Closed jorgensd closed 1 month ago
Almost works out of the box:
V = dolfinx.fem.functionspace(mesh, ("Lagrange", degree, value_shape))
R = scifem.create_real_functionspace(mesh, value_shape)
W = ufl.MixedFunctionSpace(V, R)
u, c = ufl.TrialFunctions(W)
v, d = ufl.TestFunctions(W)
x = ufl.SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
pol = x[0] ** degree - 2 * x[1] ** degree
# Compute average value of polynomial to make mean 0
C = mesh.comm.allreduce(
dolfinx.fem.assemble_scalar(dolfinx.fem.form(pol * ufl.dx, dtype=dtype)), op=MPI.SUM
u_scalar = pol - dolfinx.fem.Constant(mesh, dtype(C))
if tensor == 0:
u_ex = u_scalar
zero = dolfinx.fem.Constant(mesh, dtype(0.0))
elif tensor == 1:
u_ex = ufl.as_vector([u_scalar, -u_scalar])
zero = dolfinx.fem.Constant(mesh, dtype((0.0, 0.0)))
u_ex = ufl.as_tensor(
[u_scalar, 2 * u_scalar],
[3 * u_scalar, -u_scalar],
[u_scalar, 2 * u_scalar],
zero = dolfinx.fem.Constant(mesh, dtype(((0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0))))
dx = ufl.Measure("dx", domain=mesh)
f = -ufl.div(ufl.grad(u_ex))
n = ufl.FacetNormal(mesh)
g =, n)
a = ufl.inner(ufl.grad(u), ufl.grad(v)) * dx
a += ufl.inner(c, v) * dx
#a += ufl.inner(u, d) * dx
L = ufl.inner(f, v) * dx + ufl.inner(g, v) * ufl.ds
L += ufl.inner(zero, d) * dx
a_blocked = [[None for _ in range(W.num_sub_spaces())] for _ in range(W.num_sub_spaces())]
L_blocked = [None for _ in range(W.num_sub_spaces())]
for i in range(W.num_sub_spaces()):
for j in range(W.num_sub_spaces()):
a_blocked[i][j] = ufl.extract_blocks(a, i, j)
L_blocked[i] = ufl.extract_blocks(L, i)
a = dolfinx.fem.form(a_blocked, dtype=dtype)
L = dolfinx.fem.form(L_blocked, dtype=dtype)
Need some fixes in both dolfinx and basix.
For nonlinear problems I guess we need to do
W = ufl.MixedFunctionSpace(V, R)
w = dolfinx.fem.Function(W)
u, c = ufl.split(w)
But then I get
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/shared/", line 180, in <module>
File "/home/shared/", line 77, in main
w = dolfinx.fem.Function(W)
File "/usr/local/dolfinx-real/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/dolfinx/fem/", line 340, in __init__
V.element.dtype, np.dtype(dtype).type(0).real.dtype
AttributeError: 'MixedFunctionSpace' object has no attribute 'element'
You would have to make functions in V and R, and later call derivative wrt TrialFunctions from W.sub(i) to make up the block jacobian
Thanks for this. I tried it with the old FEniCS demo Poisson equation with pure Neumann boundary conditions, which can finally be translated to FEniCSx. I know is not a non-linear problem, but I also wanted to test the blocked Newton solver (#5).
# ref:
domain = dolfinx.mesh.create_unit_square(comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD, nx=128, ny=128, cell_type=dolfinx.mesh.CellType.triangle)
V = dolfinx.fem.functionspace(domain, ("Lagrange", 1, ()))
R = scifem.create_real_functionspace(domain)
v = ufl.TestFunction(V)
d = ufl.TestFunction(R)
du = ufl.TrialFunction(V)
dc = ufl.TrialFunction(R)
u = dolfinx.fem.Function(V)
c = dolfinx.fem.Function(R)
x = ufl.SpatialCoordinate(domain)
f = 10 * ufl.exp(-((x[0] - 0.5) ** 2 + (x[1] - 0.5) ** 2) / 0.02)
g = -ufl.sin(5 * x[0])
zero = dolfinx.fem.Constant(domain, dolfinx.default_scalar_type(0.0))
a0 = (ufl.inner(ufl.grad(u), ufl.grad(v)) + ufl.inner(c, v))*ufl.dx
a1 = ufl.inner(u, d)*ufl.dx
L0 = ufl.inner(f, v)*ufl.dx + ufl.inner(g, v)*ufl.ds
L1 = ufl.inner(zero, d)*ufl.dx
F0 = a0 - L0
F1 = a1 - L1
F = [F0, F1]
J = [
[ufl.derivative(F0, u, du), ufl.derivative(F0, c, dc)],
[ufl.derivative(F1, u, du), ufl.derivative(F1, c, dc)],
petsc_options = {"ksp_type": "preonly", "pc_type": "lu", "pc_factor_mat_solver_type": "mumps"}
solver = NewtonSolver(F, J, [u, c], max_iterations=25, petsc_options=petsc_options)
@astqx I am assuming you are trying to say that this does not work? Please note that I have an open PR for a NewtonSolver for blocked problems:
@astqx I am assuming you are trying to say that this does not work?
Please note that I have an open PR for a NewtonSolver for blocked problems:
Sorry, I meant this does work! I've used the solver from that PR. It could be nice to include this problem as a demo in FEniCSx too.
@astqx I am assuming you are trying to say that this does not work? Please note that I have an open PR for a NewtonSolver for blocked problems:
Sorry, I meant this does work! I've used the solver from that PR. It could be nice to include this problem as a demo in FEniCSx too.
We can aim for a demo on the scifem web-pages if you are interested.
This should work on the main branch of DOLFINx now.
To simplify extraction of blocks and ease variational formulations.
and internally use