Developed a draft YML file that handles the migration from Travis CI to Github actions.
Python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 are tested with sklearn=0.20.3 + skggm for compatibility. Python 3.9 doesn't work for some reason
Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9 are tested with latest versions of dependencies, with and without skggm
Test reports are uploaded to Codecov, as before
Flake8 always run in the end
All tests run on the latest Ubuntu x64
Sorry for making too many commits, I could not find a way to debug this. But only one file is added and its automatically recognized by Guthub Actions.
This proposal is already working on my fork of metric_learning, at master branch.
Resolves #325
Developed a draft YML file that handles the migration from Travis CI to Github actions.
Sorry for making too many commits, I could not find a way to debug this. But only one file is added and its automatically recognized by Guthub Actions.
This proposal is already working on my fork of metric_learning, at master branch.