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SingleContextIncludedWithPublish Unit Test passes inconsistently #59

Closed joncloud closed 7 years ago

joncloud commented 8 years ago

Running build.cmd or tests through Visual Studio seems to occasionally fail due to an exception.

Test run on 43e27ee6b42fb6c34ec174df1b46a1b7137a13a8 DNX Runner (32-bit DNX 4.5.1)
  Discovering: Scientist.Test
  Discovered:  Scientist.Test
  Starting:    Scientist.Test
    TheScientistClass+TheScienceMethod.SingleContextIncludedWithPublish [FAIL]
      System.AggregateException : One or more errors occurred.
      ---- System.Exception : Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown.
      Stack Trace:
           at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional(Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions)
           at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.GetResultCore(Boolean waitCompletionNotification)
           at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.get_Result()
        C:\Users\jdber_000\Documents\GitHub\\src\Scientist\Scientist.cs(35,0): at GitHub.Scientist.Science[T](String name, Action`1 experiment)
        C:\Users\jdber_000\Documents\GitHub\\test\Scientist.Test\ScientistTests.cs(539,0): at TheScientistClass.TheScienceMethod.SingleContextIncludedWithPublish()
        ----- Inner Stack Trace -----
        C:\Users\jdber_000\Documents\GitHub\\src\Scientist\Internals\Experiment.cs(13,0): at GitHub.Internals.Experiment`1.<>c.<.cctor>b__35_1(Operation operation, Exception exception)
        C:\Users\jdber_000\Documents\GitHub\\src\Scientist\Internals\ExperimentInstance.cs(87,0): at GitHub.Internals.ExperimentInstance`1.<Run>d__12.MoveNext()
  Finished:    Scientist.Test
   Scientist.Test  Total: 34, Errors: 0, Failed: 1, Skipped: 0, Time: 0.554s
haacked commented 7 years ago

Is this still ongoing?

joncloud commented 7 years ago

I'll review the code in its current state to see if its applicable, and run some more tests to make sure.

joncloud commented 7 years ago

I ran a couple of dotnet test runs, and got a failure on the second run. It looks like this may be due to xunit running the tests in parallel, and the way we have the tests written we're swapping some of the static context away.

There are a couple of options that I uncovered by adjusting the tests:

Quick local test showed that disabling test parallelization increased test time by ~0.1s

haacked commented 7 years ago

@joncloud nice work. What static context are we manipulating?

joncloud commented 7 years ago

Good point - I totally missed that the title of the issue had "Context". Check out the use of the Swap class in the unit test project. We're using it to swap out Scientist.Enabled and Scientist.ResultPublisher.

haacked commented 7 years ago

Oh right. Static state is evil. But in this case, an intentional deal with the devil for simplicity and usability sake.

I like the changes you proposed. Let's do that for now and we can think about whether we want to change anything later.

joncloud commented 7 years ago

I opted for running all tests in series rather than moving all of the tests around, because the of the simplicity. We can definitely expand in the future if we've added enough unit tests that make the run time too slow.

haacked commented 7 years ago

@joncloud that sounds reasonable. These tests are so fast anyways. :smile:

joncloud commented 7 years ago

Fixed on #84.