These are the steps I took to get hushline working on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS with podman containers. Though, this isn't a clean guide, since it also includes the setup instructions used to run hushline without containerization. There are likely redundancies that can be pruned and still get it running.
.PHONY: lint
lint: ## Lint the code
poetry run ruff format --check && \
poetry run ruff check && \
poetry run mypy . && \
podman compose run --rm app npx prettier --check ./*.md ./docs ./.github/workflows/* ./hushline
.PHONY: fix
fix: ## Format the code
poetry run ruff format && \
poetry run ruff check --fix && \
podman compose run --rm app npx prettier --write ./*.md ./docs ./.github/workflows/* ./hushline
.PHONY: test
test: ## Run the test suite
podman compose run --rm app \
poetry run pytest --cov hushline --cov-report term --cov-report html -vv $(PYTEST_ADDOPTS) tests/$(test)
These are the steps I took to get hushline working on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS with podman containers. Though, this isn't a clean guide, since it also includes the setup instructions used to run hushline without containerization. There are likely redundancies that can be pruned and still get it running.
Setup Machine
Custom File Edits
Setup hushline
Run hushline
terminal # 1
terminal # 2
browser # 1
open http://localhost:8080/
Cleanup hushline
close down session
view all containers
shutdown container by ID
clear all shutdown containers
shutdown & clear all containers & data volumes