scijava / scijava-search

Search framework for SciJava applications :mag:
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Allow SearchActions (i.e. buttons) to be present but disabled for certain search results #4

Open imagejan opened 6 years ago

imagejan commented 6 years ago

Currently, the SearchActionFactory#supports method is used to decide if a SearchAction is to be included in a result's actions:

... and a button is added for each supported action:

It would be nice to have the possibility to always include a button for a certain result type (e.g. ModuleSearchResult) but to disable it (i.e. show it greyed-out) according to the fulfillment of some additional requirements (e.g. if a specific module doesn't support a given input type).

IMHO, indicating that a certain action is available in principle, but not for the currently highlighted item, would allow for a more consistent user experience.