scijs / newton-raphson-method

Find zeros of a function using the Newton-Raphson method
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TypeScript conversion #3

Open viridia opened 1 year ago

viridia commented 1 year ago

I wanted to use this in my project, but I needed to convert it to TypeScript / ES6. Here's what I did:

// Copied from
// Converted to TypeScript and ES6

interface INewtonRaphsonOptions {
  tolerance?: number;
  epsilon?: number;
  maxIterations?: number;
  h?: number;
  verbose?: boolean;

export function newtonRaphson(
  f: (n: number) => number,
  fp: (n: number) => number,
  x0: number,
  options?: INewtonRaphsonOptions
): number | boolean;
export function newtonRaphson(
  f: (n: number) => number,
  x0: number,
  options?: INewtonRaphsonOptions
): number | boolean;
export function newtonRaphson(
  f: (n: number) => number,
  fp: number | ((n: number) => number),
  x0?: number | INewtonRaphsonOptions,
  options?: INewtonRaphsonOptions
): number | boolean {
  // Iterpret variadic forms:
  const fnp = typeof fp === 'function' ? fp : null;

  const {
    tolerance: tol = 1e-7,
    epsilon: eps = 2.220446049250313e-16,
    maxIterations: maxIter = 20,
    h = 1e-4,
    verbose = false,
  } = (fnp ? (options as INewtonRaphsonOptions) : (x0 as INewtonRaphsonOptions)) ?? {};

  let x1, y, yp, yph, ymh, yp2h, ym2h;
  let hr = 1 / h;
  let x = (fnp ? x0 : fp) as number;

  let iter = 0;
  while (iter++ < maxIter) {
    // Compute the value of the function:
    y = f(x);

    if (fnp) {
      yp = fnp(x);
    } else {
      // Needs numerical derivatives:
      yph = f(x + h);
      ymh = f(x - h);
      yp2h = f(x + 2 * h);
      ym2h = f(x - 2 * h);

      yp = ((ym2h - yp2h + 8 * (yph - ymh)) * hr) / 12;

    // Check for badly conditioned update (extremely small first deriv relative to function):
    if (Math.abs(yp) <= eps * Math.abs(y)) {
      if (verbose) {
        console.log('Newton-Raphson: failed to converged due to nearly zero first derivative');
      return false;

    // Update the guess:
    x1 = x - y / yp;

    // Check for convergence:
    if (Math.abs(x1 - x) <= tol * Math.abs(x1)) {
      if (verbose) {
        console.log('Newton-Raphson: converged to x = ' + x1 + ' after ' + iter + ' iterations');
      return x1;

    // Transfer update to the new guess:
    x = x1;

  if (verbose) {
    console.log('Newton-Raphson: Maximum iterations reached (' + maxIter + ')');

  return false;

I also converted the unit tests to Vitest (since that's what I am using). I can supply the code if you are interested.