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Switch back to .csproj from project.json #71

Closed haacked closed 6 years ago

haacked commented 8 years ago

So given this news we should probably switch back.

joncloud commented 8 years ago

The first wave of this change will happen in the Visual Studio “15” RTM

Is there any news on when Visual Studio “15” is scheduled for release? All I could find is that it is in Preview 2.

davezych commented 8 years ago

How great. :smirk: I'll try to find some time to work on this but no guarantees I'll get to it.

haacked commented 8 years ago

Is there any news on when Visual Studio “15” is scheduled for release? All I could find is that it is in Preview 2.

Nope. We're VSIP partners and we don't know. Just have to look at past schedules to guess but past results are not predictors of future results. :smirk:

How great. :smirk: I'll try to find some time to work on this but no guarantees I'll get to it.

Fun times, eh? No guarantees expected. :smile:

davezych commented 7 years ago

This announcement is relevant:

As announced by #176 the .NET Execution Environment (DNX) is no longer used by ASP.NET Core and is no longer supported. We will be removing the .NET Version Manager (dnvm) scripts from the repo on Oct 31, 2016. Please ensure that any infrastructure that is using these scripts has been appropriately updated. We strongly recommend updating your applications to use the latest supported release of .NET Core and ASP.NET Core to ensure that you are running on stable, secure and supported bits.

We have until Nov 28th.

joncloud commented 7 years ago

Great catch @davezych. I think that we might be covered for what aspnet is targeting to update on #61 and #65. Does that seems to line up?

joncloud commented 7 years ago

Is this something we should look at addressing now that VS2017 has a release candidate available for converting from project.json to csproj?

haacked commented 7 years ago

Is this something we should look at addressing now that VS2017 has a release candidate available for converting from project.json to csproj?

Sure. Want to give it a try?

joncloud commented 7 years ago

I'll see if I can find a little time to give it a whirl. The project isn't very complex so it should be pretty simple. I think the more complicated part will be the build scripts.

davezych commented 7 years ago

If you get that working I can try and find time to update the build scripts however my new job has me super booked.

joncloud commented 7 years ago

I made an initial attempt in the branch I referenced above. The auto-conversion provided by VS2017 failed due to test/Scientist.Test/Scientist.Test.xproj. I removed that file, and made calls to dotnet migrate directly.


Not working

joncloud commented 7 years ago

I just opened up master to look over the Test Explorer for reference, and it shows empty. This was the issue I saw with CSPROJ + VS2017. Do we have an external dependency that isn't fulfilled with NuGet?

haacked commented 7 years ago

Do we have an external dependency that isn't fulfilled with NuGet?

Not that I know of. I might be able to look into this next week.

haacked commented 6 years ago


haacked commented 6 years ago

I meant, Done!