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pure-Python HistFactory implementation with tensors and autodiff
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Add Hessian support to autodiff optimizers #936

Open matthewfeickert opened 4 years ago

matthewfeickert commented 4 years ago


In the backends with autodif, the AutoDiffOptimizerMixin class that all of them use takes the func

(reminder that func return both the objective function and the gradient ) from each backend's implementation of setup_minimize

and then gives it to scipy.optimize.minimize

This minimization doesn't take into account the Hessian at the moment. However, as @lukasheinrich notes in Issue #764

we can recode the error calculation in any backend given that we have the hessian matrix.

So we can add in Hessian information to the optimization by providing a callable hessian with something like

tv, fixed_values_tensor, func, init, hessian, bounds = self.setup_minimize(
    objective, data, pdf, init_pars, par_bounds, fixed_vals
fitresult = scipy.optimize.minimize(
    func, init, method="SLSQP", jac=True, hess=hessian, bounds=bounds

This is probably a good idea, but will require some work to make sure that there is agreement with MINUIT.

This was prompted by a discussion with @dguest (as many interesting ideas are).

matthewfeickert commented 4 years ago

Something to be on the lookout for while working on this is to make sure the problems with TensorFlow Hessians that @dantrim first reported in Issue #332 are no longer a problem in the v2.X series of TensorFlow.

kratsg commented 4 years ago

988 could cover this.

kratsg commented 3 years ago


#!/usr/bin/env python
Some Hessian codes
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import approx_fprime

def hessian ( x0, epsilon=1.e-5, linear_approx=False, *args ):
    A numerical approximation to the Hessian matrix of cost function at
    location x0 (hopefully, the minimum)
    # ``calculate_cost_function`` is the cost function implementation
    # The next line calculates an approximation to the first
    # derivative
    f1 = approx_fprime( x0, calculate_cost_function, *args) 

    # This is a linear approximation. Obviously much more efficient
    # if cost function is linear
    if linear_approx:
        f1 = np.matrix(f1)
        return f1.transpose() * f1    
    # Allocate space for the hessian
    n = x0.shape[0]
    hessian = np.zeros ( ( n, n ) )
    # The next loop fill in the matrix
    xx = x0
    for j in xrange( n ):
        xx0 = xx[j] # Store old value
        xx[j] = xx0 + epsilon # Perturb with finite difference
        # Recalculate the partial derivatives for this new point
        f2 = approx_fprime( x0, calculate_cost_function, *args) 
        hessian[:, j] = (f2 - f1)/epsilon # scale...
        xx[j] = xx0 # Restore initial value of x0        
    return hessian