sciencefair-land / sciencefair

The futuristic, fabulous and free desktop app for working with scientific literature :microscope: :book:
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Reference Management and Bibliography tools #169

Open TransGirlCodes opened 6 years ago

TransGirlCodes commented 6 years ago

Hi @blahah, I really like the look of science-fair, looking forward to more datasources being available.

I was reading the source code, and looking at how the project is built, really nice model-view design with choo which is a very nice functional way of building the thing - much nicer on my brain than a more heavyweight framework!! 😆

Anyway I was wondering what I might be able to contribute to this project if I wanted to do some weekend programming fun, and it occured to me it would be awesome if scienfair allowed bibtex and other bibliography management for the papers people are downloading and sharing with sciencefair.

There are several ways this might be done of course, but was wondering what your thoughts were on this. Firstly is it desirable to you? And secondly are there ways you'd like to see such a thing implemented or even ways you definately wouldn't want to see it implemented?

ChasNelson1990 commented 6 years ago

Would love to see this feature in a future version, would be happy to get involved with you @Ward9250 (although my js coding is a bit basic).