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I113 Update Chicago Citation Service per requirements #145

Closed ShanaLMoore closed 10 months ago

ShanaLMoore commented 10 months ago

In this commit we are making adjustments to the Chicago Citation Service to make the requirements specified by the client.


Expected Behavior Before Changes

  1. the citation still seems to be pulling from the dcterms:creator field (see above), which we can get rid of. No name is necessary.
    1. title is correctly mapped to dcterms:title field
    2. date is correctly mapped to dcterms:created field
    3. Collection/Box/Folder information seems to be truncated, only showing part of the dcterms:ispartof field instead the entire contents (see attached screengrab, it's only saying 'Folder 56' but the field reads MANUSCRIPT-HCPC00011, Speeches, Box SP7, Folder 56 in physical location metadata to left)
    4. there should be a comma after each field up until dcterms:provenance, not a period.
    5. period after dcterms:provenance field is correct
    6. period after url is correct


Expected Behavior After Changes

Screenshot 2023-10-27 at 13-31-16 Social Security Rescued Press Release and Newsletter - American Congress Digital Archives Portal