schwilklab / skyisland-climate

Climate data and code for Sky Island project
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git and github steps for working in a "private" branch of this repo #17

Closed dschwilk closed 8 years ago

dschwilk commented 8 years ago

Set up local copy of repo

# get local clone of repository (I use ssh, you may use https)
 git clone

# move to "root" folder of repo
cd  skyisland-climate

# list branches available (local and remote):
git branch -a 

Create or move to a "private" branch for work

create new branch with "master" as the parent

# make sure you are in master (git status) or switch to master: git checkout master
# create branch and switch to it in one step:
# git checkout -b [name_of_your_new_branch], eg:

git checkout -b hpoulos-rfmodels

If the branch already exists

git checkout hpoulos-rfmodels

NOTE: the detached head state happens when you are in a local branch such as master, and check out a DIFFERENT BRANCH from a remote. So you are in local master and checkout origin rfmodels. You know need to make a branch called rfmodels (or something else) and set up tracking. In that case, what was probably needed was a merge, not a checkout.

Typical private branch workflow

Before writing new code

# a new day, starting some work, so first, let's make sure our master is up to date with 
# origin (schwilklab/skyisland-climate on github):
git checkout master
git fetch
git merge
# the previous two commands can be combined as git pull 

# Note any changes, look at commits maybe inspect diffs if you want, then switch to 
# your private branch:
git checkout hpoulos-rfmodels

# optional: bring in changes from master
git merge master 

# or, if you want to "replay" these on your current branch:
git rebase master

Committing your new code

Note: making nice commit messages is easier with a default editor named in your global gitconfig, or through rstudio, emacs, or other interface. Also, interactively selecting hunks to commit can be very useful if you've made a bunch of changes and want to commit them as separate commits. This happens a lot: I update some data in one file, then write some related code editing two files, then fix an unrelated typo in a fourth file. These really should be three separate commits.

I'll show how to do this using the command line, but these really common commands are worth accessing through a keyboard shortcut interface, editor, etc.

# make some changes then check what you have changed
git diff
# or 
git diff [filename]

# then, if satisfied, stage them using git add
git add [modifed file]

# or, to stage all changes in the working directory including deleted files:
git add -A 

# other variants for staging:
git add .   # stages new and modified, without deleted
git add -u # stages modified and deleted, without new

# Check what you have staged before  you commit!
git status
# maybe check a diff to be sure:
git diff --staged

# now commit those staged changes or check and unstage if you made a mistake
git commit # will open up an editor

# to just give a one liner commit message (not good form!):
# git commit -m"Commit message"

Some notes on commit messages:

Commit messages have two parts: a first line (50 chars or less), and a body (wrap at 79 chars to be nice). Some discussion of writing good messages:

If the commit fixes a github issue include something like "fixes #8" in the commit

Pushing commits to github so others can see them

Push with some frequency. You don't need to push as often as you commit, but if you are working in a private branch, there is little cost: we can always fix things if you push something messy or even rewrite commit messages, squash commits etc. Our rule in the lab is if a branch begins with your name or github username, then no one else should push to it. they can merge from it into there branches, but should not push to yours.

# You've committed changes and the repo is clean, lets check:
git status # we want to see "working directory clean"

# ok, so let's push

# you'll get an error because git does not know where to push this, not what remote, no what branch on that remote. But git will tell you what to do:

git push --set-upstream origin hpoulos-rfmodels

# next time, a simple "git push" will work

Pull requests and merging

We can merge our hpoulos-rfmodels branch in in one of two ways:

  1. through the GitHub interface (merge happens on github server copy of repo) or
  2. By switching to master, and doing a simple git merge hpoulos-rfmodels, and then pushing the result.

Regardless of how we actually do the merge, since we use github, go ahead and open up a pull request first through the GitHub interface.

hpoulos commented 8 years ago

I encountered some errors when I attempted to push commits to github so others can see them. I was able to commit my changes to my local repository, but then when I entered git push --set upstream origin hpoulos-rfmodels I got:

fatal" 'upstream' does not appear to be a git repository fatal: could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.

I also tried merge hpoulos-rfmodels and got sh.exe": merge: command not found

hpoulos commented 8 years ago

I attempted to do the commits and pulling through the rstudio interface after the above comment. This would ultimately be easier since the GUI menus are right next to the code I'm editing. I pushed to master, and I get the message that I am up to date with origin/master. Does anything appear on github on your end?

dschwilk commented 8 years ago

You have a typo, the option is --set-upstream, not --set:

git push --set-upstream origin schwilk-testbranch
dschwilk commented 8 years ago

Please don't push to master. You did not because I see no new commits in master. But don't try to. I also see no new branch so you have not pushed that. You are "up to date with origin/master" -- that means you successfully fetched and merged. Now switch out of master to do some work.

dschwilk commented 8 years ago

Re your error with "merge", you have another typo: the command is git merge You received an error from bash because "merge" is not a bash command. "merge" is a git subcommand.

dschwilk commented 8 years ago

I've put a copy of this in the schwilklab/protocols repo:

So I'm closing this issue.