schubergphilis / vagrant-chef-zero

Vagrant Plugin for Chef Zero
Apache License 2.0
91 stars 42 forks source link

Native Extensions with Alt Shells #53

Open baweaver opened 10 years ago

baweaver commented 10 years ago

My default shell is ZSH, vagrant is running in Bash for some reason. As RVM isn't sourced in bash, it causes issues with native gems. Is there a way to force Vagrant to use the current shell of the user to prevent this issue?

dep_selector is the gem that causes issues. It's resolved with just installing it via ZSH still broken even with switching shells and getting RVM sourced.

baweaver commented 10 years ago

This also being related to the berkshelf plugin issue

andrewgross commented 10 years ago

Thanks for opening this, unsure if there is a good way to deal with this.