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How to write a blog - Review #22

Open suriyadeepan opened 4 years ago

suriyadeepan commented 4 years ago

Review of How to Write a Blog.

Rename the markdown file under posts. Update metadata (front matter).

Nice, clean, reading! is always good read

Good clean read is set up with readability first in mind. Whatever you want to communicate here can be read easily, and without distraction. Of course, it's fully responsive, which means people can read it naturally on any phone, or tablet. Write it in markdown in and get a beautifully published piece.

Not sure if you added this part intentionally.

{% raw %}
{% endraw %}

Do we need the raw, endraw tags?

There are two ways you can include images, either in the form of a table like this:

We need to add the code that renders the images.

| ![](/images/hello.svg) |
| Ah yes, the elusive arrow. Yup, that's an arrow. [source](/images/hello.svg)|

*Ah yes, the elusive arrow. Yup, that's an arrow. [source](/images/hello.svg)*

between every other paragraph if you're desprate for social validation. That's pretty condescending.

Thanks to Shu Uesengi for inspiring and providing the base for this template with his excellent work, solo. Again, this looks like its from the original blog Good Clean Read.

@soham96 I think we should avoid using the content from the blog i mentioned above. We should acknowledge Good Clean Read and Folio as our design choices were mostly borrowed from these templates.

I'd also like to add the following: