sciencehistory / chf-sufia

sufia-based hydra app
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Put filesets and child works in alpha sort order #423

Closed catlu closed 7 years ago

catlu commented 7 years ago

For this record:

File manager interface doesn't work because the child works have had titles added, so the filenames are no longer part of the titles, but they're still in their own file sets. Child works then clumped to the bottom after editing the parent record due to a bug (fixed in Sufia 7.3).

Low priority for me, and fixing after we're on Sufia 7.3 works too if that makes more sense.

hackartisan commented 7 years ago

This is a single work that got messed up when saving a work bumped its works down below its files in the ordered_member list. Just needs to be fixed as a one-off.

hackartisan commented 7 years ago
> w = GenericWork.find 'ft848q626'
> new_order = w.ordered_members.to_a
> w.ordered_members.to_a.each { |member| member.delete }
irb(main):039:0> w.thumbnail_id = nil
=> nil
irb(main):040:0> w.representative_id = nil
=> nil
=> true
irb(main):042:0> new_order.each do |member|
irb(main):043:1*   w.ordered_members << member
irb(main):045:1> end