schteppe / p2.js

JavaScript 2D physics library
2.63k stars 330 forks source link

npm finds 119 vulnerabilities on install #351

Open oatkiller opened 4 years ago

oatkiller commented 4 years ago


I'm going to take a crack at fixing this unless I'm told not to.

P.S. Thanks for the cool library

oatkiller commented 4 years ago

@schteppe I can get rid of 10 vulnerabilities by swapping in grunt-jsdoc in place of grunt-contrib-yuidoc. Any objection? The docs look prettier similar:





No doubt there are minor issues with this swap, but I think the vulnerabilities are a bigger deal.

Only 109 now image

oatkiller commented 4 years ago

@schteppe The next big issue is nodeunit. I'm going to take a stab at replacing it w/ jest. My reasoning is simple: lots of people use jest and most modern JS testing frameworks are largely the same. Any objections there?

oatkiller commented 4 years ago

Good job on having so many tests :) I'm making some progress moving things to jest, but it could take a while. I'll follow up when I get those vulnerabilities to 0.

oatkiller commented 4 years ago

Still working through porting the tests to jest. I'll get there. Please let me know if this work is something you'll be willing to consider merging.

jtenner commented 4 years ago

I appreciate this work! I have no idea if @schteppe plans on supporting p2.js any more. It's difficult work and this project has been pretty silent for the path few years.