sciapp / nojava-ipmi-kvm

nojava-ipmi-kvm is a utility to access Java based ipmi kvm consoles without a local java installation.
MIT License
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IPMI Access on SuperMicro - nojava-ipmi-kvm #27

Open mcaselani opened 2 weeks ago

mcaselani commented 2 weeks ago

Hello There!

Im trying to use nojava to access and ipmi endpoint, but while accessing the provided url he almost immediately shuts down de novnc screen and shots a button to reconnect. When i try to do that, the process repeat over and over, i can see vnc trying to connect to something before throwing me back to reconnect button.

Providing a full run with --debug would help ?

its seems to be a problem with javaws or x11vnc, but im not so sure.

Jeff-liaojinfu commented 2 weeks ago


IngoMeyer441 commented 2 weeks ago

Yes, a run with debug output would be helpful. I guess it is some kind of misconfiguration of API endpoints.

mcaselani commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @IngoMeyer441 , thank you for your reply.

Attached the log file output to this quote.


File .nojava-ipmi-kvmrc.yaml content:

    skip_login: False
    login_user: <some_user>
    login_endpoint: cgi/login.cgi
    allow_insecure_ssl: true
    user_login_attribute_name: name
    password_login_attribute_name: pwd
    send_post_data_as_json: False
    session_cookie_key: SID
    download_endpoint: cgi/url_redirect.cgi?url_name=ikvm&url_type=jwsk
    java_version: 8u91
    format_jnlp: False
    based_on: ikvm-supermicro
    full_hostname: <some_host>.fqdn
IngoMeyer441 commented 1 week ago

Thanks for the log output. Your configuration seems to be ok (the jnlp file can be downloaded and executed by javaws), but javaws quits with a segmentation fault:

2024-07-03 16:08:49,413 DEBG 'javaws' stdout output:
SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007ffffe3d73cd, pid=390, tid=140737370728192

For whatever reason, this even kills the X server and this terminates your VNC session.

Did you already try other Java versions? Available ones are: 7u51, 7u79, 7u181, 8u91, 8u242. If these do not work, you have a good chance, that the original Oracle Java implementation works instead. For licensing reasons, this project does not deliver any Oracle Java runtimes, but you can build an image with Oracle Java yourself quite easily:

mcaselani commented 1 week ago

Hey There,

To be honest, i tried this version present in the file and the 7u181 only. I will make some new tests while trying any other version and if i cant get it working, i will try building my own image with Oracle as mentioned.

Will update this thread ASAP with any news. Thank you so much.