scikit-image / skimage-tutorials

skimage-tutorials: a collection of tutorials for the scikit-image package.
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Prepare tooling and lectures for EuroSciPy 2022 #71

Closed lagru closed 2 years ago

lagru commented 2 years ago

A bit of a collection of issues. Continues work in #70. See commits for detailed description on the updates, fixes and the reasoning.

lagru commented 2 years ago

The solutions in 4_segmentation don't return the same results as they previously did and I'm not sure why that is. From earlier tutorials and feedback I gather that these types of functions can be rather finicky. I'll try to fix them as best as I can with the current dependencies.

emmanuelle commented 2 years ago

Thanks @lagru, it looks good to me. For the results of the segmentation tutorial we can take a look IRL.