schreibfaul1 / ESP32-audioI2S

Play mp3 files from SD via I2S
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Decoding trouble drops samples #656

Closed mmar22 closed 8 months ago

mmar22 commented 8 months ago

I have spdif hw working now perfectly without drops on

define STATION ""

//#define STATION ""

but other stations drops in audio (issue isnt network ) //#define STATION "" //48k //#define STATION ""

can you pls check on your side what is problem , i cant test I2S on my side. If i good seems as variable bitrates is isssue maybe

FYI i use separate task

void task_AAloop(void)
  for( ;; )
  //  if (!audio.isRunning())  sleep(1);
    vTaskDelay(1 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);     //realy reqiured audio.loop fill buffer more as 1ms
    if( !audio.isRunning() && !setuponce) audio.connecttohost(STATION);  //recon
schreibfaul1 commented 8 months ago

Normally, an OGG frame consists of many segments with a size of a few KB to max. 64KB. there has only one segment, the OGG frame is <= 256 bytes. I suspect a timing problem, the ESP32-S3 manages it without stutter, the ESP32 does not. Probably the access times of the PSRAM play a role, which are shorter with the ESP32-S3.

mmar22 commented 8 months ago

Im on S3 and as i wtite used separate task . But this blocked mutex other tasks when not used vTaskDelay .(crash on wdt} I ask exist in your lib method to setup buffering amount in one audio.loop? Im not expert RTOS , but cant handle wiyh your loop code real multitask.

schreibfaul1 commented 8 months ago

The S3 also plays Walmradio without a task. Only with the example code on the start page.

I only used mutex in "critical sections" to avoid double accesses and collisions. Here is an example of a separate task:

mmar22 commented 8 months ago

Try place led blink in your example and you see void loop(){ // your own code here }

schreibfaul1 commented 8 months ago

No led, but a log every second:

void loop(){
    static uint32_t t = millis() + 1000;
    if(t < millis()){
      log_i("output every 1000ms");
      t = millis() + 1000;
mmar22 commented 8 months ago

Aghhh you simply dont understand create many tasks and your separate and test it ... My app use 7 tasks and work ok with mp3, but not aac ogg

mmar22 commented 8 months ago

Hi i test today your latest changes and opus seems fill buffer more better. Can you pls check too AAC efectivity. I have trouble with ""

mmar22 commented 8 months ago

@schreibfaul1 here my log for ok mp3 image

left marked number is skipped audio samples counter = need stay constant second is xring 16k buffer fill level = more as 10k is ok

for AAC skip stay increment and buff level isnt over 8k

schreibfaul1 commented 8 months ago

This looks different in my test environment: ESP32 PSRAM deactivated, image

with PSRAM the fill level is about 70KB

mmar22 commented 8 months ago

Hmm ok i change wifi router and seems is wifi based. Now AAC works too. Thanks i close this, but on your image is 22050 samplerate, seems as somethink odd and AAC still is MCU extensive, with lvgl anim still samples lost