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Bulkrax OAI importer issues #110

Closed ShanaLMoore closed 4 months ago

ShanaLMoore commented 7 months ago

I created two Bulkrax OAI importers on demo.adventist-knapsack. Both importers pulled 10 records from the adl:image OAI set. The importers both have status of "Complete (with failures)." The error code is ArgumentError. All 20 records came into the repo, but no files came in.

  1. First importer, selected to skip thumbnails
  2. Second importer, selected to include thumbnails

The importers did not map metadata exactly according to the ADL and Hyku Maps document.

Work on Demo (first importer): Work on ADL Prod (first importer): Work's OAI metadata:

Work on Demo (second importer): Work on ADL Prod (second importer): Work's OAI metadata:


ShanaLMoore commented 7 months ago

Continued testing shows that all OAI sets import with status "Complete (with failures)." Consistent ArgumentError across all tests.

Checking metadata mapping for all OAI sets and work types that import via existing Adventist OAI shows same identifier and AARK identifier mapping errors and failure to import files. Other fields map as expected.

Work types tested: Published work (adl:book and adl:issue) Generic work (adl:other) Thesis work (adl:thesis)

ShanaLMoore commented 7 months ago

Please note that importers I created for testing on 10/9 did not have files attached at the time, and no files have rendered in the repo. Today (10/11) I reran an adl:image importer and selected "reharvest." The files are still not showing up.

ShanaLMoore commented 7 months ago


I have compared the parser mappings and Knapsack adds a handler for description.abstract import. Which means we should have the same mappings.

I'll be looking into the loading sequence as well as the difference between v5.3.0 and v5.4.1 to see what might have introduced the errors.

ShanaLMoore commented 7 months ago

One possible bug introduced is from this PR:

ShanaLMoore commented 7 months ago

Team, I've continued testing Bulkrax imports to Knapsack, and I want to report that a CSV with a valid URL in the Related URL field has not imported the file. The importer says it failed due to an argument error, but the metadata has imported and the work is created. The file is what's missing, and it did import correctly on SDAPI staging (see links below). The title of this ticket should perhaps more accurately read "Bulkrax importer issues on Knapsack." Both OAI and CSV imports are impacted.

Knapsack (file failed to import): SDAPI Staging (file imported as expected):

This is critical and I would mark this ticket among the highest priorities to fix with whatever remains of our Knapsack/upgrade hours.

ShanaLMoore commented 7 months ago

An update: As of today (11-29-2023), trying to create either a CSV or OAI importer causes an error message to appear, and nothing works. The importers don't create and fail. They just don't create.


ShanaLMoore commented 7 months ago

Thanks for checking @KatharineV we'll take a look

ShanaLMoore commented 7 months ago

@KatharineV seems it was a Fedora issue, we've since restarted it and it should be working, can you check again when you get a chance?

ShanaLMoore commented 7 months ago

@kirkkwang The CSV importer worked beautifully this time:

The OAI importer looks successful, but the works it created won't open. I can see them in the catalog view, but trying to open the works generates an error message. Could it be related to the Fedora issue?




ShanaLMoore commented 7 months ago

@KatharineV I believe this issue has been resolved. I clicked on the link you've provided and see the work.


KatharineV commented 7 months ago

@ShanaLMoore It's weirdly still not loading for me! I tried Firefox, Edge, and Chrome in case it was a browser issue. I got the "We're sorry but something went wrong" message on all three attempts.

ShanaLMoore commented 7 months ago

Ok! I see it happening now too. Diving in! Pulling this back to Softserv QA til we can figure it out.

ShanaLMoore commented 4 months ago
