scidash / neuronunit

A package for data-driven validation of neuron and ion channel models using SciUnit
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Documenting all Score edge cases that break optimization gradients #231

Open rgerkin opened 4 years ago

rgerkin commented 4 years ago

@russelljjarvis Could you give me a list here of examples of all of the kinds of Score edge cases that are messing up optimization. Some of them may have common solutions so I'd like to collect them in one issue. For example:

See also: russelljjarvis/neuronunit_opt#26, russelljjarvis/neuronunit_opt#27

russelljjarvis commented 4 years ago

I would if I had time, but I am sure that I wont as I am experiencing intense time pressure in other life domains. This could be accomplished by using the inside except clauses of bridge_judge and bridge_passive in the file. See multiple other GH issues (maybe the ones you flagged).

rgerkin commented 4 years ago

Is it OK if all these cases just get returned as InsufficientDataScore or ErrorScore or something like that? Then you can choose what optimizer scores to give them (e.g. the worst numerical score). This will cause discontinuities in the objective function, but I don't know that this can be avoided.

russelljjarvis commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately, I don't yet have the infrastructure in place to catch these bad pre-score values, but score.log_norm_score does fail for some score values.

~/git/sciunit/sciunit/ in judge(self, models, skip_incapable, stop_on_error, deep_error, parallel, log_norm)
    161                 for test in self.tests:
    162                     score = self.judge_one(model, test, sm, skip_incapable,
--> 163                                               stop_on_error, deep_error)
    164                     if log_norm:
    165                         if score.get_raw() != 0:

~/git/sciunit/sciunit/ in judge_one(self, model, test, sm, skip_incapable, stop_on_error, deep_error)
    203                                stop_on_error=stop_on_error,
    204                                deep_error=deep_error)
--> 205             log('Score is <a style="color: rgb(%d,%d,%d)">' % score.color()
    206                 + '%s</a>' % score)
    207         sm.loc[model, test] = score

~/git/sciunit/sciunit/scores/ in color(self, value)
    113         """Turn the score intp an RGB color tuple of three 8-bit integers."""
    114         if value is None:
--> 115             value = self.norm_score
    116         rgb = Score.value_color(value)
    117         return rgb

~/git/sciunit/sciunit/scores/ in norm_score(self)
    168         """Return 1.0 for a ratio of 1, falling to 0.0 for extremely small
    169         or large values."""
--> 170         score = math.log10(self.score)
    171         cdf = (1.0 + math.erf(score / math.sqrt(2.0))) / 2.0
    172         return 1 - 2*math.fabs(0.5 - cdf)

ValueError: math domain error