scijava / scijava-search

Search framework for SciJava applications :mag:
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Search Bar failes to apply LUTs on OSX and Linux #5

Open maweigert opened 6 years ago

maweigert commented 6 years ago


first, thanks for the shiny new search bar - great to have!

While playing around, I found that when I want to apply a LUT to an opened image, it doesn't do anything most of the time (without error and console message).

E.g. 1) Open Samples -> Blobs 2) Cmd-L "Red-Hot"

This affects ImageJ2-rc64 for both OSX (10.12.6) and Linux (Mint 18).

Any ideas?


imagejan commented 6 years ago

I can reproduce this on Windows.

It seems to be related to how the LUT commands are called: while Red and Red/Green (both have Identifier: legacy:ij.plugin.LutLoader) work as expected, the other Red entry as well as Red Hot (with Identifier: command:net.imagej.plugins.commands.misc.ApplyLookupTable(, tableURL = file__C__UTILIT_1_debug_Fiji_app_luts_Red_20Hot_lut)) do not work.

ctrueden commented 6 years ago

Probably we should flag the ApplyLookupTable with the no-legacy attribute. And make it so that the search bar does not list commands with that attribute—IIRC, it currently still includes them, because I could not think of a sound way of excluding them yet.

imagejan commented 6 years ago

@ctrueden wrote:

Probably we should flag the ApplyLookupTable with the no-legacy attribute.

Wouldn't that mean that they're also excluded from the menu in the Legacy UI altogether then?

The fact that some LUTs like Red Hot get listed in the search results is consistent with both the Image > Lookup Tables menu and the behavior of the Command Finder. What's inconsistent is that they cannot be launched from the search bar, but appear to be executed fine when run from the Command Finder.