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Work giving: sorry something went wrong #455

Closed j-basford closed 11 months ago

j-basford commented 11 months ago

Trying to access this show work page:

Gives the error 'sorry something went wrong'

Accessed 17:58 BST 10/7/23 if you need to check logs.

It also has a DOI that points to it: Metadata to look up the item: 'Text extracted from digitised maps of eastern Africa circa 1880-1940' by Nick Dykes, added 2020-05-22.

It is in this collection: (War Office Archive)

cziaarm commented 11 months ago

recording this here...

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `id' for nil:NilClass):

Mon, Jul 10 2023 6:57:40 pm | F, [2023-07-10T17:57:40.277636 #1] FATAL -- : [b706a2a4e122f17defcef67b56e70df7] 1: <%# OVERRIDE Hyrax 2.9.1 and 2 parts from the main branch as of 7/14/2021 . There was a bug for 2.9.1-2.9.5 that caused the feature/unfeature buttons to show up on the work-show page for editors when they should not. This has since been fixed but this override retroactively changes the issue. %> Mon, Jul 10 2023 6:57:40 pm | [b706a2a4e122f17defcef67b56e70df7] 2: Mon, Jul 10 2023 6:57:40 pm | [b706a2a4e122f17defcef67b56e70df7] 3:

Mon, Jul 10 2023 6:57:40 pm | [b706a2a4e122f17defcef67b56e70df7] 4: <% if presenter.iiif_viewer? %> Mon, Jul 10 2023 6:57:40 pm | [b706a2a4e122f17defcef67b56e70df7] 5: <%= link_to 'View files in viewer', Mon, Jul 10 2023 6:57:40 pm | [b706a2a4e122f17defcef67b56e70df7] 6: "#{universal_viewer_base_url}#?manifest=#{main_app.polymorphic_url [main_app, :manifest, presenter], { locale: nil }}&config=#{universal_viewer_config_url}", Mon, Jul 10 2023 6:57:40 pm | [b706a2a4e122f17defcef67b56e70df7] 7: class: 'btn btn-default devise-button', Mon, Jul 10 2023 6:57:40 pm | F, [2023-07-10T17:57:40.277669 #1] FATAL -- : [b706a2a4e122f17defcef67b56e70df7] Mon, Jul 10 2023 6:57:40 pm | F, [2023-07-10T17:57:40.277706 #1] FATAL -- : [b706a2a4e122f17defcef67b56e70df7] app/presenters/concerns/hyrax/iiif_av/displays_iiif_av_decorator.rb:14:in `file_type_and_permissions_valid?'

cziaarm commented 11 months ago

I think this is being tickled by a representative media, that has since been removed... The work does not appear to have any files currently... is it possible that it did once? Specifically one called War_Office_Archive_Eastern_Africa_Text_Harvested_2.xlsx

j-basford commented 11 months ago

yes it did have - please see attached, same filename but no '2' afterwards.

Also I think it disappeared once before, according to my correspondence with the dataset creator.

Originally added in May 2020 (on UP instance) then in July 2021 we noticed it had disappeared and the work was erroring. At that time, there was also an issue with the War Office Archive Collection at that time. After I'd reported it, I added the file back and relabelled it '2' just in case y'all found the original as it was potentially thought to be a migration issue. Perhaps we never got to the bottom of it. Something weird about UP to CS/N8 metadata at migration maybe?

Thanks for looking into it so quick.


cziaarm commented 11 months ago


So that original file (a0e081fc-3d1e-49de-b2a4-8be2d8c973d7 to its friends) was always there but as you say there must have been something gone awry with the indexing. I have reindexed the original fileset and hey presto: back in the room, but with both files. I will leave it to your discretion to choose which to keep.
