO
41 : I2C_MASTER_SDA[0]
42 : I2C_MASTER_SCL[0]
43 : UART_TX[0]
44 : UART_RX[0]

============ After Setup End ============= 00:00:00 ftpServer: Ftp server waiting for connection on port [36m21[0m ESP-ROM:esp32s3-20210327 Build:Mar 27 2021 rst:0x1 (POWERON),boot:0x8 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) SPIWP:0xee mode:DIO, clock div:1 load:0x3fce3818,len:0x109c load:0x403c9700,len:0x4 load:0x403c9704,len:0xb50 load:0x403cc700,len:0x2fd0 entry 0x403c98ac [0;37m[ 460][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_RX (2) successfully set to 0x42080cbc[0m [0;37m[ 472][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_TX (3) successfully set to 0x42080c88[0m [0;37m[ 484][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_CTS (4) successfully set to 0x42080c54[0m [0;37m[ 497][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_RTS (5) successfully set to 0x42080c20[0m [0;37m[ 509][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_RX (2) successfully set to 0x42080cbc[0m [0;37m[ 521][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_TX (3) successfully set to 0x42080c88[0m [0;37m[ 534][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_CTS (4) successfully set to 0x42080c54[0m [0;37m[ 546][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_RTS (5) successfully set to 0x42080c20[0m [0;37m[ 558][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_RX (2) successfully set to 0x42080cbc[0m [0;37m[ 570][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_TX (3) successfully set to 0x42080c88[0m [0;37m[ 583][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_CTS (4) successfully set to 0x42080c54[0m [0;37m[ 595][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type UART_RTS (5) successfully set to 0x42080c20[0m [0;37m[ 607][V][NetworkServer.h:41] NetworkServer(): NetworkServer::NetworkServer(port=21, ...)[0m [0;37m[ 616][V][NetworkServer.h:41] NetworkServer(): NetworkServer::NetworkServer(port=50009, ...)[0m [0;37m[ 626][V][NetworkServer.h:41] NetworkServer(): NetworkServer::NetworkServer(port=80, ...)[0m [0;37m[ 635][V][NetworkServer.h:41] NetworkServer(): NetworkServer::NetworkServer(port=80, ...)[0m [0;37m[ 644][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type GPIO (1) successfully set to 0x42140560[0m [0;37m[ 656][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:160] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 15 successfully set to type GPIO (1) with bus 0x10[0m [0;37m[ 667][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type GPIO (1) successfully set to 0x42140560[0m [0;37m[ 679][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:160] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 39 successfully set to type GPIO (1) with bus 0x28[0m [0;32m[ 690][I][esp32-hal-psram.c:90] psramInit(): PSRAM enabled[0m [0;37m[ 789][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:160] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 44 successfully set to type UART_RX (2) with bus 0x3fc97564[0m [0;37m[ 801][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:160] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 43 successfully set to type UART_TX (3) with bus 0x3fc97564[0m =========== Before Setup Start =========== Chip Info:

Model : ESP32-S3 Package : 0 Revision : 2 Cores : 2 CPU Frequency : 240 MHz XTAL Frequency : 40 MHz Features Bitfield : 0x00000012 Embedded Flash : No Embedded PSRAM : No 2.4GHz WiFi : Yes Classic BT : No BT Low Energy : Yes IEEE 802.15.4 : No

INTERNAL Memory Info:

Total Size : 325588 B ( 318.0 KB) Free Bytes : 248464 B ( 242.6 KB) Allocated Bytes : 70684 B ( 69.0 KB) Minimum Free Bytes: 243144 B ( 237.4 KB) Largest Free Block: 225268 B ( 220.0 KB)

SPIRAM Memory Info:

Total Size : 8388608 B (8192.0 KB) Free Bytes : 8312392 B (8117.6 KB) Allocated Bytes : 68768 B ( 67.2 KB) Minimum Free Bytes: 8312392 B (8117.6 KB) Largest Free Block: 8257524 B (8064.0 KB) Bus Mode : OPI

Flash Info:

Chip Size : 16777216 B (16 MB) Block Size : 65536 B ( 64.0 KB) Sector Size : 4096 B ( 4.0 KB) Page Size : 256 B ( 0.2 KB) Bus Speed : 80 MHz Bus Mode : QIO

Partitions Info:

        otadata : addr: 0x0000E000, size:     8.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: OTA
            nvs : addr: 0x00010000, size:   256.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: NVS
           app0 : addr: 0x00050000, size:  3776.0 KB, type:  APP, subtype: OTA_0
           app1 : addr: 0x00400000, size:  3776.0 KB, type:  APP, subtype: OTA_1
           ffat : addr: 0x007B0000, size:  8448.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: FAT
       coredump : addr: 0x00FF0000, size:    64.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: COREDUMP

Software Info:

Compile Date/Time : Sep 12 2024 20:38:15 ESP-IDF Version : v5.1.4-586-gb6b4727c58-dirty Arduino Version : 3.0.4

Board Info:

Arduino Board : Espressif ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1-N16R8V (16 MB QD, 8MB PSRAM) Arduino Variant : esp32s3 Core Debug Level : 5 Arduino Runs Core : 1 Arduino Events on : 1 CDC On Boot : 0 ============ Before Setup End ============ [0;37m[ 1151][V][esp32-hal-uart.c:408] uartBegin(): UART0 baud(115200) Mode(800001c) rxPin(44) txPin(43)[0m [0;37m[ 1161][V][esp32-hal-uart.c:497] uartBegin(): UART0 not installed. Starting installation[0m [0;37m[ 1170][V][esp32-hal-uart.c:560] uartBegin(): UART0 initialization done.[0m

ESP32 Chip: ESP32-S3 Arduino Version: 3.0.4 ESP-IDF Version: 5.1.4 MiniWebRadio Version 3.4bd - Sep 09/202 ARDUINO_LOOP_STACK_SIZE 8192 words (32 bit) FLASH size 16777216 bytes, speed 80 MHz CPU speed 240 MHz SDMMC speed 80 MHz TFT speed 40 MHz PSRAM total size: 8388608 bytes RESET_REASON: Reset due to power-on event