There are multiple columns for lat and lon in papers.csv. Why? Only a few rows have data in those additional columns. What does that represent?
There are many papers with no FuelType. Are these ones you want me (schwilk) to check? For FuelType, why are some cells blank and others "NA"? Is there a difference in meaning? It looks like there is NA for papers we did not use but blank for those we did.
I removed the additional lat and lon values. They were there because some papers took place in multiple locations. However, they weren't far enough away from each other for it to make a difference, so the extra info was not needed. I picked a single representative lat and lon.
The NA's are for when papers had only "Thin" treatments and no "Burn" treatments. No burning means there was no fuel. If there are blanks, they should be NA's, but I couldn't spot any.