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Bug fatal for (and others) #144

Open crisr15 opened 1 year ago

crisr15 commented 1 year ago

I think we have an edge case: that tickles a bug which I think is part of the theming stuff?

F, [2022-05-13T18:14:25.822054 #1] FATAL -- : [81a889c7171a3a27248563e57e38106f]
F, [2022-05-13T18:14:25.822122 #1] FATAL -- : [81a889c7171a3a27248563e57e38106f] ActionView::Template::Error (wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)):
F, [2022-05-13T18:14:25.822274 #1] FATAL -- : [81a889c7171a3a27248563e57e38106f]     16: {[:author].first) }
[81a889c7171a3a27248563e57e38106f]     17:   end
[81a889c7171a3a27248563e57e38106f]     18:
[81a889c7171a3a27248563e57e38106f]     19:   with_format("html") do
[81a889c7171a3a27248563e57e38106f]     20:     xml.summary "type" => "html" do
[81a889c7171a3a27248563e57e38106f]     21:       xml.text! render_document_partial(document,
[81a889c7171a3a27248563e57e38106f]     22:       :index,
F, [2022-05-13T18:14:25.822310 #1] FATAL -- : [81a889c7171a3a27248563e57e38106f]
F, [2022-05-13T18:14:25.822336 #1] FATAL -- : [81a889c7171a3a27248563e57e38106f] app/helpers/blacklight/blacklight_helper_behavior.rb:334:in `with_format'
[81a889c7171a3a27248563e57e38106f] app/controllers/application_controller.rb:162:in `inject_theme_views'
[81a889c7171a3a27248563e57e38106f] app/middleware/no_cache_middleware.rb:11:in `call'

The object loads fine if format is not html:

crisr15 commented 1 year ago
  "id": "2fa13eb5-1767-469b-b4c0-d9d518bfc1b3",
  "create_date": "2021-09-02T10:19:03.789+00:00",
  "modified_date": "2021-11-08T14:24:50.330+00:00",
  "head": [
      "id": "http://fcrepo.default.svc.cluster.local:8080/rest/d08baa53-5174-40bb-89ea-9e5f642d2ac1/2f/a1/3e/b5/2fa13eb5-1767-469b-b4c0-d9d518bfc1b3/list_source#g51863640"
  "tail": [
      "id": "http://fcrepo.default.svc.cluster.local:8080/rest/d08baa53-5174-40bb-89ea-9e5f642d2ac1/2f/a1/3e/b5/2fa13eb5-1767-469b-b4c0-d9d518bfc1b3/list_source#g13791840"
  "depositor": "",
  "title": [
    "Ordnance Survey Old / First series England and Wales 1:63360 (georeferenced sheet images)"
  "date_uploaded": "2021-09-02T10:19:03.260+00:00",
  "date_modified": "2021-11-08T14:24:26.333+00:00",
  "state": {
    "id": ""
  "proxy_depositor": null,
  "on_behalf_of": null,
  "arkivo_checksum": null,
  "owner": null,
  "bulkrax_identifier": null,
  "institution": [
    "British Library"
  "org_unit": [
    "Digital Scholarship"
  "refereed": null,
  "funder": [
    "[{\"funder_name\":\"Arts and Humanities Research Council\",\"funder_doi\":\"\",\"funder_position\":\"0\",\"funder_award\":[\"AH/S01179X/1\"]}]"
  "fndr_project_ref": [],
  "add_info": null,
  "date_published": "2021-08",
  "date_accepted": null,
  "date_submitted": null,
  "project_name": [
    "Living with Machines"
  "rights_holder": [],
  "original_doi": "10.23636/6g9b-9d72",
  "place_of_publication": [
    "London, UK"
  "abstract": "Map sheet images for the Ordnance Survey Old Series / First Series England and Wales 1:63360, georeferenced and cropped at the neatlike (can be viewed together as a seamless composite). Geotiff format. \r\n\r\nThe original (ungeoreferenced) sheet images can be found at: \r\n\r\nThe sheets were georeferenced by relating the sheet corners to their coordinates (no internal control points applied), using sheet boundary data created by the Charles Close Society (see \r\n\r\nWhere sheets were issued as quarter sheets (NW, NE, SW, SE), a digital composite of the full sheet has been created.\r\n\r\nThe filenames include the sheet number. See an index map at: \r\n\r\nThe imagery is medium resolution.\r\n",
  "alternate_identifier": [],
  "related_identifier": [],
  "creator_search": [
    "Vane, Olivia"
  "library_of_congress_classification": [],
  "doi_options": null,
  "draft_doi": null,
  "disable_draft_doi": null,
  "alt_title": [],
  "dewey": null,
  "file_availability": [
    "External link (access may be restricted)",
    "File available from this repository"
  "collection_id": [],
  "collection_names": [],
  "volume": [],
  "pagination": null,
  "issn": null,
  "eissn": null,
  "official_link": "",
  "series_name": [],
  "edition": null,
  "event_title": [],
  "event_date": [],
  "event_location": [],
  "book_title": null,
  "journal_title": null,
  "issue": null,
  "article_num": null,
  "isbn": null,
  "media": [],
  "related_exhibition": [],
  "related_exhibition_date": [],
  "version": "W/\"10b94fc56bfdec5d22e9b3ee02de5074f9969694\"",
  "version_number": [],
  "alternative_journal_title": [],
  "related_exhibition_venue": [],
  "current_he_institution": [],
  "qualification_name": null,
  "qualification_level": null,
  "duration": [],
  "editor": [],
  "doi": [],
  "doi_status_when_public": null,
  "label": null,
  "relative_path": null,
  "import_url": null,
  "resource_type": [
    "Dataset default Dataset"
  "creator": [
    "[{\"creator_given_name\":\"Olivia\",\"creator_family_name\":\"Vane\",\"creator_name_type\":\"Personal\",\"creator_orcid\":\"0000-0002-3777-4910\",\"creator_isni\":\"0000000485055683\",\"creator_position\":\"0\",\"creator_institutional_relationship\":[\"Staff member\"]}]"
  "contributor": [
    "[{\"contributor_organization_name\":\"The Charles Close Society\",\"contributor_name_type\":\"Organisational\",\"contributor_isni\":\"0000000103860303\",\"contributor_position\":\"0\",\"contributor_type\":\"Data Collector\"},{\"contributor_given_name\":\"Gethin\",\"contributor_family_name\":\"Rees\",\"contributor_name_type\":\"Personal\",\"contributor_orcid\":\"0000-0002-3255-9584\",\"contributor_isni\":\"0000000495697110\",\"contributor_position\":\"1\",\"contributor_type\":\"Other\",\"contributor_institutional_relationship\":[\"Staff member\"]}]"
  "description": [],
  "keyword": [
    "Ordnance Survey",
    "First Series",
    "Old Series"
  "license": [
  "rights_statement": [],
  "publisher": [
    "British Library"
  "date_created": [],
  "subject": [],
  "language": [
  "identifier": [],
  "based_near": [],
  "related_url": [],
  "bibliographic_citation": [],
  "source": []
crisr15 commented 1 year ago

This is failing on a method call in Blacklight

crisr15 commented 1 year ago

I pasted the JSON for the document above. My hunch is that this is a data issue. But I wasn't able to copy this Blacklight file over and debug it.

crisr15 commented 1 year ago was added with theming and overrides the blacklight_helper and changes

def with_format(format,&block) to def with_format(format,_block)

I have no idea if that is significant, but does _block signify unused? &block would be optional by default which might help with the argument error we are getting? Perhaps the data is tickling the argument error after in light of _block not being optional?

If the block that is being sent by with_format : yields nowt and the argument in the method is not set up to receive nowt then does this the cause of the error I wonder?

Somewhat out on a limb and am unsure of other consequences, but possibly reverting to def with_format(format,&block) in would help?

crisr15 commented 1 year ago

So this is a big dataset with 107 large tiffs.

I'm not sure what I was going on about above, but it seems that the work show page is timing out.

I'm attempting to export it to my dev machine for a further look. Bulkrax's zip is currently 7G and counting...

crisr15 commented 1 year ago

So the originally reported issue related to a dataset that is now timing out (with no error going to in sentry)

The catalog.atom error ( however can be reproduced with my.hyku/catalog.atom and fixed with !456

crisr15 commented 1 year ago

Will proceed this ticket to prod deploy as we do have a fix for an error (though still not 100% sure it will make begin to work)

crisr15 commented 1 year ago

As suspected the argument error ( goes away with this, but the record show pages are still timing out (e.g.

crisr15 commented 1 year ago

Tagging this with dev phase 2 as this is now of the type: "request timing out and not sure why"

cziaarm commented 11 months ago

Fixed possibly helped by removal of two awkward file_sets see #143