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Can't add individual works through the UI post-Knapsack #171

Closed KatharineV closed 1 month ago

KatharineV commented 2 months ago

Yesterday (4/17) and today (4/18) I've tried and failed to add works to ADL prod through the UI, for the purposes of testing Knapsack and working through tickets. The system freezes and won't progress past the "Select type of work" dialogue box. See screenshot below, where you see the progress icon at the top of the browser tab, which is the only thing that moves after I select a work type and click "Create work." Everything else freezes and never works after that point. Eventually, we get a 504 Gateway time-out (second screenshot).



KatharineV commented 2 months ago

Just confirmed that I can't add individual works through the UI on ADL staging either.


KatharineV commented 2 months ago

On ADL prod I just tried to deposit a new work through an existing collection, and the UI still didn't accept the "create work" action. It timed out and failed.

KatharineV commented 2 months ago

Possibly related: I tried to add a file to an existing work two ways, and it didn't work. First, I tried to "add a child work" to deposit a new related work on a parent record, and this failed completely. Then I edited the existing work, dragged the file over, watched it upload, saved it, and the file isn't showing up. Several hours have passed, and I would expect to see the file (a JPEG thumbnail) in the file list on the work.

aprilrieger commented 2 months ago

Hi @KatharineV,

Rob did some work and pushed it to production and I am going through and testing this ticket, my results are below:

PRODUCTION ✅ Add a new work to an existing collection

✅ Add a file to an existing work

Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 20 43 36
KatharineV commented 2 months ago

Functionality is working as expected with my testing today!