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Catalog search and work pages displaying "date issued" metadata field tag #169

Open KatharineV opened 2 months ago

KatharineV commented 2 months ago

Prior to Knapsack, our catalog search and work pages were configured to show the date issued field with the label "Date," not "Date issued." Post Knapsack, the work page and the catalog search metadata preview is displaying "Date issued," which is terminology that doesn't make sense for some of our works. It is also inconsistent because the back-end of the UI still calls the field in question "Date," so we need that consistency between field labels to return.

Screenshots of ADL and SDAPI production site catalogs prior to Knapsack. Dates are 3/2023, 7/2023 (ADL), and 1/2024 (SDAPI):




Screenshots of ADL and SDAPI production site catalogs post Knapsack, taken today:



Back-end of a work on ADL, which still shows "Date" as the label for the field that is reverting to "Date issued" on the work page and in the catalog search.


The front end of that same work, which shows "Date issued" for the field that is called "Date" on the back-end:
