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DPLA integration #965

Closed jrochkind closed 6 years ago

MDiMeo commented 6 years ago

Next harvest date is in mid-June 2018. See email from Rachel Appel at Temple University, dated Jan. 25 2018, for more information.

jrochkind commented 6 years ago

From: Rachel Appel [] Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2018 11:59 AM To: DiMeo, Michelle Cc: Lu, Cathleen; Stefanie Ramsay Subject: Re: DPLA for our Digital Collections

Hi Michelle and Cat,

It's wonderful to hear from you guys!

This is very exciting news and I know it's been very hard work over the past few years, so congratulations!

) Here is a quick checklist for contributing institutions that gives an overview of the general requirements for sharing your data. PA Digital Checklist for Contributing Institutions

2) Attached is our Onboarding Overview so that you can see what our onboarding procedure is. Ongoing DPLA harvests will generally be scheduled quarterly. PA Digital Onboarding Workflow​

3) Here is our current draft of our Metadata Guidelines. We update them when there are changes to the DPLA's metadata guidelines. PA Digital Metadata Guidelines

Also, have you or your colleagues been added to the listserv? It is a great resource to learn about digital library issues. You can subscribe yourself here:

Our next harvest deadline is March 9th and the following one will be mid-June and we would need the agreement letter signed prior to those deadlines. I know Samvera does have an OAI output, but we've found that not all OAI applications are exactly the same. There may be some troubleshooting to make sure your data output works with our aggregator software. We are currently working on integrating several Islandora repositories so I'm hoping it will be similar. Our metadata reviews usually take a couple of weeks depending on how many collections there are, but the technical compatibility work can take much longer.

Please let me know if you or your colleagues would like to set up a meeting with PA Digital to more specifically answer your questions. We are planning an orientation webinar in February that will go over the above documents and I can let you know when that's scheduled.

Best, Rachel

jrochkind commented 6 years ago

UCSB used the standard release blacklight_oai_provider (6.0) in their curation_concerns (not sufia or hyrax) based app. Commits from UCSB can be found here:

I know many devs were using a fork of blacklight_oai_provider instead; not sure why, or if they still are, or where to find it. Posted question to samvera-tech!topic/samvera-tech/cq_bsKYIRUs

And answer:

I can't speak to all the reasons people forked that gem, but I'm aware of 2: Compatibility with subsequent versions of blacklight and support for list sets. As far as I know, both issues have been addressed by Carla's work in the recent releases of that gem.

More specifically, the most recent updates of the blacklight_oai_provider gem are compatible with blacklight 6.x, which should align with your version of sufia (if not, please open a ticket). It would be great for a sufia install to propose an example configuration of the metadata mapping or list sets!

  • Ben
jrochkind commented 6 years ago

From: Rachel Appel
Date: Tuesday, April 10, 2018 at 12:15 PM
To: "Rochkind, Jonathan"
Cc: "Sanford, Daniel", "Lu, Cathleen", "", Leanne Finnigan
Subject: Re: DPLA for our Digital Collections   Hi Jonathan,   Thanks for getting in touch.   We either require OAI-PMH or a CSV file with all of the fields that we can put through our local Omeka instance which has its own OAI-PMH output. We don't have a preference. The DPLA currently uses OAI-PMH and I haven't heard any plans of that changing. They did look at ResourceSync over a year ago but I haven't heard anything since then.   I can show you Temple's OAI output for our largest collection: I can also share a CSV that we got from the Free Library to put through Omeka. Their local repository does not have OAI-PMH capability. I'm not sure if I have any ideal model...but I do have a ton of examples.    You wrote, "I’m confused with what to do with fields that don’t have DC/DCTerms elements given, like “thumbnail URL.” That's a great point and I can make that more clear in our documentation. The thumbnail URL and what we call the "trackback" URL (the link back to the item's record locally) both go to identifier. I can show you APS' Islandora record in our aggregator here: and here is their OAI output for that collection:    I'm not sure how similar Islandora and Samvera are anymore but it may be worthwhile.    DPLA just updated their MAP this fall--thanks for catching that. I'll update it shortly. In the meantime, here it is:   If you're interested, DLF created a "MAP clearinghouse" here:   Our next harvest deadline is June 15th. After that, it will be sometime in September.   I've cc'd Leanne Finnigan, PA Digital's metadata virtuoso. Leanne, would you like to add anything?   Best, Rachel

jrochkind commented 6 years ago

@catlu Should "collection" records be in the OAI-PMH feed for DPLA? I suspect not?

They are at present, I gotta fix that if they ought not to be.

catlu commented 6 years ago

@jrochkind Not the collection records, no.

jrochkind commented 6 years ago

More docs:

Draft of EDTF, which is now hard to find on the web, and will be replaced by a final ISO version behind a paywall. :(

DPLA Geographic and Temporal guidelines:

jrochkind commented 6 years ago

Waiting on DPLA for review, sent it to this early last week.