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PDFs not available in viewer #510

Open grahamjevon opened 5 months ago

grahamjevon commented 5 months ago

SMG have reported that some PDF files are not displaying in the viewer. This manifests in two different ways.

In this example, the "View files in viewer" icon is available, but the viewer opens only as a black screen.

In this example, the PDF child works are listed as items but the "View files in viewer" icon is not available:

Something similar was discussed in this slack thread.

NoraRamsey commented 5 months ago

It seems to mostly be affecting the Oramics to Electronica: Revealing Histories of Electronic Music exhibition panels:

Here is one example. And another. It might be affecting most of these.

cziaarm commented 5 months ago


The errors for the two "Oramics" items are due to the high resolution of the images. There is a resolution limit in the IIIF server: eg

This issue seems to be related:

There is some issue with the processing of the pdf pages for the report

I have tried making a whole new work but it seems to have gone the same way. The worker was not busy with other stuff so it seems this one 44 page PDF is causing the worker to restart and in doing so he end up with patchy derivative generation... I'll see if I can pick up the characterisation of those file sets on the console and maybe that will get us somewhere with that.