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v4.0.073 - Não gera XML do Markup #193

Closed javani closed 10 years ago

javani commented 10 years ago

Não gera XML do Markup, apenas via linha de comando.

robertatakenaka commented 10 years ago

Por favor, enviar o arquivo marcado + issue.mds e ??_issue.mds e journal-standard.txt

robertatakenaka commented 10 years ago

Detectei que o problema é incluir no arquivo c:/scielo/bin/markup/python.cfg o caminho completo do python.

Roberta Takenaka

SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online FAPESP - CNPq - BIREME - FapUNIFESP |

Avenida Onze de Junho, 269 04041-050 - São Paulo-SP - Brasil Tel.: 55-11-5083-3639

On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 10:11 AM, javani wrote:

Roberta, Seguem arquivos. Grata,

Javani Araujo SciELO Brasil - FAPESP - CNPq - FAP UNIFESP - BIREME

Avenida Onze de Junho, 269 04041-050 - São Paulo-SP - Brasil Tel.: 55-11-5083-3639 |

Em 16/01/2014 09:48, Roberta Takenaka escreveu:

Por favor, enviar o arquivo marcado + issue.mds e ??_issue.mds e journal-standard.txt

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub < .

Responsible: responsable System Date: 16/01/2014

File Name: C:\PC-Programs4.0.073\SciELO\serial\pab\v48n10\pmc\pmc_markup\0100-204X-pab-48-10-1332.html C:\Users\javani.araujo\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Modelos\Normal.dotm File Size Before (bytes): 340236 File Size After (bytes): 340206 Pages Number: 3

References Number: Initial Time: 10:07:20 Final Time: 10:12:27 Markup Time: 0h 5min 7s

Rev. CEFAC n.ahead 2010 Rev. CEFAC;;;ahead;;20100000;1516-1846;1 No section title nd Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Polímeros n.ahead 2010 Polímeros;;;ahead;;20100000;0104-1428;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. Bras. Psiquiatr. n.ahead 2010 Rev. Bras. Psiquiatr.;;;ahead;;20100000;1516-4446;1 No section title nd Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Polímeros v.20 n.2 Polímeros;20;;2;;20100600;0104-1428;1 Seção Editorial;Seção Técnica;No section title PO010;PO020;nd No Descriptor other standard

Braz J Med Biol Res v.43 n.12 Braz J Med Biol Res;43;;12;;20101200;0100-879X;1 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology;Clinical Investigation;Experimental Biology;Immunology;Neurosciences and Behavior;Pharmacology;Physiology and Biophysics;Cell Biology;Surgical Procedures, Anesthesia and Analgesia;Oncology;Biomedical Sciences;No section title BJMBR010;BJMBR020;BJMBR040;BJMBR050;BJMBR060;BJMBR070;BJMBR080;BJMBR380;BJMBR480;BJMBR530;BJMBR770;nd

No Descriptor other standard

Rev. CEFAC n.ahead 2011 Rev. CEFAC;;;ahead;;20110000;1516-1846;1 Artigo Original;Original Article;No section title RCEFAC010;RCEFAC010;nd Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Prod. n.ahead 2011 Prod.;;;ahead;;20110000;0103-6513;1 No section title nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Psicol. Esc. Educ. (Impr.) v.2 n.1 Psicol. Esc. Educ. (Impr.);2;;1;;19980000;1413-8557;1 No section title nd No Descriptor American Psychological Association

Rev. Bras. Psiquiatr. n.ahead 2011 Rev. Bras. Psiquiatr.;;;ahead;;20110000;1516-4446;1 No section title nd Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Rev. psiquiatr. Rio Gd. Sul n.ahead 2011 Rev. psiquiatr. Rio Gd. Sul;;;ahead;;20110000;0101-8108;1 Artigo de Opinião;Opinion Article;No section title RPRS230;RPRS230;nd No Descriptor the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Rev. Bras. Psiquiatr. v.33 n.2 Rev. Bras. Psiquiatr.;33;;2;;20110600;1516-4446;1 Editorial;Editorial;Artigos Originais;Original Articles;Revisão;Review;Livros;Books;Carta aos Editores;Letters to the Editors;Comunicações Breves;Brief Reports;Artigos Especiais;Special Articles;No section title RBP010;RBP010;RBP030;RBP030;RBP070;RBP070;RBP440;RBP440;RBP450;RBP450;RBP460;RBP460;RBP470;RBP470;nd

Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Rev. Bras. Psiquiatr. v.33 n.3 Rev. Bras. Psiquiatr.;33;;3;;20110900;1516-4446;1 Artigos Originais;Original Articles;Livros;Cartas aos Editores;Letters to the Editor;Comunicações Breves;Brief Reports;Editoriais;Editorials;Revisões;Reviews;Nota dos Editores;Editor's Notes;No section title RBP030;RBP030;RBP090;RBP210;RBP210;RBP460;RBP460;RBP480;RBP480;RBP490;RBP490;RBP550;RBP550;nd

Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Rev. Bras. Psiquiatr. v.33 n.4 Rev. Bras. Psiquiatr.;33;;4;;20111200;1516-4446;1 Artigos Originais;Original Articles;Cartas aos Editores;Letters to the Editors;Editoriais;Editorials;Nota do Editor;Editor's Note;Comunicações Breves;Brief Communications;Artigos de Revisão;Review Articles;Resenha;Book Review;Errata;Erratum;No section title RBP030;RBP030;RBP340;RBP340;RBP480;RBP480;RBP500;RBP500;RBP510;RBP510;RBP520;RBP520;RBP530;RBP530;RBP540;RBP540;nd

Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Rev. bras. farmacogn. n.ahead 2012 Rev. bras. farmacogn.;;;ahead;;20120000;0102-695X;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. bras. fisioter. n.ahead 2012 Rev. bras. fisioter.;;;ahead;;20120000;1413-3555;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. Saúde Pública n.ahead 2012 Rev. Saúde Pública;;;ahead;;20120000;0034-8910;1 No section title nd Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Genet. Mol. Biol. n.ahead 2012 Genet. Mol. Biol.;;;ahead;;20120000;1415-4757;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Arq. Bras. Cardiol. n.ahead 2012 Arq. Bras. Cardiol.;;;ahead;;20120000;0066-782X;1 No section title nd No Descriptor the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Braz J Med Biol Res 2012 Braz J Med Biol Res;;;review;;20120000;0100-879X;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. CEFAC n.ahead 2012 Rev. CEFAC;;;ahead;;20120000;1516-1846;1 Artigo Original;Original Article;No section title RCEFAC010;RCEFAC010;nd Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Mat. Res. n.ahead 2012 Mat. Res.;;;ahead;;20120000;1516-1439;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Ciênc. Tecnol. Aliment. n.ahead 2012 Ciênc. Tecnol. Aliment.;;;ahead;;20120000;0101-2061;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Polímeros n.ahead 2012 Polímeros;;;ahead;;20120000;0104-1428;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Arq. Neuro-Psiquiatr. n.ahead 2012 Arq. Neuro-Psiquiatr.;;;ahead;;20120000;0004-282X;1 No section title nd No Descriptor the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

An. Acad. Bras. Ciênc. n.ahead 2012 An. Acad. Bras. Ciênc.;;;ahead;;20120000;0001-3765;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Cienc. Rural n.ahead 2012 Cienc. Rural;;;ahead;;20120000;0103-8478;1 No section title nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Educ. Pesqui. n.ahead 2012 Educ. Pesqui.;;;ahead;;20120000;1517-9702;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Prod. n.ahead 2012 Prod.;;;ahead;;20120000;0103-6513;1 No section title nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Acta Limnol. Bras. n.ahead 2012 Acta Limnol. Bras.;;;ahead;;20120000;2179-975X;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Braz. oral res. n.ahead 2012 Braz. oral res.;;;ahead;;20120000;1806-8324;1 No section title nd Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Rev. Bras. entomol. n.ahead 2012 Rev. Bras. entomol.;;;ahead;;20120000;0085-5626;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Acta paul. enferm. n.ahead 2012 Acta paul. enferm.;;;ahead;;20120000;0103-2100;1 No section title nd Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Interface (Botucatu) n.ahead 2012 Interface (Botucatu);;;ahead;;20120000;1414-3283;1 No section title nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Pesqui. Oper. n.ahead 2012 Pesqui. Oper.;;;ahead;;20120000;0101-7438;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Eclet. Quím. v.36 n.2 Eclet. Quím.;36;;2;;20110000;0100-4670;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. Nutr. v.24 n.6 Rev. Nutr.;24;;6;;20111200;1415-5273;1 Artigos Originais;Original Articles;Editorial;Editorial;Artigo Especial;Special Article;Comunicação;Communication;Seção Temática - A Criação da Área de Nutrição na Capes;Thematics Section - The Creations of the Area Nutrition in Capes;No section title RN010;RN010;RN080;RN080;RN090;RN090;RN150;RN150;RN220;RN220;nd No Descriptor the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Bragantia n.ahead 2012 Bragantia;;;ahead;;20120000;0006-8705;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos n.ahead 2012 Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos;;;ahead;;20120000;0104-5970;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Arq. Gastroenterol. v.49 n.1 Arq. Gastroenterol.;49;;1;;20120300;0004-2803;1 Editorial;Editorial;Artigos Originais;Original Articles;Revisão;Review;Gastroenterologia Experimental;Experimental Gastroenterology;Gastroenterologia Pediátrica;Pediatric Gastroenterology;No section title AG010;AG010;AG020;AG020;AG040;AG040;AG050;AG050;AG060;AG060;nd Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Braz. J. Food Technol. n.ahead 2012 Braz. J. Food Technol.;;;ahead;;20120000;1981-6723;1 No section title nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Neotrop. ichthyol. n.ahead 2012 Neotrop. ichthyol.;;;ahead;;20120000;1679-6225;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. Bras. Ginecol. Obstet. n.ahead 2012 Rev. Bras. Ginecol. Obstet.;;;ahead;;20120000;0100-7203;1 No section title nd Health Science Descriptors other standard

Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop. n.ahead 2012 Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop.;;;ahead;;20120000;0037-8682;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Psicol. USP n.ahead 2012 Psicol. USP;;;ahead;;20120000;0103-6564;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

J. Braz. Chem. Soc. n.ahead 2012 J. Braz. Chem. Soc.;;;ahead;;20120000;0103-5053;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

BAR, Braz. Adm. Rev. n.ahead 2012 BAR, Braz. Adm. Rev.;;;ahead;;20120000;1807-7692;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. bras. linguist. apl. n.ahead 2012 Rev. bras. linguist. apl.;;;ahead;;20120000;1984-6398;1 No section title nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

TEMA (São Carlos) v.13 n.1 TEMA (São Carlos);13;;1;;20120400;2179-8451;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Iheringia, Sér. Zool. n.ahead 2012 Iheringia, Sér. Zool.;;;ahead;;20120000;0073-4721;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Trop. plant pathol. n.ahead 2012 Trop. plant pathol.;;;ahead;;20120000;1982-5676;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. IBRACON Estrut. Mater. v.5 n.3 Rev. IBRACON Estrut. Mater.;5;;3;;20120600;1983-4195;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. Inst. Med. trop. S. Paulo v.54 s.18 Rev. Inst. Med. trop. S. Paulo;54;18;;;20121000;0036-4665;0 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. IBRACON Estrut. Mater. v.5 n.2 Rev. IBRACON Estrut. Mater.;5;;2;;20120400;1983-4195;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Braz. oral res. v.26 n.5 Braz. oral res.;26;;5;;20121000;1806-8324;1 Original Articles;Short Communication;No section title BOR440;BOR590;nd Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Econ. soc. v.21 n.2 Econ. soc.;21;;2;;20120800;0104-0618;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. Econ. Sociol. Rural v.50 n.3 Rev. Econ. Sociol. Rural;50;;3;;20120900;0103-2003;1 No section title nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Ciênc. Tecnol. Aliment. v.32 n.3 Ciênc. Tecnol. Aliment.;32;;3;;20120900;0101-2061;1 Artigos Originais;Original Papers;No section title CTA030;CTA030;nd No Descriptor other standard

BAR, Braz. Adm. Rev. v.9 n.4 BAR, Braz. Adm. Rev.;9;;4;;20121200;1807-7692;1 Articles;Editorial;No section title BAR010;BAR020;nd No Descriptor other standard

Fisioter. Pesqui. v.19 n.3 Fisioter. Pesqui.;19;;3;;20120900;1809-2950;1 Editorial;Editorial;Revisão de Literatura;Literature Review;Pesquisas Originais;Revisão Sistemática;No section title FP010;FP010;FP040;FP040;FP090;FP100;nd No Descriptor the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Rev. bras. geriatr. gerontol. v.14 n.1 Rev. bras. geriatr. gerontol.;14;;1;;20110300;1809-9823;1 Editorial;Editorial;Artigos Originais;Original Articles;Artigo de Revisão;Review Article;Relato de Caso;Case Report;Artigo de Atualização;Atualization Article;No section title RBGG010;RBGG010;RBGG020;RBGG020;RBGG040;RBGG040;RBGG070;RBGG070;RBGG090;RBGG090;nd

No Descriptor the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Rev. IBRACON Estrut. Mater. v.5 n.5 Rev. IBRACON Estrut. Mater.;5;;5;;20121000;1983-4195;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

TEMA (São Carlos) v.13 n.2 TEMA (São Carlos);13;;2;;20120000;2179-8451;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. Adm. (São Paulo) v.47 n.3 Rev. Adm. (São Paulo);47;;3;;20120900;0080-2107;1 Emprendedurismo Social;Empreendedorismo Social;Social Entrepreneurship;No section title RAUSP140;RAUSP140;RAUSP140;nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

J. Braz. Chem. Soc. v.23 n.9 J. Braz. Chem. Soc.;23;;9;;20120900;0103-5053;1 Articles;Short Reports;Editorial;Account;No section title JBChS020;JBChS030;JBChS060;JBChS200;nd No Descriptor other standard

Trends Psychiatry Psychother. v.34 n.3 Trends Psychiatry Psychother.;34;;3;;20120900;2237-6089;1 Editorial;Our Cover;Original Articles;Brief Communication;Book Review;Trends;No section title TRENDS020;TRENDS070;TRENDS090;TRENDS100;TRENDS120;TRENDS130;nd Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Neotrop. ichthyol. v.10 n.3 Neotrop. ichthyol.;10;;3;;20120900;1679-6225;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. bras. fisioter. v.16 n.5 Rev. bras. fisioter.;16;;5;;20121000;1413-3555;1 Avaliação e Mensuração em Fisioterapia;Assessment and Measurement in Physical Therapy;Avaliação, Prevenção e Tratamento das Disfunções Cardiovasculares e Respiratórias;Assessment, Prevention, and Treatment of Cardiovascular and Respiratory Disorders;Avaliação, Prevenção e Tratamento das Disfunções do Envelhecimento;Assessment, Prevention, and Treatment of Aging Disorders;Fisiologia, Cinesiologia e Biomecânica;Physiology, Kinesiology and Biomechanics;Ensino, Ética, Deontologia e História da Fisioterapia;Education, Ethics, Deontology, and Physical Therapy History;No section title RBFIS270;RBFIS270;RBFIS280;RBFIS280;RBFIS290;RBFIS290;RBFIS330;RBFIS330;RBFIS340;RBFIS340;nd

No Descriptor other standard

Iheringia, Sér. Zool. v.102 n.3 Iheringia, Sér. Zool.;102;;3;;20120900;0073-4721;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Int. Arch. Otorhinolaryngol. v.16 n.4 Int. Arch. Otorhinolaryngol.;16;;4;;20121200;1809-4864;1 Editorial;Editorial;Artigo Original;Original Article;Artigo de Revisão;Review Article;Relato de Caso;Case Report;No section title IAO010;IAO010;IAO020;IAO020;IAO030;IAO030;IAO040;IAO040;nd Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Ciênc. saúde coletiva v.17 n.10 pr Ciênc. saúde coletiva;17;;10;;20121000;1413-8123;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. bras. saúde ocup. v.31 n.113 Rev. bras. saúde ocup.;31;;113;;20060600;0303-7657;1 No section title nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Braz. J. Food Technol. v.15 n.4 Braz. J. Food Technol.;15;;4;;20121200;1981-6723;1 No section title nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Rev. Nutr. v.25 n.5 Rev. Nutr.;25;;5;;20121000;1415-5273;1 Artigos Originais;Original Articles;Ensaio;Essay;No section title RN010;RN010;RN060;RN060;nd No Descriptor the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Rev. paul. pediatr. v.30 n.3 pr Rev. paul. pediatr.;30;;3;;20120900;0103-0582;1 No section title nd No Descriptor the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Tempo soc. v.24 n.1 Tempo soc.;24;;1;;20120000;0103-2070;1 Artigos;Articles;Resenhas;Reviews;Dossiê - Max Weber;No section title TS030;TS030;TS050;TS050;TS540;nd No Descriptor other standard

Pap. Avulsos Zool. (São Paulo) v.52 n.35 Pap. Avulsos Zool. (São Paulo);52;;35;;20120000;0031-1049;0 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Pap. Avulsos Zool. (São Paulo) v.52 n.36 Pap. Avulsos Zool. (São Paulo);52;;36;;20120000;0031-1049;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. Bras. Parasitol. Vet. n.ahead 2012 Rev. Bras. Parasitol. Vet.;;;ahead;;20120000;1984-2961;1 No section title nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Braz. oral res. v.26 n.6 Braz. oral res.;26;;6;;20121200;1806-8324;1 Original Articles;No section title BOR440;nd Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Comput. Appl. Math. v.31 n.3 Comput. Appl. Math.;31;;3;;20120000;1807-0302;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. Bras. Cienc. Avic. v.14 n.3 Rev. Bras. Cienc. Avic.;14;;3;;20120900;1516-635X;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

An. Acad. Bras. Ciênc. v.84 n.4 An. Acad. Bras. Ciênc.;84;;4;;20121200;0001-3765;1 Ciências Matemáticas;Mathematical Sciences;Ciências Biológicas;Biological Sciences;Ciências da Terra;Earth Sciences;Ciências Químicas;Chemical Sciences;Nota Editorial;Editorial Note;Ciências de Engenharia;Engineering Sciences;Ciências Agrárias;Agrarian Sciences;Ciências Sociais;Social Sciences;Ciências Biomédicas;Biomedical Sciences;No section title AABC010;AABC010;AABC030;AABC030;AABC050;AABC050;AABC080;AABC080;AABC090;AABC090;AABC110;AABC110;AABC220;AABC220;AABC230;AABC230;AABC240;AABC240;nd

No Descriptor other standard

J. Braz. Chem. Soc. v.23 n.10 J. Braz. Chem. Soc.;23;;10;;20121000;0103-5053;1 Articles;Short Reports;Editorial;No section title JBChS020;JBChS030;JBChS060;nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. bras. farmacogn. v.22 n.6 Rev. bras. farmacogn.;22;;6;;20121200;0102-695X;1 Editorial;Articles;Review;Short Communication;No section title RBFAR050;RBFAR110;RBFAR120;RBFAR130;nd No Descriptor other standard

Ciênc. saúde coletiva v.17 n.11 pr Ciênc. saúde coletiva;17;;11;;20121100;1413-8123;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. Nutr. v.25 n.6 Rev. Nutr.;25;;6;;20121200;1415-5273;1 Artigos Originais;Original Articles;Revisão ;Review;No section title RN010;RN010;RN160;RN160;nd No Descriptor the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Rev. psiquiatr. clín. n.ahead 2012 Rev. psiquiatr. clín.;;;ahead;;20120000;0101-6083;1 No section title nd Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Trab. linguist. apl. v.46 n.2 Trab. linguist. apl.;46;;2;;20071200;0103-1813;1 Artigos;Apresentação;No section title TLA010;TLA050;nd No Descriptor other standard

Pesqui. Oper. v.32 n.3 Pesqui. Oper.;32;;3;;20121200;0101-7438;1 Editorial;Dossiê: " Manuais Escolares: Múltiplas Facetas de um Objeto Cultural;No section title POPE100;POPE110;nd No Descriptor other standard

Psicol. USP v.23 n.3 Psicol. USP;23;;3;;20120000;0103-6564;1 Artigos originais;Original articles;No section title PUSP100;PUSP100;nd No Descriptor other standard

Trab. linguist. apl. v.51 n.2 Trab. linguist. apl.;51;;2;;20121200;0103-1813;1 Artigos;Resenha;Apresentação;Dossiê Temático;Tradução;No section title TLA010;TLA020;TLA050;TLA070;TLA080;nd No Descriptor other standard

Braz. J. Food Technol. v.15 n.spe Braz. J. Food Technol.;15;;spe;;20120500;1981-6723;1 No section title nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Ciênc. saúde coletiva v.17 n.12 pr Ciênc. saúde coletiva;17;;12;;20121200;1413-8123;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Manuscrito v.35 n.1 Manuscrito;35;;1;;20120600;0100-6045;1 Articles;No section title MAN010;nd No Descriptor other standard

Braz J Med Biol Res v.45 n.12 Braz J Med Biol Res;45;;12;;20121200;0100-879X;1 Clinical Investigation;Biomedical Sciences;Reviews;No section title BJMBR020;BJMBR770;BJMBR790;nd No Descriptor other standard

ARS (São Paulo) v.9 n.18 ARS (São Paulo);9;;18;;20110000;1678-5320;1 No section title nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Rev. bras. saúde ocup. v.29 n.109 Rev. bras. saúde ocup.;29;;109;;20040600;0303-7657;1 No section title nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

BAR, Braz. Adm. Rev. v.10 n.1 BAR, Braz. Adm. Rev.;10;;1;;20130300;1807-7692;1 Articles;Editorial;No section title BAR010;BAR020;nd No Descriptor other standard

Psicol. USP v.16 n.4 Psicol. USP;16;;4;;20050000;0103-6564;1 Editorial;Artigos Originais;Memórias;No section title PUSP480;PUSP490;PUSP500;nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop. v.37 s.2 Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop.;37;2;;;20040000;0037-8682;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Arq. Neuro-Psiquiatr. n.ahead 2013 Arq. Neuro-Psiquiatr.;;;ahead;;20130000;0004-282X;1 No section title nd No Descriptor the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Rev. CEFAC n.ahead 2013 Rev. CEFAC;;;ahead;;20130000;1516-1846;1 No section title nd Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Braz J Med Biol Res n.ahead 2013 Braz J Med Biol Res;;;ahead;;20130000;0100-879X;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Trab. linguist. apl. v.46 n.1 Trab. linguist. apl.;46;;1;;20070600;0103-1813;1 Artigos;Apresentação;No section title TLA010;TLA050;nd No Descriptor other standard

Per musi n.26 Per musi;;;26;;20121200;1517-7599;1 Artigos Científicos;No section title PM010;nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. Bras. Parasitol. Vet. v.21 n.4 Rev. Bras. Parasitol. Vet.;21;;4;;20121200;1984-2961;1 Artigo Completo;Full Article;Nota de Pesquisa;Research Note;Artigo de Revisão;Review Article;No section title RBPV010;RBPV010;RBPV020;RBPV020;RBPV030;RBPV030;nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

J. Braz. Chem. Soc. v.23 n.11 J. Braz. Chem. Soc.;23;;11;;20121100;0103-5053;1 Articles;Short Report;Editorial;Additions and Corrections;Account;No section title JBChS020;JBChS050;JBChS060;JBChS100;JBChS200;nd No Descriptor other standard

Acta Limnol. Bras. n.ahead 2013 Acta Limnol. Bras.;;;ahead;;20130000;2179-975X;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

RAM, Rev. Adm. Mackenzie v.13 n.6 RAM, Rev. Adm. Mackenzie;13;;6;;20121200;1678-6971;1 Gestión de Personas;Gestão de Pessoas;People Management;Docencia y Investigación en Administración;Ensino e Pesquisa em Administração;Teaching and Research in Administration;No section title RAM100;RAM100;RAM100;RAM110;RAM110;RAM110;nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos v.19 n.4 Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos;19;;4;;20121200;0104-5970;1 Imagens;Images;Livros & Redes;Books & Networks;Nota de Pesquisa;Research Note;Depoimento;Interview;Carta do Editor;Editor's Note;Análise;Analysis;Carta ao Editor;Letter to the Editor;No section title HCSM020;HCSM020;HCSM040;HCSM040;HCSM090;HCSM090;HCSM180;HCSM180;HCSM290;HCSM290;HCSM520;HCSM520;HCSM530;HCSM530;nd

No Descriptor other standard

Rev. bras. fisioter. v.16 n.6 Rev. bras. fisioter.;16;;6;;20121200;1413-3555;1 Editorial;Artigo de Revisão;Review Article;Artigos Originais;Originals Articles;Revisão Sistemática;Systematic Review;No section title RBFIS010;RBFIS070;RBFIS070;RBFIS110;RBFIS110;RBFIS200;RBFIS200;nd No Descriptor other standard

Acta paul. enferm. v.25 n.6 pr Acta paul. enferm.;25;;6;;20120000;0103-2100;1 No section title nd Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Contexto int. v.34 n.1 Contexto int.;34;;1;;20120600;0102-8529;1 Artigos;Articles;No section title CINT160;CINT160;nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Bragantia n.ahead 2013 Bragantia;;;ahead;;20130000;0006-8705;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Braz. oral res. v.27 n.1 Braz. oral res.;27;;1;;20130200;1806-8324;1 Original Articles;Short Communication;No section title BOR440;BOR590;nd Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Sci. agric. (Piracicaba, Braz.) v.70 n.1 Sci. agric. (Piracicaba, Braz.);70;;1;;20130200;0103-9016;1 Agricultural Engineering;Animal Science and Pastures;Soils and Plant Nutrition;Genetics and Plant Breeding;No section title SA260;SA270;SA310;SA470;nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Rev. bras. polít. int. v.55 n.spe pr Rev. bras. polít. int.;55;;spe;;20120000;0034-7329;1 No section title nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Trends Psychiatry Psychother. v.34 n.4 Trends Psychiatry Psychother.;34;;4;;20120000;2237-6089;1 Editorial;Review Article;Original Articles;Case Report;No section title TRENDS020;TRENDS080;TRENDS090;TRENDS150;nd Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Psicol. Soc. v.24 n.3 Psicol. Soc.;24;;3;;20120000;0102-7182;1 Editorial;Artigos;Resenhas;Seção Debate;No section title PSOC010;PSOC070;PSOC130;PSOC140;nd No Descriptor American Psychological Association

Braz. J. Biol. v.72 n.4 pr Braz. J. Biol.;72;;4;;20121100;1519-6984;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Arq. Gastroenterol. v.49 n.4 Arq. Gastroenterol.;49;;4;;20121200;0004-2803;1 Editorial;Editorial;Artigos Originais;Original Articles;Revisão;Review;Gastroenterologia Experimental;Experimental Gastroenterology;No section title AG010;AG010;AG020;AG020;AG040;AG040;AG050;AG050;nd Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Acta ortop. bras. v.20 n.6 Acta ortop. bras.;20;;6;;20121200;1413-7852;1 Artigos de Revisão;Review Articles;Artigo Original;Original Article;No section title AOB090;AOB090;AOB140;AOB140;nd No Descriptor other standard

Genet. Mol. Biol. n.ahead 2013 Genet. Mol. Biol.;;;ahead;;20130000;1415-4757;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Polímeros n.ahead 2013 Polímeros;;;ahead;;20130000;0104-1428;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Machado Assis Linha v.4 n.8 Machado Assis Linha;4;;8;;20111200;1983-6821;0 Da Tradição Crítica;Dossiê "Duas Crises Machadianas";Artigos;Resenha;No section title MAEL010;MAEL020;MAEL030;MAEL040;nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

História v.31 n.2 História;31;;2;;20121200;0101-9074;1 Resenha;Review;Artigos Livres;Dossiê: Imagens dos Novos Mundos na Cultura Ocidental;No section title HIS070;HIS070;HIS280;HIS290;nd No Descriptor other standard

Machado Assis Linha v.5 n.9 Machado Assis Linha;5;;9;;20120600;1983-6821;1 Da Tradição Crítica;Artigos;No section title MAEL010;MAEL030;nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Arq. Neuro-Psiquiatr. v.71 n.1 Arq. Neuro-Psiquiatr.;71;;1;;20130100;0004-282X;1 Articles;Historical Notes;Views and Reviews;Theses;Letters;Editorials;No section title ANP190;ANP240;ANP250;ANP270;ANP340;ANP470;nd No Descriptor the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Mat. Res. n.ahead 2013 Mat. Res.;;;ahead;;20130000;1516-1439;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

An. Acad. Bras. Ciênc. n.ahead 2013 An. Acad. Bras. Ciênc.;;;ahead;;20130000;0001-3765;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Bol. Mus. Para. Emílio Goeldi. Ciênc. hum. v.7 n.3 pr Bol. Mus. Para. Emílio Goeldi. Ciênc. hum.;7;;3;;20121200;1981-8122;1 No section title nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos v.19 n.4 pr Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos;19;;4;;20121200;0104-5970;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Lat. Am. j. solids struct. v.9 n.4 Lat. Am. j. solids struct.;9;;4;;20120800;1679-7825;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Educ. rev. n.ahead 2013 Educ. rev.;;;ahead;;20130000;0102-4698;1 No section title nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Rev. bras. linguist. apl. n.ahead 2013 Rev. bras. linguist. apl.;;;ahead;;20130000;1984-6398;1 No section title nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Iheringia, Sér. Zool. v.102 n.4 Iheringia, Sér. Zool.;102;;4;;20121200;0073-4721;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. paul. pediatr. v.30 n.4 pr Rev. paul. pediatr.;30;;4;;20121200;0103-0582;1 No section title nd No Descriptor the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Rev. Saúde Pública n.ahead 2013 Rev. Saúde Pública;;;ahead;;20130000;0034-8910;1 No section title nd Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

J. Braz. Chem. Soc. n.ahead 2013 J. Braz. Chem. Soc.;;;ahead;;20130000;0103-5053;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Ciênc. saúde coletiva v.18 n.1 pr Ciênc. saúde coletiva;18;;1;;20130100;1413-8123;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Cienc. Rural n.ahead 2013 Cienc. Rural;;;ahead;;20130000;0103-8478;1 No section title nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Rev. bras. farmacogn. n.ahead 2013 Rev. bras. farmacogn.;;;ahead;;20130000;0102-695X;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Prod. n.ahead 2013 Prod.;;;ahead;;20130000;0103-6513;1 No section title nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Machado Assis Linha v.5 n.10 Machado Assis Linha;5;;10;;20121200;1983-6821;1 Editorial;Editor's Note;Homenagem;Da Tradição Crítica;Machadian Criticism Tradition;Artigos;Articles;Resenhas;Book Reviews;No section title MAEL050;MAEL050;MAEL060;MAEL070;MAEL070;MAEL080;MAEL080;MAEL090;MAEL090;nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Rev. esc. enferm. USP v.46 n.6 Rev. esc. enferm. USP;46;;6;;20121200;0080-6234;1 Editorial;Artigo Original;Estudo Teórico;Artigo de Revisão;Errata;Reflexão;No section title REEUSP010;REEUSP020;REEUSP030;REEUSP050;REEUSP060;REEUSP220;nd Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Rev. odontol. UNESP v.41 n.5 Rev. odontol. UNESP;41;;5;;20121000;1807-2577;1 Artigos Originais;Original Articles;Caso Clínico;Clinical Report;No section title ROUNESP010;ROUNESP010;ROUNESP020;ROUNESP020;nd Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Educ. Soc. v.33 n.121 Educ. Soc.;33;;121;;20121200;0101-7330;1 Editorial;Editorial;Artigos;Articles;Debates & Polêmicas;Discussion and Polemics;Imagens & Palavras;Images and Words;Análise das Práticas Pedagógicas;Pedagogical Practice Analysis;Dossiê: " A Cultura Digital e a Formação de Professores : Uma Questão em Debate";Dossier: " Digital Culture and Teacher Education: A Matter of Debate";No section title ES010;ES010;ES020;ES020;ES430;ES430;ES440;ES440;ES450;ES450;ES490;ES490;nd No Descriptor other standard

Interface (Botucatu) n.ahead 2013 Interface (Botucatu);;;ahead;;20130000;1414-3283;1 No section title nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Int. braz j urol. v.38 n.6 Int. braz j urol.;38;;6;;20121200;1677-5538;1 Review article;Radiology Page;Original Article;Video Section;Editor's Comment;No section title IBJU110;IBJU210;IBJU270;IBJU280;IBJU290;nd Health Science Descriptors other standard

Braz. oral res. n.ahead 2013 Braz. oral res.;;;ahead;;20130000;1806-8324;1 No section title nd Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Braz J Med Biol Res v.46 n.1 Braz J Med Biol Res;46;;1;;20130100;0100-879X;1 Clinical Investigation;Biomedical Sciences;Reviews;No section title BJMBR020;BJMBR770;BJMBR790;nd No Descriptor other standard

Ciênc. saúde coletiva v.18 n.2 pr Ciênc. saúde coletiva;18;;2;;20130200;1413-8123;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. bras. educ. fís. esporte n.ahead 2013 Rev. bras. educ. fís. esporte;;;ahead;;20130000;1807-5509;1 No section title nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Cienc. Rural v.43 n.2 pr Cienc. Rural;43;;2;;20130200;0103-8478;1 No section title nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Rev. Bras. Parasitol. Vet. n.ahead 2013 Rev. Bras. Parasitol. Vet.;;;ahead;;20130000;1984-2961;1 No section title nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Rev. bras. ortop. v.47 n.6 Rev. bras. ortop.;47;;6;;20120000;0102-3616;1 Editorial;Artigos Originais;Original Article;Relato de Caso;Case Report;Artigo de Atualização;Updating Article;No section title RBORT010;RBORT150;RBORT150;RBORT160;RBORT160;RBORT190;RBORT190;nd Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Food Sci. Technol (Campinas) n.ahead 2013 Food Sci. Technol (Campinas);;;ahead;;20130000;0101-2061;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos n.ahead 2013 Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos;;;ahead;;20130000;0104-5970;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. bras. farmacogn. v.23 n.1 Rev. bras. farmacogn.;23;;1;;20130200;0102-695X;1 Editorial;Articles;No section title RBFAR050;RBFAR110;nd No Descriptor other standard

Braz. J. Plant Physiol. n.ahead 2013 Braz. J. Plant Physiol.;;;ahead;;20130000;1677-0420;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop. v.46 n.1 Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop.;46;;1;;20130200;0037-8682;1 Editorial;Major Articles;Short Communications;Review Article;Cases Reports;Letter;Images in Infectious Diseases;No section title RSBMT200;RSBMT640;RSBMT650;RSBMT670;RSBMT680;RSBMT690;RSBMT700;nd No Descriptor other standard

Braz. oral res. v.27 n.2 Braz. oral res.;27;;2;;20130400;1806-8324;1 Pediatric Dentistry;Microbiology;Oral Pathology;Epidemiology;Dental Materials;Editorial;Orthodontics;Prosthodontics;Community Dentistry;Oral Radiology;Occlusion;Systematic Review;No section title BOR010;BOR100;BOR120;BOR140;BOR160;BOR180;BOR230;BOR250;BOR340;BOR380;BOR430;BOR620;nd

Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Bolema v.26 n.44 Bolema;26;;44;;20121200;0103-636X;1 Artigos;Resenhas;No section title BOLEMA010;BOLEMA020;nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz v.108 n.1 Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz;108;;1;;20130200;0074-0276;1 Articles;Review;Technical Notes;Short Communications;No section title MIOC051;MIOC660;MIOC958;MIOC959;nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. Inst. Med. trop. S. Paulo v.55 n.2 Rev. Inst. Med. trop. S. Paulo;55;;2;;20130400;0036-4665;1 Micologia;Mycology;Parasitologia;Parasitology;Toxoplasmose;Toxoplasmosis;HIV;HIV;Comunicação Breve;Brief Communication;Leishmaniose;Leishmaniasis;Cartas ao Editor;Letters to the Editor;Epidemiologia;Epidemiology;Relato de Caso;Case Report;Esquistossomose ;Schistosomiasis;No section title RIMTSP036;RIMTSP036;RIMTSP042;RIMTSP042;RIMTSP043;RIMTSP043;RIMTSP044;RIMTSP044;RIMTSP046;RIMTSP046;RIMTSP053;RIMTSP053;RIMTSP058;RIMTSP058;RIMTSP895;RIMTSP895;RIMTSP904;RIMTSP904;RIMTSP941;RIMTSP941;nd

No Descriptor other standard

An. Acad. Bras. Ciênc. v.85 n.1 An. Acad. Bras. Ciênc.;85;;1;;20130300;0001-3765;1 Ciências Matemáticas;Mathematical Sciences;Ciências Biológicas;Biological Sciences;Ciências da Terra;Earth Sciences;Nota Editorial;Editorial Note;Ciências de Engenharia;Engineering Sciences;Ciências Agrárias;Agrarian Sciences;Ciências Sociais;Social Sciences;Ciências Biomédicas;Biomedical Sciences;No section title AABC010;AABC010;AABC030;AABC030;AABC050;AABC050;AABC090;AABC090;AABC110;AABC110;AABC220;AABC220;AABC230;AABC230;AABC240;AABC240;nd

No Descriptor other standard

Braz J Med Biol Res v.46 n.2 Braz J Med Biol Res;46;;2;;20130200;0100-879X;1 Clinical Investigation;Concepts and Comments;Biomedical Sciences;Reviews;No section title BJMBR020;BJMBR030;BJMBR770;BJMBR790;nd No Descriptor other standard

Braz. J. Food Technol. n.ahead 2013 Braz. J. Food Technol.;;;ahead;;20130000;1981-6723;1 No section title nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Sao Paulo Med. J. v.131 n.1 Sao Paulo Med. J.;131;;1;;20130000;1516-3180;1 Editorial;Case Report;Original Article;Letter to the editor;Review Article;Cochrane Highlights;No section title SPMJ010;SPMJ020;SPMJ030;SPMJ050;SPMJ280;SPMJ450;nd No Descriptor other standard

Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos v.19 s.1 pr Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos;19;1;;;20121200;0104-5970;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos n.ahead pr 2013 Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos;;;ahead;;20130000;0104-5970;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

An. Bras. Dermatol. v.88 s.1 An. Bras. Dermatol.;88;1;;;20130200;0365-0596;1 Investigação;Investigation;No section title ABD380;ABD380;nd Health Science Descriptors other standard

An. Bras. Dermatol. v.88 n.1 An. Bras. Dermatol.;88;;1;;20130200;0365-0596;1 Caso Clínico;Case Report;Qual o seu Diagnóstico?;Which is your Diagnosis?;Comunicação;Communication;Informes;News;Síndrome em Questão;Syndrome in Question;Investigação;Investigation;Dermatopatologia;Dermatopathology;Revisão;Review;Educação Médica Continuada;Continuing Medical Education;Imagens em Dermatologia;Imaging in Dermatology;Imagens em Dermatologia Tropical;Imaging in Tropical Dermatology;No section title ABD040;ABD040;ABD050;ABD050;ABD060;ABD060;ABD070;ABD070;ABD170;ABD170;ABD380;ABD380;ABD390;ABD390;ABD410;ABD410;ABD420;ABD420;ABD430;ABD430;ABD440;ABD440;nd

Health Science Descriptors other standard

Rev. Saúde Pública v.46 s.1 Rev. Saúde Pública;46;1;;;20121200;0034-8910;1 Editorial;Editorial;Apresentação;Foreword;Artigos;Articles;No section title RSP060;RSP060;RSP500;RSP500;RSP630;RSP630;nd Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Rev. Saúde Pública v.46 n.6 Rev. Saúde Pública;46;;6;;20121200;0034-8910;1 Artigos Originais;Original Articles;Artigo Especial;Special Article;Comentários;Comments;No section title RSP010;RSP010;RSP090;RSP090;RSP670;RSP670;nd Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

J. bras. pneumol. v.39 n.1 J. bras. pneumol.;39;;1;;20130200;1806-3713;1 Editorial;Editorial;Relato de Caso;Case Report;Artigos Originais;Original Articles;Ensaio Pictórico;Pictorial Essay;Cartas ao Editor;Letter to the Editor;No section title JBPNEU150;JBPNEU150;JBPNEU190;JBPNEU190;JBPNEU240;JBPNEU240;JBPNEU300;JBPNEU300;JBPNEU310;JBPNEU310;nd

No Descriptor the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Arq. Neuro-Psiquiatr. v.71 n.3 Arq. Neuro-Psiquiatr.;71;;3;;20130300;0004-282X;1 Editorial;Articles;Historical Notes;Letters;Images in Neurology;Book Review;Tricks of the Trade;View and Review;These;No section title ANP060;ANP190;ANP240;ANP340;ANP440;ANP510;ANP560;ANP590;ANP600;nd No Descriptor the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Int. braz j urol. v.39 n.1 Int. braz j urol.;39;;1;;20130200;1677-5538;1 Review article;Radiology Page;Original Article;Video Section;Editor's Comment;No section title IBJU110;IBJU210;IBJU270;IBJU280;IBJU290;nd Health Science Descriptors other standard

J. Appl. Oral Sci. v.21 n.1 J. Appl. Oral Sci.;21;;1;;20130200;1678-7757;1 Review;Original Articles;Editorial;No section title JAOS010;JAOS020;JAOS030;nd No Descriptor the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Braz. J. Microbiol. n.ahead 2013 Braz. J. Microbiol.;;;ahead;;20130319;1517-8382;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Rodriguésia v.63 n.4 Rodriguésia;63;;4;;20121200;2175-7860;1 Artigos Originais;Original Papers;Nota Científica;Short Communication;No section title ROD010;ROD010;ROD030;ROD030;nd No Descriptor other standard

Educ. Pesqui. n.ahead 2013 Educ. Pesqui.;;;ahead;;20130000;1517-9702;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Transinformação v.24 n.1 Transinformação;24;;1;;20120400;0103-3786;1 Artigos;Articles;No section title TINF010;TINF010;nd No Descriptor other standard

Transinformação v.24 n.2 Transinformação;24;;2;;20120800;0103-3786;1 Artigos;Articles;No section title TINF010;TINF010;nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop. n.ahead 2013 Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop.;;;ahead;;20130000;0037-8682;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Dados v.55 n.2 pr Dados;55;;2;;20120000;0011-5258;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Transinformação v.24 n.3 Transinformação;24;;3;;20121200;0103-3786;1 Artigos;Articles;No section title TINF010;TINF010;nd No Descriptor other standard

Braz. J. Phys. Ther. v.17 n.1 Braz. J. Phys. Ther.;17;;1;;20130200;1413-3555;1 Editorial;Original Articles;No section title RBFIS010;RBFIS350;nd No Descriptor other standard

Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz v.108 n.2 Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz;108;;2;;20130400;0074-0276;1 Reader's Opinion;Articles;Technical Notes;Short Communications;No section title MIOC034;MIOC051;MIOC958;MIOC959;nd No Descriptor other standard

Saúde debate v.36 n.94 Saúde debate;36;;94;;20120900;0103-1104;1 Artigo de Debate;Debate Article;Replica;Reply;Editorial;Editorial;Apresentação;Presentation;Artigos Originais;Original Articles;Artigo de Opinião;Opinion Article;Resenha;Critical Review;No section title SDEB010;SDEB010;SDEB020;SDEB020;SDEB030;SDEB030;SDEB040;SDEB040;SDEB070;SDEB070;SDEB080;SDEB080;SDEB090;SDEB090;nd

No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Braz J Med Biol Res v.46 n.3 Braz J Med Biol Res;46;;3;;20130300;0100-879X;1 Clinical Investigation;Biomedical Sciences;Reviews;No section title BJMBR020;BJMBR770;BJMBR790;nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. paul. pediatr. v.31 n.1 pr Rev. paul. pediatr.;31;;1;;20130300;0103-0582;1 No section title nd No Descriptor the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Rev. bras. farmacogn. v.23 n.2 Rev. bras. farmacogn.;23;;2;;20130400;0102-695X;1 Articles;Review;Short Communication;No section title RBFAR110;RBFAR120;RBFAR130;nd No Descriptor other standard

Arq. Neuro-Psiquiatr. v.71 n.4 Arq. Neuro-Psiquiatr.;71;;4;;20130400;0004-282X;1 Articles;Historical Notes;Letters;Images in Neurology;Editorials;View and Review;No section title ANP190;ANP240;ANP340;ANP440;ANP470;ANP590;nd No Descriptor the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Braz. J. Food Technol. v.16 n.1 Braz. J. Food Technol.;16;;1;;20130300;1981-6723;1 No section title nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Estud. Econ. v.43 n.1 Estud. Econ.;43;;1;;20130300;0101-4161;1 No section title nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Acta Sci., Anim. Sci. v.34 n.1 Acta Sci., Anim. Sci.;34;;1;;20120300;1807-8672;1 Forragicultura;Pasture and Forage Utilization;Nutrição de não-ruminantes;Nonruminant nutrition;Nutrição de ruminantes;Ruminant nutrition;Reprodução e Melhoramento Animal;Animal Breeding and Reproduction;No section title ASAS020;ASAS020;ASAS030;ASAS030;ASAS040;ASAS040;ASAS050;ASAS050;nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Rev. Bras. Parasitol. Vet. v.22 n.1 Rev. Bras. Parasitol. Vet.;22;;1;;20130300;1984-2961;1 Artigo Completo;Full Article;Nota de Pesquisa;Research Note;Editorial;Editorial;No section title RBPV010;RBPV010;RBPV020;RBPV020;RBPV070;RBPV070;nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos v.20 n.1 Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos;20;;1;;20130300;0104-5970;1 Imagens;Images;Livros & Redes;Books & Networks;Nota de Pesquisa;Research Note;Carta do Editor;Editor's Note;Análise;Analysis;Carta ao Editor;Letter to the Editor;Dossiê Brasil - Alemanha: Relações Médico-Científicas;No section title HCSM020;HCSM020;HCSM040;HCSM040;HCSM090;HCSM090;HCSM290;HCSM290;HCSM520;HCSM520;HCSM530;HCSM530;HCSM750;nd

No Descriptor other standard

Arq. Gastroenterol. v.50 n.1 Arq. Gastroenterol.;50;;1;;20130300;0004-2803;1 Editorial;Editorial;Artigos Originais;Original Articles;Gastroenterologia Pediátrica;Pediatric Gastroenterology;No section title AG010;AG010;AG020;AG020;AG060;AG060;nd Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos v.20 n.1 pr Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos;20;;1;;20130300;0104-5970;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Sao Paulo Med. J. v.131 n.2 Sao Paulo Med. J.;131;;2;;20130000;1516-3180;1 Editorial;Case Report;Original Article;Letter to the editor;Cochrane highlights;No section title SPMJ010;SPMJ020;SPMJ030;SPMJ050;SPMJ410;nd No Descriptor other standard

Braz. J. Plant Physiol. v.24 n.4 Braz. J. Plant Physiol.;24;;4;;20121200;1677-0420;1 Research Articles;Editorial;No section title BJPP020;BJPP070;nd No Descriptor other standard

Braz. Dent. J. v.24 n.1 Braz. Dent. J.;24;;1;;20130000;0103-6440;1 No section title nd Health Science Descriptors other standard

BAR, Braz. Adm. Rev. v.10 n.2 BAR, Braz. Adm. Rev.;10;;2;;20130600;1807-7692;1 Articles;Editorial;No section title BAR010;BAR020;nd No Descriptor other standard

Neotrop. ichthyol. v.11 n.1 Neotrop. ichthyol.;11;;1;;20130300;1679-6225;1 Original Articles;No section title NI050;nd No Descriptor other standard

Estud. hist. (Rio J.) v.25 n.50 Estud. hist. (Rio J.);25;;50;;20121200;0103-2186;1 Artigos;Articles;Entrevista;Interview;Resenhas;Reviews;No section title EH010;EH010;EH030;EH030;EH040;EH040;nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

BAR, Braz. Adm. Rev. n.ahead 2013 BAR, Braz. Adm. Rev.;;;ahead;;20130000;1807-7692;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

J. Braz. Chem. Soc. v.24 n.3 J. Braz. Chem. Soc.;24;;3;;20130300;0103-5053;1 Articles;Short Report;Additions and Corrections;No section title JBChS020;JBChS050;JBChS100;nd No Descriptor other standard

Pro-Posições v.24 n.1 Pro-Posições;24;;1;;20130400;0103-7307;1 Editorial;Editorial;Artigos;Articles;Diverso e Prosa;Diverse and Prose;Leituras e Resenhas;Readings and Reviews;Dossiê " Entre Saberes e Práticas Docentes";Dossier " Knowledge and Teaching Practices";No section title PP010;PP010;PP040;PP040;PP050;PP050;PP130;PP130;PP240;PP240;nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Rev. bras. eng. agríc. ambient. v.17 n.4 Rev. bras. eng. agríc. ambient.;17;;4;;20130400;1415-4366;1 Engenharia de Irrigação e Drenagem;Irrigation and Drainage Engineering;Armazenamento e Processamento de Produtos Agrícolas;Storage and Processing of Agricultural Products;Gestão e Controle Ambiental;Environmental Control and Management;Máquinas Agrícolas;Agricultural Machines;Energia na Agricultura;Energy in Agriculture;Manejo de Solo, Água e Planta;Soil, Water and Plant Management;No section title RBEAA010;RBEAA010;RBEAA040;RBEAA040;RBEAA050;RBEAA050;RBEAA070;RBEAA070;RBEAA100;RBEAA100;RBEAA250;RBEAA250;nd

No Descriptor other standard

Ciênc. saúde coletiva v.18 n.3 pr Ciênc. saúde coletiva;18;;3;;20130300;1413-8123;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop. v.46 n.2 Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop.;46;;2;;20130400;0037-8682;1 Editorial;Major Articles;Short Communications;Review Article;Cases Reports;Letter;Images in Infectious Diseases;Obituary;No section title RSBMT200;RSBMT640;RSBMT650;RSBMT670;RSBMT680;RSBMT690;RSBMT700;RSBMT780;nd No Descriptor other standard

Arq. Gastroenterol. n.ahead 2013 Arq. Gastroenterol.;;;ahead;;20130000;0004-2803;1 No section title nd Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Arq. Neuro-Psiquiatr. v.30 n.1 Arq. Neuro-Psiquiatr.;30;;1;;19720300;0004-282X;1 No section title nd No Descriptor the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Braz. oral res. v.27 n.3 Braz. oral res.;27;;3;;20130600;1806-8324;1 Pediatric Dentistry;Restorative Dentistry;Editorial;Community Dentistry;Oral Radiology;Oral Physiology;Oral Surgery;Implant Dentistry;Gerodontology;Operative Dentistry;Oral Diagnosis;No section title BOR010;BOR090;BOR180;BOR340;BOR380;BOR420;BOR500;BOR560;BOR630;BOR640;BOR650;nd

Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Braz J Med Biol Res v.46 n.4 Braz J Med Biol Res;46;;4;;20130400;0100-879X;1 Clinical Investigation;Biomedical Sciences;Reviews;No section title BJMBR020;BJMBR770;BJMBR790;nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. bras. epidemiol. v.16 n.1 Rev. bras. epidemiol.;16;;1;;20130300;1415-790X;1 Artigos Originais;Original Articles;Notas e Informações;Notes and Informations;No section title RBEPID050;RBEPID050;RBEPID220;RBEPID220;nd No Descriptor the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Braz. j. oceanogr. v.61 n.1 pr Braz. j. oceanogr.;61;;1;;20130300;1679-8759;1 No section title nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Acta paul. enferm. v.26 n.1 pr Acta paul. enferm.;26;;1;;20130000;0103-2100;1 No section title nd Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem v.21 n.2 Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem;21;;2;;20130400;0104-1169;1 Editorial;Editorial;Editorial;Artículos Originales;Artigos Originais;Original Article;No section title RLAE010;RLAE010;RLAE010;RLAE130;RLAE130;RLAE130;nd No Descriptor other standard

An. Bras. Dermatol. v.88 n.2 An. Bras. Dermatol.;88;;2;;20130400;0365-0596;1 Caso Clínico;Case Report;Comunicação;Communication;Correspondência;Correspondence;Síndrome em Questão;Syndrome in Question;Qual o seu diagnóstico?;What is your diagnosis?;Investigação;Investigation;Dermatopatologia;Dermatopathology;Revisão;Review;Educação Médica Continuada;Continuing Medical Education;Imagens em Dermatologia;Imaging in Dermatology;Imagens em Dermatologia Tropical;Imaging in Tropical Dermatology;No section title ABD040;ABD040;ABD060;ABD060;ABD090;ABD090;ABD170;ABD170;ABD240;ABD240;ABD380;ABD380;ABD390;ABD390;ABD410;ABD410;ABD420;ABD420;ABD430;ABD430;ABD440;ABD440;nd

Health Science Descriptors other standard

Trends Psychiatry Psychother. n.ahead 2013 Trends Psychiatry Psychother.;;;ahead;;20130000;2237-6089;1 No section title nd Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Trop. plant pathol. n.ahead 2013 Trop. plant pathol.;;;ahead;;20130000;1982-5676;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Arq. Neuro-Psiquiatr. v.71 n.5 Arq. Neuro-Psiquiatr.;71;;5;;20130500;0004-282X;0 Articles;Historical Notes;Letters;Images in Neurology;Editorials;View and Review;No section title ANP210;ANP240;ANP340;ANP440;ANP470;ANP590;nd No Descriptor the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Ciênc. saúde coletiva v.18 n.4 pr Ciênc. saúde coletiva;18;;4;;20130400;1413-8123;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Educ. rev. v.29 n.1 Educ. rev.;29;;1;;20130300;0102-4698;1 Artigos;Articles;Editorial;Editorial;Resenha;Review;Homenagem;Homage;No section title EDUR010;EDUR010;EDUR100;EDUR100;EDUR130;EDUR130;EDUR160;EDUR160;nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Hist. Educ. v.17 n.39 Hist. Educ.;17;;39;;20130400;2236-3459;1 Apresentação ;Introduction;Artigos;Articles;Documento;Document;No section title HEDUC010;HEDUC010;HEDUC020;HEDUC020;HEDUC040;HEDUC040;nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Psicol. Soc. v.25 n.1 Psicol. Soc.;25;;1;;20130000;0102-7182;1 Editorial;Artigos;Resenha;Convite ao Debate;No section title PSOC010;PSOC070;PSOC090;PSOC110;nd No Descriptor American Psychological Association

J. Appl. Oral Sci. v.21 n.2 J. Appl. Oral Sci.;21;;2;;20130400;1678-7757;1 Original Articles;Editorial;No section title JAOS020;JAOS030;nd No Descriptor the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Ciênc. saúde coletiva v.18 n.5 pr Ciênc. saúde coletiva;18;;5;;20130500;1413-8123;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. bras. ortop. v.48 n.1 Rev. bras. ortop.;48;;1;;20130200;0102-3616;1 Editorial;Artigo de Atualização;Updating Article;Artigos de Atualização;Update Articles;Artigos Originais;Original Articles;Relatos de Caso;Case Reports;Artigos de Revisão;Review Articles;No section title RBORT010;RBORT190;RBORT190;RBORT200;RBORT200;RBORT210;RBORT210;RBORT220;RBORT220;RBORT230;RBORT230;nd

Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Rev. Inst. Estud. Bras. n.54 Rev. Inst. Estud. Bras.;;;54;;20120300;0020-3874;1 Editorial;Artigos;Articles;Resenhas;Book Reviews;Documentação;Documents;Notícias;News;No section title RIEB010;RIEB020;RIEB020;RIEB030;RIEB030;RIEB040;RIEB040;RIEB050;RIEB050;nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

JISTEM J.Inf.Syst. Technol. Manag. v.10 n.1 JISTEM J.Inf.Syst. Technol. Manag.;10;;1;;20130400;1807-1775;1 No section title nd No Descriptor American Psychological Association

Trends Psychiatry Psychother. v.35 n.1 Trends Psychiatry Psychother.;35;;1;;20130000;2237-6089;1 Editorial;Review Article;Original Articles;Letter to the Editor;Trends;Case Report;No section title TRENDS020;TRENDS080;TRENDS090;TRENDS110;TRENDS130;TRENDS150;nd Health Science Descriptors the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Neotrop. ichthyol. n.ahead 2013 Neotrop. ichthyol.;;;ahead;;20130000;1679-6225;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. Inst. Med. trop. S. Paulo v.55 n.3 Rev. Inst. Med. trop. S. Paulo;55;;3;;20130600;0036-4665;1 Ethics;Leprosy;Letters to the editor;Mycology;Parasitology;Leishmaniasis;Technical report;Chagas disease;Summary of Thesis;HIV;Virology;Case Report;Brief Communication;No section title RIMTSP067;RIMTSP068;RIMTSP069;RIMTSP080;RIMTSP090;RIMTSP350;RIMTSP390;RIMTSP660;RIMTSP700;RIMTSP840;RIMTSP903;RIMTSP982;RIMTSP984;nd

No Descriptor other standard

Rev. Bras. entomol. n.ahead 2013 Rev. Bras. entomol.;;;ahead;;20130000;0085-5626;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Acta Amaz. v.43 n.3 Acta Amaz.;43;;3;;20130900;0044-5967;1 Agronomia;Zoologia;Ciências da Saúde;Ciências Florestais;Notas e Comunicações;Geociências;Fitossanidade;Ecologia Vegetal;Zootecnia / Recursos Pesqueiros;No section title AA010;AA090;AA130;AA140;AA160;AA310;AA380;AA420;AA440;nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. bras. saúde prod. anim. v.14 n.1 Rev. bras. saúde prod. anim.;14;;1;;20130300;1519-9940;1 Forragicultura e Pastagens;Nutrição Animal;Recursos Pesqueiros/Aqüicultura;Genética e Melhoramento Animal;Produção Animal e Ambiente;No section title RBSPA010;RBSPA020;RBSPA040;RBSPA060;RBSPA070;nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Braz. Dent. J. v.24 n.2 Braz. Dent. J.;24;;2;;20130400;0103-6440;1 Original Articles;No section title BDJ020;nd Health Science Descriptors other standard

An. Acad. Bras. Ciênc. v.85 n.2 An. Acad. Bras. Ciênc.;85;;2;;20130600;0001-3765;0 Ciências Biológicas;Biological Sciences;Ciências da Terra;Earth Sciences;Ciências Químicas;Chemical Sciences;Nota Editorial;Editorial Note;Ciências de Engenharia;Engineering Sciences;Ciências Matemáticas;Mathematical Sciences;Ciências Agrárias;Agrarian Sciences;Ciências Biomédicas;Biomedical Sciences;No section title AABC030;AABC030;AABC050;AABC050;AABC080;AABC080;AABC090;AABC090;AABC110;AABC110;AABC120;AABC120;AABC220;AABC220;AABC240;AABC240;nd

No Descriptor other standard

Braz. J. Phys. Ther. v.17 n.2 Braz. J. Phys. Ther.;17;;2;;20130400;1413-3555;1 Revisão Sistemática;Systematic Review;Original Articles;No section title RBFIS200;RBFIS200;RBFIS350;nd No Descriptor other standard

Rev. Inst. Estud. Bras. n.55 Rev. Inst. Estud. Bras.;;;55;;20120900;0020-3874;1 Editorial;Artigos;Articles;Documentação;Documents;Notícias;News;Dossiê Modernismo: Em Debate;Resenha;Book Review;No section title RIEB010;RIEB020;RIEB020;RIEB040;RIEB040;RIEB050;RIEB050;RIEB060;RIEB070;RIEB070;nd

No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Arq. Neuro-Psiquiatr. v.71 n.6 Arq. Neuro-Psiquiatr.;71;;6;;20130600;0004-282X;1 Articles;Historical Notes;Corrections;Opinion;Images in Neurology;Editorials;View and Review;Letter;No section title ANP190;ANP240;ANP280;ANP410;ANP440;ANP470;ANP590;ANP630;nd No Descriptor the vancouver group - uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals

Int. braz j urol. v.39 n.2 Int. braz j urol.;39;;2;;20130400;1677-5538;1 Review article;Radiology Page;Original Article;Video Section;Editor's Comment;No section title IBJU110;IBJU210;IBJU270;IBJU280;IBJU290;nd Health Science Descriptors other standard

Braz. J. Phys. Ther. n.ahead 2013 Braz. J. Phys. Ther.;;;ahead;;20130000;1413-3555;1 No section title nd No Descriptor other standard

Hoehnea v.34 n.4 Hoehnea;34;;4;;20070000;2236-8906;1 No section title nd No Descriptor nbr 6023/89 - associação nacional de normas técnicas

Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz v.108 n.3 Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz;108;;3;;20130500;0074-0276;1 Articles;Short Communications;No section title MIOC051;MIOC959;nd No Descriptor