sciai-lab / mutex-watershed

The mutex watershed for image segmentation.
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How to set the stride in compute_mws_segmentation #10

Open HHHit opened 7 months ago

HHHit commented 7 months ago

Inside the code of experiments/isbi/, there is a setting for the stride, which is set as [1,10,10]. I am wondering what is this parameter related to, and how should I modify it when applying to different datasets. Thanks ''' if mws: strides = np.array([1., 10., 10.]) print("Computing mutex watershed segmentation ...") mws_seg, t_mws = mws_result(affs, offsets, strides, randomize_bounds=False) print("... finished in %f s" % t_mws) writeHDF5(mws_seg, os.path.join(result_folder, 'mws.h5'), 'data', compression='gzip') segmentations.append(mws) labels.append('MWS') '''