sciencefidelity / Nova-Dart

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Darth Analyzer Path issue #39

Open Narven opened 2 years ago

Narven commented 2 years ago

I think there is an issue with the Dart Plugin.

When I run i get this error on the extension console:

Dart[8:25:25.020000] Activating...
Dart[8:25:25.020000] Analyzer path is: "/usr/local/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/snapshots/analysis_server.dart.snapshot".
Dart[8:25:25.026000] LSP Running
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.109000] Could not find a command named "/usr/local/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/snapshots/analysis_server.dart.snapshot".
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000] 
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000] Usage: dart <command|dart-file> [arguments]
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000] 
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000] Global options:
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000] -h, --help                 Print this usage information.
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000] -v, --verbose              Show additional command output.
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000]     --version              Print the Dart SDK version.
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000]     --enable-analytics     Enable analytics.
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000]     --disable-analytics    Disable analytics.
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000] 
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000] Available commands:
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000]   analyze    Analyze Dart code in a directory.
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000]   compile    Compile Dart to various formats.
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000]   create     Create a new Dart project.
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000]   devtools   Open DevTools (optionally connecting to an existing application).
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000]   doc        Generate HTML API documentation from Dart documentation comments.
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000]   fix        Apply automated fixes to Dart source code.
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000]   format     Idiomatically format Dart source code.
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000]   migrate    Perform null safety migration on a project.
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000]   pub        Work with packages.
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000]   run        Run a Dart program.
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000]   test       Run tests for a project.
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000] 
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000] Run "dart help <command>" for more information about a command.
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000] See for detailed documentation.

So I searched to where I have that analyzer.dart.snapshot. and it was on my home directory, cool. When I choose the picker for the path, the PICKER only allows to choose a FILE: but the next errors shows that we path is being prepended to the name of the file, so I get:

Dart[8:25:25.020000] Activating...
Dart[8:25:25.020000] Analyzer path is: /Users/pedroluz/dart-sdk/bin/snapshots/analysis_server.dart.snapshot/analysis_server.dart.snapshot
Dart[8:25:25.026000] LSP Running
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.109000] Could not find a command named "/Users/pedroluz/dart-sdk/bin/snapshots/analysis_server.dart.snapshot/analysis_server.dart.snapshot".
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000] 
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000] Usage: dart <command|dart-file> [arguments]
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000] 
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000] Global options:
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000] -h, --help                 Print this usage information.
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000] -v, --verbose              Show additional command output.
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000]     --version              Print the Dart SDK version.
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000]     --enable-analytics     Enable analytics.
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000]     --disable-analytics    Disable analytics.
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000] 
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000] Available commands:
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000]   analyze    Analyze Dart code in a directory.
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000]   compile    Compile Dart to various formats.
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000]   create     Create a new Dart project.
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000]   devtools   Open DevTools (optionally connecting to an existing application).
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000]   doc        Generate HTML API documentation from Dart documentation comments.
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000]   fix        Apply automated fixes to Dart source code.
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000]   format     Idiomatically format Dart source code.
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000]   migrate    Perform null safety migration on a project.
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000]   pub        Work with packages.
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000]   run        Run a Dart program.
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000]   test       Run tests for a project.
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000] 
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000] Run "dart help <command>" for more information about a command.
Dart Language Server[8:25:25.110000] See for detailed documentation.

First issue is that the picker should only allow a FOLDER to be select, not a FILE. The good thing is that you can manually input text into the input (thank u for that). So the next issue is, What is this?

Dart[8:31:58.134000] Activating...

Dart[8:31:58.134000] Analyzer path is: /Users/pedroluz/dart-sdk/bin/snapshots/analysis_server.dart.snapshot

Dart[8:31:58.144000] LSP Running

Dart Language Server[8:31:58.174000] Wrong full snapshot version, expected 'd56742caf7b3b3f4bd2df93a9bbb5503' found '9cf77f4405212c45daf608e1cd646852'


Narven commented 2 years ago
Dart[8:45:46.330000] Activating...
Dart[8:45:46.331000] Analyzer path is: /Users/pedroluz/dart-sdk/bin/snapshots/analysis_server.dart.snapshot
Dart[8:45:46.333000] LSP Running
Dart Language Server[8:45:47.039000] Wrong full snapshot version, expected 'd56742caf7b3b3f4bd2df93a9bbb5503' found '9cf77f4405212c45daf608e1cd646852'
Dart[8:45:49.215000] Flutter 2.11.0-0.0.pre.501 • channel master • ssh://
Dart[8:45:49.215000] Framework • revision 0ce527eb91 (10 hours ago) • 2022-02-09 15:05:03 -0800
Dart[8:45:49.215000] Engine • revision a57061eda8
Dart[8:45:49.216000] Tools • Dart 2.17.0 (build • DevTools 2.10.0
Narven commented 2 years ago

just fixed by running:

flutter channel master
flutter upgrade
flutter clean
Narven commented 2 years ago

But I still get a popup box that says:

Dart Language Server stopped unexpectedly,
Error: Task “sciencefidelity.dart” exited with a non-zero exit status: 255.

But it does not show anything specific in the logs, rather than before

sciencefidelity commented 2 years ago

Thanks for reporting this.

I've removed temporarily any functionality that tries to find Dart, as it seems problematic. I'll continue to work on that when I have time.

I have added the ability to choose either a folder or a file with the picker in preferences, it does not matter if you choose the analysis_server.dart.snapshot file or the snapshots folder, the extension should fix the path and not double the filename. I've tested it and it works for me, if you see continue to get problems let me know.

There is a new version in the extension library.

sciencefidelity commented 2 years ago

But I still get a popup box that says:

Dart Language Server stopped unexpectedly,
Error: Task “sciencefidelity.dart” exited with a non-zero exit status: 255.

But it does not show anything specific in the logs, rather than before

I'll try to figure out why this is happening, have you noticed anything specific that causes this?

Narven commented 2 years ago

The main reason why I've been seeing that Task "sicencefidelity.dart"... is due to:

Dart[9:44:27.206000] Activating...
Dart[9:44:27.210000] LSP Running
Dart Language Server[9:44:27.238000] Wrong full snapshot version, expected 'd56742caf7b3b3f4bd2df93a9bbb5503' found '9cf77f4405212c45daf608e1cd646852'

I've ran:

flutter channel master
flutter upgrade
flutter clean

which worked before, but is not working anymore. still get that error.

I'm pretty sure that is not an issue with the extension, but with LSP it self. Just dont know why is comparing to commit hashes.