sciactive / tinygesture

Very small gesture recognizer for JavaScript. Swipe, pan, tap, doubletap, longpress, pinch, and rotate.
Apache License 2.0
195 stars 18 forks source link

Swipe events does not fire. #13

Open p6laris opened 3 weeks ago

p6laris commented 3 weeks ago

Hi I registered for all four swipe events, but surprisingly only the right one will fire. i don't if it's because of the touch pad or something else:

import TinyGesture from "";

function initSlider(target)
    const instance = new TinyGesture(target);

    instance.on("swipeleft", async event => {
        console.log("swiped left")

    instance.on("swiperight", async event => {
        console.log("swiped right")

    instance.on("swipeup", async event => {
        console.log("swiped up")

    instance.on("swipedown", async event => {
        console.log("swiped down")

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
p6laris commented 2 weeks ago

I managed to make it work by setting the velocityThreshold to 0, and only 0 works. any fix for that would be great. Thanks.

  const instance = new TinyGesture(target, { 
    diagonalSwipes: true,
    velocityThreshold: 0, 