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[2] Spike: Test current metadata #153

Closed orangewolf closed 1 year ago

orangewolf commented 1 year ago
orangewolf commented 1 year ago

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orangewolf commented 1 year ago

Shana January 2022

Notes from Summer BEFORE pulling in Randy/hyku changes:

"November Parent-Child Examples" Folder

Notes: From uploading directly

file name error message screenshot
ill_mss_Art_HasChildMetadata - ill_mss_Art_HasChildMetadata.csv NoMethodError - undefined method `id' for nil:NilClass Image
Kornhauser_Text_ChildHasOCROnly - Kornhauser_Text_ChildHasOCROnly.csv RuntimeError - File tmp/imports/Single Tenant/2_20220112185420/files/UofLCatalog1837_1837_Cover.jpg does not exist Image
yearbooks - yearbooks.csv NoMethodError - undefined method `id' for nil:NilClass !Image

(Old) ContentDM Material Examples Folder

file name error message screenshot
leader.csv StandardError - Missing at least one required element, missing element(s) are: source_identifier Image
kentuckymaps.csv StandardError - Missing at least one required element, missing element(s) are: source_identifier Image
orangewolf commented 1 year ago

Alisha January 2022

file imported - Cardinal_Text_Metadata_Only.csv

it only has one row and all 3 columns with the word "file" in them have been removed.

I updated the bulkrax mapping to map the "identifer" attribute to the "source_identifier" column on the csv in order to get around the error that summer reported above. that column is what bulkrax is setting as the source_identifier.

I'm still unable to import the file as is though because of an argument error with the "format" header.

Error: ArgumentError - You attempted to set the property 'format' of to an enumerable value. However, this property is declared as singular.