Open EliSussman opened 11 years ago
@KingCreeperEli I have already figured out how it will work. I made a one in the past. We will use custom packets. I'm not going to explain that now. I'll start working on it when we decide how to call it.
@sciguy1121 IDK whats sounds kind of generic
maybe Kreeps? lol :)
CW - Creeper Watts. We need better ideas....
wow...were not creative AT ALL
@sciguy1121 @KingCreeperEli Do you know what's weird? That this project is going forward pretty fast, although only us 3 out of 22(21 forks + leader) have actually made some changes recently.
By the way, if you look at the graphs, I have added more than 2000 lines of code so far.
@KingCreeperEli I'll put out a request in the next update video. I should be better at this...
I know, we are supposed to be CREATIVE!
@smigolpol Yeah, it's amazing actually. In 1 week we already have probably enough to call a basic mod, at over 2-3 thousand lines of code total (5,000 added, 2,000 removed). Actually, about 6-7 people have actually contributed, the fork number isn't reliable.
@sciguy1121 YOu should just make a quick update video now and post it, then we can start wroking on it today or tomorrow
@KingCreeperEli I would, but I can't make any videos today.
oh...And the only reason it says I haven't contributed is because I make all the ttextures and send them to @sciguy1121 so any textures he posts are probably ones I made :) I also add about 3 ideas daily
@smigolpol Do you know how to do item metadata?
thats why I am the texture leader and you never really see me contribute in the code except for silicon, titanium, lead, and francium (which I thought of and coded all of them)
@sciguy1121 @smigolpol GCEUs (Greater Community Energy Units)
@KingCreeperEli That sounds good
@smigolpol So I guess u can start now :)
@sciguy1121 so I guess you should make the advanced crafting table now
@KingCreeperEli I'm working on research ATM, I want to get that all set up.
Oh okay :) what can I work on? lol :)
@KingCreeperEli Figure out how to do item metadata, then tell me. :)
@KingCreeperEli Hey, you wanted to know what you could do... :)
I think ill just stick to making textures :P
@sciguy1121 @KingCreeperEli I'll start working on it tomorrow. @sciguy1121 Unfortunately, I don't know how to make item metadata. Try finding the way in vanilla code or if you can't find, just google it, I think there was a thread about it on forge forum, but I'm not sure. @KingCreeperEli I've got a job for you, make textures for a generator, battery block, electrical furnace and cables. That is going to be our basic set for the energy system. You should make the cable texture "+" shaped.
shouldnt the cable be a straight line?
@smigolpol A plus would look weird...wouldnt it?
@sciguy1121 @smigolpol I made every one except for the cable
@KingCreeperEli A cable doesn't always go straight sometimes it has to change its direction so we need to make corners for it. Don't worry it won't look weird, I already have rendering code for it.
so just a plus? okay
@sciguy1121 @smigolpol Who should I send them to?
nvm, I sent to @sciguy1121
@smigolpol I will get the textures up tomorrow.
@sciguy1121 I started making the system already. So I'm going to need the textures soon. I don't know what time zone you're in, but I'm sure it's not close to mine, so I hope your tomorrow will be soon.
@smigolpol I think he is somewhere near my time zone and that means they will be up today 4-10PM EST
@KingCreeperEli Anyway, I think I won't be online any more today, because it's evening here. But I made a TON of progress, and still nothing. I only have a generator and a battery block. At least power generation works, but there are very many issues with it and with power storage.
@smigolpol I can send you the textures if that would help, just tell me your email
@KingCreeperEli That won't work anymore, I'm already off my computer(I'm writing this using my mobile phone). So if you'd send the textures to me, I wouldn't be able to use them today(my time), and tomorrow they will be added already by @sciguy1121.
@KingCreeperEli Nice guess, but that's just when I'm online. :) I'll get the textures up now (they'll go in the machines file for now).
@sciguy1121 Okay, PS am I wrong?
@KingCreeperEli Kanskje...
I'll actually put the textures into an ElectricityTextures file.
Okay and Kanskje?
@KingCreeperEli That's my cryptic response to your question. I would rather not reveal any information about my location, even if that's time zone.
@sciguy1121 okay...maybe when we get to know eachother a bit better ;) JK :P
OK, energy textures are up, they are, from left to right:
wire electrical furnace electrical furnace (running) generator generator (running) battery
OK. If I can get the textures now then I'll try to finish the basic energy system as soon as possible, but no promises.
@smigolpol @sciguy Before we create the energy system, we need to figure out what to call it and how it will work