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Carousel touch #8

Closed schweigenderFlugel closed 1 month ago

schweigenderFlugel commented 1 month ago

One problem that I found is when you're trying to move the carousel of tags using a touch screen. Use the following block of code as a reference:

// Carousel.astro
const images = [

<div class="relative overflow-hidden w-full h-64">
  <div id="carousel" class="flex transition-transform duration-300">
    {, index) => (
      <img src={src} alt={`Slide ${index + 1}`} class="w-full h-full object-cover" />

  let startX;
  let currentTranslate = 0;
  let prevTranslate = 0;
  let animationID;
  const carousel = document.getElementById('carousel');

  function touchStart(event) {
    startX = event.touches[0].clientX;
    animationID = requestAnimationFrame(animation);
    carousel.addEventListener('touchmove', touchMove);
    carousel.addEventListener('touchend', touchEnd);

  function touchMove(event) {
    const currentX = event.touches[0].clientX;
    currentTranslate = prevTranslate + currentX - startX;

  function touchEnd() {
    prevTranslate = currentTranslate;
    carousel.removeEventListener('touchmove', touchMove);
    carousel.removeEventListener('touchend', touchEnd);

  function animation() { = `translateX(${currentTranslate}px)`;

  carousel.addEventListener('touchstart', touchStart);

  /* Opcional: Estilo personalizado si es necesario */
schweigenderFlugel commented 1 month ago

This code was included on the code with some modifications.