sciguy1121 / Community-Mod-1

Community Mod 1
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Eclipse Errors #180

Closed EliSussman closed 11 years ago

EliSussman commented 11 years ago

In the latest version of the mod does anybody else have 29 errors in the common folder of the mod all in the texture sections of the classes?

ghost commented 11 years ago

I'm using intelliJ and i have no errors.

EliSussman commented 11 years ago

I can give screenshots and tell the EXACT errors if you people need them, but basically everywhere that there is anything to do with a texture, there is an error...

Techtad commented 11 years ago

I had an issue when I had errors on every single file once. I had to set my workspace up again.

ghost commented 11 years ago

Did you possibly use the wrong forge. I have accidentally used the wrong forge in the past and had around 20 errors.

EliSussman commented 11 years ago

@staticboy123 what do you mean by wrong forge?

EliSussman commented 11 years ago

I think I have the latest src version in the march 26 main download

EliSussman commented 11 years ago

Also I only have errors in the communitymod project, not the minecraft project, and all the errors have to do with textures, (getBlockTextureFromSideAndMetadata, updateIcons, and iconIndex) only with metadata/tileentity blocks (machines and liquids) and ALL items

ghost commented 11 years ago

@KingCreeperEli Items and Blocks now both use registersIcons in the last forge src release(april 16) also, use itemIcon instead of iconIndex .

Techtad commented 11 years ago

@LegioXV So Forge updated yesterday and they changed the method? So we need to update again...

ghost commented 11 years ago

@smigolpol I already updated.

Techtad commented 11 years ago

@LegioXV I'm doing it for myself now.

EliSussman commented 11 years ago

once you are done can you make a pull request?

Techtad commented 11 years ago

I updated Forge and I now get 1 error in the Minecraft project, should I update again or try to fix that one problem?

EliSussman commented 11 years ago

Im totally redoing my workspace right now :P

Techtad commented 11 years ago

@KingCreeperEli Why? You only need to do that once, then you can just update your MCP and everything should work properly.

EliSussman commented 11 years ago

I updated to the latest version on April 16 2013, and I still have 29 errors... @sciguy1121 @smigolpol @LegioXV

Techtad commented 11 years ago

I think it's because they changed some things and you get errors in item and machine classes.

EliSussman commented 11 years ago

yep they are all in the item and machine classes... :( can someone update it?

Techtad commented 11 years ago

@KingCreeperEli I'm working on it.

EliSussman commented 11 years ago

@smigolpol Great! :)

Techtad commented 11 years ago

@KingCreeperEli I'll fix it once I re-install my forge, because of that error. I think one class was missing.

EliSussman commented 11 years ago

which class?

Techtad commented 11 years ago

I was missing a forge class called TextureHelper. There was no such class and one other class wanted to get an object of it.

Techtad commented 11 years ago

But I mostly updated the mod already.

Techtad commented 11 years ago

I just can't test if it works, because my minecraft project isn't working.

EliSussman commented 11 years ago

why isnt it, and how isnt it working

Techtad commented 11 years ago

@KingCreeperEli It had an error, and you can't run a project with an error.

EliSussman commented 11 years ago

@smigolpol is it something you can fix or do you have to redo the whole project?

Techtad commented 11 years ago

@KingCreeperEli I just told you. A class was missing, I think the installation failed. I'm re-installing Forge to fix it.

ghost commented 11 years ago

I fixed all my texture errors all ready.

Techtad commented 11 years ago

@LegioXV Me too...

Techtad commented 11 years ago

Ok. I managed to fix my workspace, now everything works fine, fully updated. Should I make a pull request or @LegioXV can do that now.

ghost commented 11 years ago

I already made pull request.

EliSussman commented 11 years ago

Thanks to both of you @smigolpol @LegioXV we just need @sciguy1121 to accept it... :)

DeathSeeker512 commented 11 years ago

@sciguy1121 I do believe this one is done with