schuhumi / gnome-shell-extension-onboard-integration

Replaces Gnomes integrated virtual keyboard with onboard
16 stars 3 forks source link

Not working in 3.26 #7

Open bluuub opened 6 years ago

bluuub commented 6 years ago

Hi there, I used this extension on a Surface Pro 3 running Arch Linux + GNOME. Used to work perfectly but the update to 3.26 broke functionality (it can not be enabled anymore). Any chance you will update this? Or maybe you can point me in the right direction where to start investigating the issue (I am no GNOME developer).


bluuub commented 6 years ago

I just realized that it can still be enabled. The Onboard part seems to work just fine. The problem is that caribou opens on every touch, which is very annoying since the tablet can basically not be used like that. So the disabling of caribou seems to be not available in G3.26.

rickysarraf commented 6 years ago

Yes. I realized the same recently. BTW, this should now be reported to Onboard upstream. Can you please file a bug here:

rickysarraf commented 6 years ago

The interface in 3.26 has changed.

Oct 23 09:39:10 priyasi gnome-shell[15016]: JS ERROR: TypeError: Main.keyboard.Show is not a function
yesrod commented 3 years ago

New interface is at , specifically the KeyboardManager() function.


The changes I'm working on are for but they should apply here as well. Not sure what the "right" way is to handle these changes across multiple versions of GNOME Shell - is there a variable somewhere that provides the current version of GNOME Shell?

PeterPorker3 commented 2 years ago

Well I with I saw this thread before I spent 4 hours figuring all that out... but anyways today I have forked the repo and made some changes to make it work with more recent versions of GNOME Shell (3.36 in this case). You can find the source here: and I am waiting for it to get approved on Feel free to contribute there, it's very far from perfect and any help is appreciated!