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Bring the site closer to WCAG 2.0 compliance #565

Closed eddierubeiz closed 2 years ago

eddierubeiz commented 4 years ago

How I might tackle this:

jrochkind commented 2 years ago

I am going to start by focusing on three pages:

  1. Home page
  2. Search results page
  3. Item detail page

I am also going to start with the "HTML_CodeSniffer" tool listed above, and start with the things at level "AA" and notated as "Errors" (rather than "warnings" or "notices").

I am for now going to exclude admin pages/admin-only functionality.

jrochkind commented 2 years ago

OK, I've gone through all of the HTML_CodeSniffer => level AA => "error" (as opposed to warning/notice)

There are some outstanding things related to img alt text that I need to thinik/reserach/discuss with y'all more. We'll talk today.

In the meantime, I'm also moving on to: The IBM tool; level AAA; warnings and notices.

this is a much larger more confusing noisier list, including lots of things that are just like "this might be an issue you should check" and then I check and it's not (but no good way to eliminate it from the report), and lots of things that I don't totally understand what they mean.

But for things that I do understand what they mean and see a good way to address/improve them, I'll start doing a few of those too.

jrochkind commented 2 years ago

BTW, a lot of our text still doesn't meet contrast rules at AAA (rather than AA) level -- hyperlinks, but also some of our dark-grey muted text, and other text too. For now, I am ignoring those, it would require a major site redesign/brand color redesign.

As far as I know so far, all text does meet contrast rules at AA level.

jrochkind commented 2 years ago

For future reference:

Digital Library Accessibility and Usability Guidelines (DLAUG) to Support Blind and Visually Impaired Users

jrochkind commented 2 years ago

The IBM checker is asking me to:

Inform the user when their input action will open a new window or otherwise change their context

Changes in context can confuse or disorient users who cannot easily perceive the change. If activating a link opens a new popup or a window, informing the user in advance helps people who use assistive technologies be aware of the change in context.


By Communciations policy, ALL external links use target="_blank". Adding "opens in new window" next to all of them is probably not a great option. Am definitely not doing at present.

But I wonder if this accessibility guideline really means the Institute should consider adjusting that practice, and no longer using target=_blank everywhere, if it's known to create an accessibility problem

jrochkind commented 2 years ago

Another good tool (FYI @eddierubeiz ) is Google Lighthouse:

It runs as a Chrome plugin. While it does more than accessibility, you can run it with only the "accesibility" checkbox checked to only focus on that.

It's flagging things I think are legit that the HTML_CodeSniffer tool didn't find; and is for me somewhat easier to use than the IBM tool.

jrochkind commented 2 years ago

Also an interesting page that tries to show which features are supported by which assistive technology.

Sometimes there's an ARIA or other feature which seems like it should provide accessibiilty, but isn't actually supported by actually existing assistive technology.