scikit-hep / uproot3-methods

Pythonic behaviors for non-I/O related ROOT classes.
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Status bits for a TH1? #99

Closed gipert closed 3 years ago

gipert commented 3 years ago

Hi! I was wondering if there is there any way to get status bits for a TH1? I'm particularly interested in the value of kIsAverage. Thanks!

jpivarski commented 3 years ago

In Uproot 3, check all of the attributes that start with _f in dir(histogram).

In Uproot 4 (which wouldn't be using uproot3-methods), look in histogram.all_members (a dict).

There are no convenience methods for accessing these bits (because no one has asked before). uproot3-methods and Uproot 4 behaviors provide convenience methods for the data that are in the _f attributes or all_members.

kIsAverage might be in something named "flags".

gipert commented 3 years ago

Uhm I cannot find anything meaningful:

>>> h._
h._arraymethods     h._fContour         h._fMinimum         h._fXaxis           h._methods
h._bases            h._fEntries         h._fName            h._fYaxis           h._postprocess(
h._classname        h._fFillColor       h._fNcells          h._fZaxis           h._pycode
h._classversion     h._fFillStyle       h._fNormFactor      h._fields           h._readinto(
h._copycontext      h._fFunctions       h._fOption          h._format           h._recarray(
h._dtype            h._fLineColor       h._fStatOverflows   h._format1          h._recarray_dtype(
h._dtype1           h._fLineStyle       h._fSumw2           h._format2          h._trymemo(
h._fBarOffset       h._fLineWidth       h._fTitle           h._format3          h._versions
h._fBarWidth        h._fMarkerColor     h._fTsumw           h._format4          
h._fBinStatErrOpt   h._fMarkerSize      h._fTsumw2          h._hasreadobjany    
h._fBuffer          h._fMarkerStyle     h._fTsumwx          h._int32            
h._fBufferSize      h._fMaximum         h._fTsumwx2         h._members(

I'm not sure I completely understand how these bits are managed in ROOT, are them a more general TObject property?

jpivarski commented 3 years ago

Is it a bit of _fOption or is it in the axis (_fXaxis)?

jpivarski commented 3 years ago

Reading this:

it appears that the kIsAverage is assigned with SetBit, which is a TObject method (not a histogram-specific thing, as I had supposed). That's the fBits member of TObject, and I just checked, Uproot 3 doesn't save these anywhere (never knew that they were used for anything):

In Uproot 4, the fBits would be in the all_members dict with key name "@fBits" (the @ is used to skip it when presenting it in pretty-prints).

>>> import uproot   # Uproot 4
>>> f ="histograms.root")
>>> f.classnames()
{'one;1': 'TH1F', 'two;1': 'TH1F', 'three;1': 'TH1F'}
>>> f["one"]
<TH1F (version 2) at 0x7fd7d1e632e0>
>>> f["one"].all_members["@fBits"]
>>> f["one"].member("@fBits")
>>> f["one"].member("@fBits") & (2**18)   # my histogram is not an average, apparently

where kIsAverage is defined as BIT(18):

So it would be possible to get this information in Uproot 4, but it is impossible to get it in Uproot 3. (Uproot 4's approach is more inclusive, less hacky, so I didn't just drop data I didn't know what to do with.)

gipert commented 3 years ago

Great, thanks a lot for looking into this!