scikit-image / skimage-tutorials

skimage-tutorials: a collection of tutorials for the scikit-image package.
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Scipy 2017 tutorial on machine learning and image processing #26

Closed emmanuelle closed 7 years ago

emmanuelle commented 7 years ago

This is a work in progress version of the tutorial on "image processing and machine learning" that will be given tomorrow afternoon (Tuesday July 11th). Comments and reviews are very welcome.

I still need to add a couple of exercises.

stefanv commented 7 years ago

Looking good, thank you!

For downscaling images, good options include skimage.transform.downscale_local_mean, rescale, or resize.

Shall I go ahead and merge this, and then we continue working on the main repository?

jni commented 7 years ago

What a great tutorial! Random comment: I live about 30 minutes away from Bell's Beach. Since you used that pic in the tutorial, you have no choice but to come visit! It's a little-known provision of the GFDL. =P

stefanv commented 7 years ago

Any updates can now go straight into master, thanks!