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Links para Google Metrics nos artigos. #132

Closed fabiobatalha closed 10 years ago

fabiobatalha commented 10 years ago

Hi Abel & Fabio: I have appended the guidelines for creating article lookup links for Scholar. We have released the article lookup feature recently. It takes advantage of all available metadata to do a better job of the lookup - esp when there are typos or errors in the reference text (authors can at times be quite sloppy).

As I had mentioned, looks like at least for some articles, you are already adding two-step links from each reference to Google Scholar. Each reference has a single "Links" link which goes to a page like which in turn has a scholar link that is constructed using just title.

IMO, the two step links approach significantly reduces the utility of these links. If the user clicks on a link next to a reference, hee goal is pretty much always to find a copy that she can read. It would be much better if the link to Scholar (or any other fulltext) appeared directly at the reference. One possible approach would be to

  1. Create a link to SciELO if the reference is a SciELO article - using "SciELO" as the link text. This link would go directly to the SciELO article. This is of course the best experience possible as it takes the user immediately to where she really wants to go. It would also highlight the role of SciELO for the user.
  2. If the reference is not a SciELO article, create a lookup link to Google Scholar using "Google Scholar" as the link text. This would eliminate one click and get the user to the desired article quicker.

Do let me know if there are questions. If a phone call would help, I would be happy to call.

cheers, anurag

The note below has three sections. Section 1 has general guidelines (eg encoding, escaping etc). Section 2 has a list of all the fields used to specify bibliographic metadata for a lookup link. Section 3 has a list of fields suitable for each item type (journal articles, books, book chapters, technical reports, preprints, dissertations etc). For each type, I have also included an example.

Constructing article lookup links for Google Scholar

Section 1: Overall guidelines

Encoding: UTF-8 MUST be used for encoding all URL arguments.

Escaping: as per web standards, values in all URL arguments need to be URL-escaped. Search for "url escape" for lists of characters that need to be escaped and what the corresponding escape codes are. One example of such a list is at

Example: URL-escaped version of "Can John & Jane see?" would be "Can+John+%26+Jane+see%2F"

Missing fields: Skip all missing fields. Please don't use placeholder values.

Order of fields: Authors MUST be listed in the same order as they are in the article. There are no other ordering constraints.

Structure of links: lookup links have the structure

An optional interface language can be added by adding "&hl=" to the link. The default interface language is English.

Interface language codes supported are:

en, pt-BR, zh-CN, da, fi, no, sv, zh-TW, nl, es, de, ja, fr, it, hr, ro, ca, tl, vi, hu, lv, hi, lt, th, id, bg, sl, sk, uk, sr, pt-PT, cs, el, pl, iw, ar, tr, fa, ko, ru


Spanish interface:

Portuguese interface:

Section 2: List of fields

Here is the list of all the metatags used to specify bibliographic metadata for an article lookup link. Unless explicitly specified as repeatable, each field MUST occur at most once. Of these fields, "title", "author" and "publication_year" are REQUIRED.

title - title of the item. This field is REQUIRED.

author - author of the item. This field can be repeated. Authors MUST be listed in the same order as they appear in the item. At least one author is REQUIRED.

publication_year - year the item was formally published. For a journal article, this would be the cover date of the issue the article appeared in. This field is REQUIRED.

journal - journal the article was published in. This field should be included only for journal articles.

volume - volume of the serial (journal) the article was published in. issue - issue of the serial (journal) the article was published in.

pages - page range or the first page for the item. This field should be included only for journal/conference articles and book chapters. This field should NOT be used for the number of pages in a book.

issn - ISSN of the journal the article was published in. This field should be included only for journal articles.

conference - conference the article was published in. This field should be included only for conference articles. isbn - ISBN of the book. This field should be included only for books. This field should NOT be included for book chapters. doi - DOI for the item.

pmid - PubMed ID for the item.

arxiv_id - arXiv ID for the item.

Section 3: Fields to include for different kinds of items (with examples)

Journal article: Set of fields suitable for a journal article are title author (one author per field) publication_year journal volume issue pages doi pmid arxiv_id issn

Eg: The lookup link for

A. Einstein, B. Podolsky, N. Rosen, "Can quantum-mechanical description of physical reality be considered complete?", Physical Review, 47 (10) 777-780, 1935

would be

Book: Set of fields are title author (one author per field) publication_year isbn

Example: The lookup link for

James Gibson, The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception, Psychology Press, 1986

would be

Book chapter: Set of fields are title author (one author per field) publication_year pages

Example: the lookup link for

Anurag Acharya, Mudumbai Ranganathan, and Joel Saltz. "Sumatra: A language for resource-aware mobile programs." Mobile Object Systems Towards the Programmable Internet. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1997. 111-130.

would be

Conference article: Set of fields are title conference author (one author per field) publication_year pages

Example: the lookup link for

Anurag Acharya and Mandar Raje. "MAPbox: Using parameterized behavior classes to confine untrusted applications." Proceedings of the 9th conference on USENIX Security Symposium-Volume 9. USENIX Association, 2000.

would be

Dissertation: Set of fields are citation_title author (there MUST be only one author for a dissertation) publication_year

Example: the lookup link for

Bruce Hayes. A metrical theory of stress rules. Diss. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1980.

would be

Arxiv preprint: Set of fields are title author (one author per field) publication_year arxiv_id

Example: the lookup link for

Rajesh Gopakumar, and Cumrun Vafa. "On the gauge theory/geometry correspondence." arXiv preprint hep-th/9811131 (1998).

would be

Other item types: (including technical reports, other preprints etc). Set of fields are title author (one author per field) publication_year

Example: The lookup link for

Bengt-Ake, Lundvall, "The social dimension of the learning economy." (1996).

would be

fabiobatalha commented 10 years ago

@deandr Temos que digerir esse Guide que o Anurag indicou para colocar links de metricas do Google Scholar nas páginas de artigos do SciELO.

deandr commented 10 years ago


Dúvida: no momento que esta sendo construído a seção de referências do artigo é possível saber (por algum elemento presente no XML) que uma referência faz parte da rede SciELO? pois é o que entendi do item 1 do Anurag para reduzir a quantidade de cliques do usuário e melhorar a experiência de usuário.

Também entendo que o fato de ter se optado por abrir um janela separada para mostrar as opções de links foi no planejamento de no futuro poder ter outras opções de links, estaria o coordenador do projeto de acordo com esta opção de eliminar a janela secundária?


fabiobatalha commented 10 years ago


Vamos inserir por hora na janela. É claro que existe o interesse do Anurag em colocar esse link logo na página do artigo pois aumente as possibilidades do usuário utilizar o serviço. Entretanto podemos fazer uma versão preliminar no atual SciELO utilizando o popup e posteriormente (na nova versão do site SciELO) pensamos em incluir esse link direto na página do artigo.

Sei também que para modificar isso para incluir na página do artigo teríamos que modificar muitas coisas no SciELO, incluso em scripts .xis e isso é algo o que não me agrada pois com certeza passaríamos meses enfrentando problemas de efeitos colaterais devido as grandes mudanças.

fabiobatalha commented 10 years ago

@deandr Também não sabemos quais citações são do SciELO.

fabiobatalha commented 10 years ago


On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 11:41 AM, Fabio Batalha Cunha dos Santos wrote: I believe to determine the SciELO article will be tricky. We can do this but we will have problems to mantain it. And it will not work well considering the articles of the SciELO Collections.

I think for now the best and fast approach is to include the Google Scholar links for all citations.

I agree. My original suggestion assumed that determining SciELO articles was easy. Since it is not, your approach would definitely be the most effective & easier to implement.



Fabio Batalha C. Santos Colegiado SciELO FAPESP - CNPq - BIREME - FapUNIFESP

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 3:30 PM, Anurag Acharya wrote:

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 11:08 AM, Fabio Batalha Cunha dos Santos wrote: Hello Anurag,

How are you?

We took a while looking for the guide.

Unfortunately we don't know if one citation is or not of a SciELO article. How we can workaround it?

Would the journal name in the citation work for this purpose? I am hoping that you have a complete list of SciELO journals. If that isn't feasible for all instances (eg SciELO Chile may not have the complete list for SciELO Brasil), maybe we can do this just for the instance? Ie, link locally for the journals hosted on the same instance and link to Scholar for all other citations.

If determining SciELO articles is tricky to do, an alternative approach would be to add Scholar links for all articles.



deandr commented 10 years ago


OK. Abri pull request com as alterações no link sugeridas pelo Anurag, favor quando possível verificar e informar ajustes necessários.
