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What's new in PubMed - February 2019 #3026

Open RPostalli opened 5 years ago

RPostalli commented 5 years ago

Dear PubMed Data Provider,

We have several announcements for 2019:

  1. The updated PubMed Publisher DTD is available here:


  1. Please update your XML file submissions to use the new DOCTYPE header: <!DOCTYPE ArticleSet PUBLIC "-//NLM//DTD PubMed 2.8//EN" "">


  1. Reference Lists

We encourage you to supply reference lists in your XML submissions.

Use the <ReferenceList>, <Title>, <Reference>, <Citation>, <PMID> and <ArticleIdList> elements to supply references.

The reference lists will not display in current production PubMed, but they will be available in the PubMed XML and they will display in PubMed Labs (see: Because the reference lists are not going to display in production PubMed, the current citation validator will not display these lists. An enhancement to PMDM to allow editing of reference lists is underway and we will send an email when this work is complete.

For sample XML, please see "How do I submit reference lists?" at


  1. Plain Language Summaries

The element can now contain an article's plain language summary, when a summary was published in the article version of record. Use the Type attribute "plain-language-summary" to properly identify the plain language summary:

<OtherAbstract Language="eng" Type="plain-language-summary">In patients with type 2 diabetes, blood sugar levels are higher and vary more than in healthy people. In the past, some drugs that were used to treat diabetes by controlling blood sugar levels increased the risk of certain complications... </OtherAbstract>

Plain language summaries will display in PubMed below the abstract.

Please see "OtherAbstract" at ""


  1. Grant Country and Acronym

We have expanded the grant structure to allow publishers to supply the agency's acronym and country. Use the element with the Name attributes "acronym" and "country" as shown below:

<Object Type="grant">
<Param Name="id">12345</Param>
<Param Name="grantor">National Health and Medical Research Council</Param>
<Param Name="acronym">NHMRC</Param>
<Param Name="country">Australia</Param>

At this time, the new allowed values are only accepted in new XML submissions. We are planning a future enhancement to PMDM to allow editing and updating of these fields.

We will continue to add the country and acronym for the granting agencies listed on this web page:

If you are supplying only grant agencies from the list above, you do not have to change your submissions. The new Name values allow you to assign the acronym and country where we do not programmatically add them.

Please see "Can I provide grant information?" at


  1. New Publication Type "Systematic Review"

You can now supply the publication type "Systematic Review" in your XML file submissions:

<PublicationType>Systematic Review</PublicationType>

This publication type may also be applied by NLM during MEDLINE indexing. Please restrict the use of this publication type to those articles that align with the NLM definition of Systematic Review.

Please see


If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to


PubMed Data Provider Support Team - National Center for Biotechnology Information National Library of Medicine

julianafurlani commented 5 years ago
  1. DOCTYPE header atualizado:

    <!DOCTYPE ArticleSet
    PUBLIC "-//NLM//DTD PubMed 2.8//EN" "">
  2. Lista de referências não está sendo gerada

Exemplo BDJ v30n1:

  1. Artigos em SciELO não possuem plain language summary, portanto não foi possível testar este item

  2. Tag de financiamento não está sendo gerada. Segundo site do PubMed:

When you supply a grantor name exactly as it appears on the provided list, we will automatically display the appropriate country on the citation in PubMed. You may supply grants that do not appear on the list; however, we will not append the country name for other organizations. For organizations that do not appear on the controlled list, you may choose to include the acronym and country in your XML submission, for example:

<Object Type="grant">
<Param Name="id">12345</Param>
<Param Name="grantor">National Health and Medical Research Council</Param>
<Param Name="acronym">NHMRC</Param>
<Param Name="country">Australia</Param>

Exemplo de artigo com agência de financiamento: ( SciELO: PubMed:

  1. Artigos em SciELO não possuem o atributo de Systematic Review em article-type, portanto não foi possível testar este item