schulz3000 / deepstreamNet

dotnet Client for
MIT License
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Problem running .net core 2.1 on linux #37

Open xalikoutis opened 6 years ago

xalikoutis commented 6 years ago


Just updated on .net core 2.1 and works just great from my dev windows machine when connecting to deepstream 3.10 but when i deploy it to linux (docker) it works randomly. Most of the times stucks in client.LoginAsync() forever really forever an hour and so.

var client = new DeepStreamClient(host, Convert.ToInt16(port), "deepstream",Convert.ToBoolean(secure));

            if (await client.LoginAsync(user, pass))
                var notifications = await _mediator.Send(new NotificationsQuery.GetNotifications(){UserId = userid});               
                IDeepStreamRecord record = await client.Records.GetRecordAsync($"user/{userid}");               
                await client.Records.SetWithAckAsync(record, notifications);               

Till now was on .net core 2.0 and was working great in production.

andreabat commented 6 years ago

Not sure if related, on Linux netcore 2.1

IDeepStreamRecord record_activity = await client.Records.GetRecordAsync(id);

randomly ( most of the time ) raises a ACK_TIMEOUT.

Running dockerized deepstream 3.1.4 on centos:7

schulz3000 commented 5 years ago

I have no linux box available at the moment. @xalikoutis Have you tested if your deepstream endpoint is accesible via another client? e.g. the javascript implementation?

xalikoutis commented 5 years ago

Yes it works in my Angular 7 app