sci-bots / conda-helpers

Helper functions, etc. for Conda environments
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Profile performance of various conda operations #1

Open cfobel opened 7 years ago

cfobel commented 7 years ago

In a Windows MicroDrop Conda environment, conda commands seem to execute quite slowly.

This issue proposes profiling various conda operations to determine performance bottlenecks.

cfobel commented 7 years ago


conda search -c microdrop-plugins --override-channels --json

Log from line_profiler



The vast majority of time is spent on calls to linked(prefix) and extracted() (see conda/cli/ lines 161-162).

The following profiler output shows that these lines account for nearly 95% of the run time:

Total time: 17.7298 s
File: C:\Users\chris\Miniconda2\lib\site-packages\conda\cli\
Function: execute_search at line 130

Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
   130                                           @profile
   131                                           def execute_search(args, parser):
   132         1           40     40.0      0.0      import re
   133         1           61     61.0      0.0      from conda.resolve import Resolve
   135         1           22     22.0      0.0      if args.reverse_dependency:
   136                                                   if not args.regex:
   137                                                       parser.error("--reverse-dependency requires at least one package name")
   138                                                   if args.spec:
   139                                                       parser.error("--reverse-dependency does not work with --spec")
   141         1           17     17.0      0.0      pat = None
   142         1           16     16.0      0.0      ms = None
   143         1           17     17.0      0.0      if args.regex:
   144                                                   if args.spec:
   145                                                       ms = ' '.join(args.regex.split('='))
   146                                                   else:
   147                                                       regex = args.regex
   148                                                       if args.full_name:
   149                                                           regex = r'^%s$' % regex
   150                                                       try:
   151                                                           pat = re.compile(regex, re.I)
   152                                                       except re.error as e:
   153                                                           raise CommandArgumentError("Failed to compile regex pattern for "
   154                                                                                      "search: %(regex)s\n"
   155                                                                                      "regex error: %(regex_error)s",
   156                                                                                      regex=regex, regex_error=repr(e))
   158         1          796    796.0      0.0      prefix = context.prefix_w_legacy_search
   160         1           33     33.0      0.0      import conda.install
   162         1     14164129 14164129.0     34.2      linked = conda.install.linked(prefix)
   163         1     24749352 24749352.0     59.7      extracted = conda.install.extracted()
   165                                               # XXX: Make this work with more than one platform
   166         1           23     23.0      0.0      platform = args.platform or ''
   167         1           17     17.0      0.0      if platform and platform != context.subdir:
   168                                                   args.unknown = False
   169         1           29     29.0      0.0      ensure_use_local(args)
   170         1           28     28.0      0.0      ensure_override_channels_requires_channel(args, dashc=False)
   171         1           17     17.0      0.0      channel_urls = or ()
   172         1           23     23.0      0.0      index = get_index(channel_urls=channel_urls, prepend=not args.override_channels,
   173         1           18     18.0      0.0                        platform=args.platform, use_local=args.use_local,
   174         1           17     17.0      0.0                        use_cache=args.use_index_cache, prefix=None,
   175         1      1541795 1541795.0      3.7                        unknown=args.unknown)
   177         1         1543   1543.0      0.0      r = Resolve(index)
   179         1           30     30.0      0.0      if args.canonical:
   180                                                   json = []
   181                                               else:
   182         1           21     21.0      0.0          json = {}
   184         1           21     21.0      0.0      names = []
   185         6          153     25.5      0.0      for name in sorted(r.groups):
   186         5          117     23.4      0.0          if '@' in name:
   187                                                       continue
   188         5          111     22.2      0.0          if args.reverse_dependency:
   189                                                       ms_name = ms
   190                                                       for pkg in r.groups[name]:
   191                                                           for dep in r.ms_depends(pkg):
   192                                                               if
   193                                                                   names.append((name, Package(pkg, r.index[pkg])))
   194                                                   else:
   195         5          103     20.6      0.0              if pat and is None:
   196                                                           continue
   197         5          104     20.8      0.0              if ms and name != ms.split()[0]:
   198                                                           continue
   200         5          104     20.8      0.0              if ms:
   201                                                           ms_name = ms
   202                                                       else:
   203         5          101     20.2      0.0                  ms_name = name
   205         5         5741   1148.2      0.0              pkgs = sorted(r.get_pkgs(ms_name))
   206         5          136     27.2      0.0              names.append((name, pkgs))
   208         1           23     23.0      0.0      if args.reverse_dependency:
   209                                                   new_names = []
   210                                                   old = None
   211                                                   for name, pkg in sorted(names, key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1].name, x[1])):
   212                                                       if name == old:
   213                                                           new_names[-1][1].append(pkg)
   214                                                       else:
   215                                                           new_names.append((name, [pkg]))
   216                                                       old = name
   217                                                   names = new_names
   219         6          127     21.2      0.0      for name, pkgs in names:
   220         5          105     21.0      0.0          if args.reverse_dependency:
   221                                                       disp_name = pkgs[0].name
   222                                                   else:
   223         5          102     20.4      0.0              disp_name = name
   225         5          104     20.8      0.0          if args.names_only and not args.outdated:
   226                                                       print(name)
   227                                                       continue
   229         5          105     21.0      0.0          if not args.canonical:
   230         5          112     22.4      0.0              json[name] = []
   232         5          107     21.4      0.0          if args.outdated:
   233                                                       vers_inst = [dist[1] for dist in map(dist2quad, linked)
   234                                                                    if dist[0] == name]
   235                                                       if not vers_inst:
   236                                                           continue
   237                                                       assert len(vers_inst) == 1, name
   238                                                       if not pkgs:
   239                                                           continue
   240                                                       latest = pkgs[-1]
   241                                                       if latest.version == vers_inst[0]:
   242                                                           continue
   243                                                       if args.names_only:
   244                                                           print(name)
   245                                                           continue
   247        12          264     22.0      0.0          for pkg in pkgs:
   248         7          176     25.1      0.0              dist = pkg.fn[:-8]
   249         7          140     20.0      0.0              if args.canonical:
   250                                                           if not context.json:
   251                                                               print(dist)
   252                                                           else:
   253                                                               json.append(dist)
   254                                                           continue
   255         7          141     20.1      0.0              if platform and platform != context.subdir:
   256                                                           inst = ' '
   257         7          180     25.7      0.0              elif dist in linked:
   258         5          103     20.6      0.0                  inst = '*'
   259         2           41     20.5      0.0              elif dist in extracted:
   260         1           18     18.0      0.0                  inst = '.'
   261                                                       else:
   262         1           18     18.0      0.0                  inst = ' '
   264         7         5093    727.6      0.0              if not context.json:
   265                                                           print('%-25s %s  %-15s %15s  %-15s %s' % (
   266                                                               disp_name, inst,
   267                                                               pkg.version,
   268                                                     ,
   269                                                               Channel(,
   270                                                               disp_features(r.features(pkg.fn)),
   271                                                           ))
   272                                                           disp_name = ''
   273                                                       else:
   274         7          161     23.0      0.0                  data = {}
   275         7          278     39.7      0.0                  data.update(
   276         7          157     22.4      0.0                  data.update({
   277         7          148     21.1      0.0                      'fn': pkg.fn,
   278         7          146     20.9      0.0                      'installed': inst == '*',
   279         7          150     21.4      0.0                      'extracted': inst in '*.',
   280         7          143     20.4      0.0                      'version': pkg.version,
   281         7          142     20.3      0.0                      'build':,
   282         7          141     20.1      0.0                      'build_number': pkg.build_number,
   283         7       207425  29632.1      0.5                      'channel': Channel(,
   284         7          197     28.1      0.0                      'full_channel':,
   285         7          403     57.6      0.0                      'features': list(r.features(pkg.fn)),
   286         7          215     30.7      0.0                      'license':'license'),
   287         7          213     30.4      0.0                      'size':'size'),
   288         7          167     23.9      0.0                      'depends':'depends'),
   289         7          384     54.9      0.0                      'type':'type')
   290                                                           })
   292         7          171     24.4      0.0                  if data['type'] == 'app':
   293                                                               data['icon'] = make_icon_url(
   294         7          174     24.9      0.0                  json[name].append(data)
   296         1          725    725.0      0.0      if context.json:
   297         1       776755 776755.0      1.9          stdout_json(json)

N.B., both of these functions employ memoization, BUT this does not help here. The results of the functions are only required once per call to conda search and so must be recomputed from scratch on each call.