scikit-image / skimage-tutorials

skimage-tutorials: a collection of tutorials for the scikit-image package.
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Migrating tutorials to website todo #57

Open jni opened 3 years ago

jni commented 3 years ago

We now have the tutorials up at

To do:

stefanv commented 3 years ago

Very nice! @rossbar what pipeline did you use for NumPy / networkx?

rossbar commented 3 years ago

what pipeline did you use for NumPy / networkx?

The tutorials sites for both NumPy and NetworkX use sphinx + the myst_nb extension directly rather than Jupyterbook. AIUI, jupyterbook is just a thin wrapper around the other executablebook tools (executablebooks/meta#285), giving a more user-friendly way of defining the _toc and _config for those who are not comfortable with sphinx. myst-nb + jupytext (for converting to myst text-based notebook format) should provide everything you need, but Jupyterbook is fine too - whether you prefer sphinx-style or jb-style config/organization is an individual preference!

jni commented 3 years ago

for those who are not comfortable with sphinx

