schroef / Illustrator-Scripts

Collection of gathered / custom made Illustrator script
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renderSwatchLegend #5

Open creold opened 7 months ago

creold commented 7 months ago

Unobvious behavior of the script. It forcibly adds a string of color values in the current color model of the document, while we can also select the same color with a checkbox. Because of this, the information is duplicated :-)

We can check the checkbox status. If CMYK is checked and the document color model is CMYK, do not duplicate the information. Similarly for RGB document and RGB checkbox.


schroef commented 7 months ago

I'm not sure I follow. It seems duplocate, but it's infact the name of the color. If the color is CMYK but it's saved in a different manner, than the name is shown. If a color is saved thought the color panel, illustrator adds the name as a color value.

creold commented 7 months ago

Ahah. My fault for not realizing it was the swatch name. Then maybe add a separate "Add swatch name" checkbox to the dialog? For those who don't need the swatch name, just the values.

schroef commented 7 months ago

I was already thinking of that now when you mentioned this "issue" ;)

Currently working on an idea to do gradients. Buts its a huge hustle converting this script. Perhaps i just need to re-work it. In it current form running over the color-stops is hardly impossible for it to run well

creold commented 7 months ago

I agree with your thought. There is a lot of legacy code accumulated and maybe a full refactoring is needed to add a loop of gradient color stops and they are parsed by a common function that gets color components.

schroef commented 7 months ago

I did have another script called jd-export, this has a much smaller function for the loop. But its limited in the out out. I have already added the gradient colors to that this week. I think I can have a test using that function and combining it in this script

The script outputs a CSV file l, with per row all the color components

It's also in this repo, I just added it

schroef commented 7 months ago


I added your idea for the color name as an option. See this commit; ad9ee654f00b929e4bb775d091c59df22fec5ddb

creold commented 7 months ago

Thank you. Now I don't get confused with channel values when the default swatch name is also made up of color values 😁

This option makes it even clearer what the script will do before you click OK. I can get only names without channels, or I can have the script create only colored rectangles of swatches without any text at all.

schroef commented 7 months ago


Ps i checked your GitHub and you have such great tools and love how well written all the documentation is. I guess you also do logo design. I made this tool, actually upgraded some else's basic tool, to a full logo export panel for illustrator. It will automatically export all the logos, 4 types, into all the needed formats. It's does this in seconds. I used to do this manually and it takes couple hours sometimes. It's a bit like the paid version named logo package, this one is free though. Perhaps it comes in handy for you

creold commented 7 months ago

Thanks for reviewing my repositories on Github. I remember the commercials for the logo package extension. I saw your "Logo Packer" for the first time, interesting development. I will keep the extension in mind for the future. I hardly make logos, I mostly draw illustrations for digital services.

schroef commented 7 months ago

Ah I see, I did notice you do lots of illustrations. Than I guess the default export for screens works good enough