scientist-softserv / adventist_knapsack

Apache License 2.0
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Transfer to Adv Knapsack Github Board #257

Closed ShanaLMoore closed 2 months ago

ShanaLMoore commented 9 months ago

Transfer all remaining adventist related tickets to an adventist knapsack repo.

aprilrieger commented 2 months ago



# Repository details

# File path to the JSON file containing the issues

# Fetch issues from GitHub and save them to a JSON file
gh issue list --json id,number,projectItems -R $REPO --limit 1000 > $JSON_FILE

# Check if JSON file was created successfully
if [ ! -f "$JSON_FILE" ]; then
    echo "Failed to fetch issues or create JSON file: $JSON_FILE"
    exit 1

# Environment variable for the JSON file with filtered issues

# Using jq to filter issues which are part of 'adventist-dl' but not part of 'Adventist Knapsack'
jq '[.[] | select(.projectItems | any(.title == "adventist-dl") and all(.title != "Adventist Knapsack"))]' $JSON_FILE > $ISSUES_JSON

# Check if filtered JSON file exists
if [ ! -f "$ISSUES_JSON" ]; then
    echo "JSON file not found: $ISSUES_JSON"
    exit 1

# Iterate over each issue number in the filtered JSON file
jq -r '.[].number' $ISSUES_JSON | while read ISSUE_NUMBER; do
  # Remove the issue from "adventist-dl" project
  # gh issue edit $ISSUE_NUMBER -R $REPO --remove-project "adventist-dl"
  # echo "Removed 'adventist-dl' from Issue #$ISSUE_NUMBER."

  # Add the issue to "Adventist Knapsack" project
  gh issue edit $ISSUE_NUMBER -R $REPO --add-project "Adventist Knapsack"
  echo "Added 'Adventist Knapsack' to Issue #$ISSUE_NUMBER."