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Oral history requests -- avoid complicating back button by adding modal #2479

Open jrochkind opened 6 months ago

jrochkind commented 6 months ago

Oral history request form can be a javacript-powered modal popup, so when you have submitted it you are still looking at your original page, and it doens't interfere with back-button history.

This came up in conversation with OH stakeholders, concern that additonal history making back button harder to use to get back to search results may interfere with users' workflows, especially for requesting multiple OH's from search results.

There could be other ways to solve that problem, worth considering before diving in, but the obvious one to me is to make the request form a popup dialog, which seems like a nice comfy UI over all, and probably not too hard to implement, although our hetereogenous weird JS environment makes it harder (do we use bootstrap modal or hotwire or what)

jrochkind commented 4 months ago

This could be part of addressing usability issue found in testing

The flash message confirmation reading The files you have requested are immediately available. We've sent an email to [...] with a sign-in link. was invisible to one user because of the muted font and colors and the prominent titles underneath it.

In a modal dialog request UX, the confirmation message "we've sent an email" would appear in the modal naturally, and need to be confirmed to close the modal.