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RidgeCV doesn't use Generalized Cross-Validation as claimed #18079

Closed rnburn closed 4 years ago

rnburn commented 4 years ago

Describe the bug

The documentation for RidgeCV says the following:

By default, it performs Generalized Cross-Validation, which is a form of efficient Leave-One-Out cross-validation.

But 1) it's using the LOOCV not the GCV and 2) GCV isn't "an efficient form of LOOCV".

GCV is the leave-one-out cross-validation of a rotation of the original regression problem

X' = Q X
y' = Q y

where Q is a unitary rotation matrix

Q Q^H = I

chosen so as to circularize the matrix X' X'^H


Golub G., Heath M., and Wahba G., Generalized Cross-Validation as a Method for Choosing a Good Ridge Parameter (1979), TECHNOMETRICS, Vol 21, No 2

or this blog post.

There are efficient ways to compute the LOOCV, but GCV is a different metric and the rotation is designed to handle certain problem cases with performing LOOCV on X and y directly (See the cited sources for an example where LOOCV is problematic).

Steps/Code to Reproduce

We can confirm that RidgeCV isn't using GCV by putting together an example.

  1. We add some code to compute the LOOCV. (Note uses an inefficient brute-force approach for simplicity).
    def compute_l_matrix(X, alpha):
    R = scipy.linalg.qr(X, mode='r')[0]
    E =, R) + np.diag(alpha)
    return np.linalg.cholesky(E)

def compute_ridge_regression_prediction(X, y, alpha, X_test): z =, y) L = compute_l_matrix(X, alpha) beta = scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(L, z, lower=True) beta = scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(np.conj(L.T), beta, lower=False) return, beta)

def compute_loocv_impl(X, y, alpha): result = 0 for train_indexes, test_indexes in LeaveOneOut().split(X): X_train, X_test = X[train_indexes], X[test_indexes] y_train, y_test = y[train_indexes], y[test_indexes] y_pred = compute_ridge_regression_prediction(X_train, y_train, alpha, X_test) result += np.abs(y_test[0] - y_pred[0])**2 return result / len(y)

def compute_loocv(X, y, alpha, fit_intercept=True): n, k = X.shape if fit_intercept: alpha = np.array([alpha]k + [0]) X = np.hstack((X, np.ones((n, 1)))) k +=1 else: alpha = np.ones(k)alpha return compute_loocv_impl(X, y, alpha)

2. We add this function to compute the GCV 
def compute_gcv(X, y, alpha, fit_intercept=True):
    n, k = X.shape
    if fit_intercept:
        alpha = np.array([alpha]*k + [0])
        X = np.hstack((X, np.ones((n, 1))))
        k +=1
        alpha = np.ones(k)*alpha
    U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(X)
    S = np.vstack((np.diag(S), np.zeros((n-k, k))))
    # Note: the rotation for GCV can be computed much more efficiently with a FFT, but this 
    # keeps things simple.
    W = np.array([[np.exp(2j*np.pi*i*j/n) / np.sqrt(n) for j in range(n)] for i in range(n)])
    X_prime =,, Vt))
    y_prime =,, y))
    return compute_loocv_impl(X_prime, y_prime, alpha)

Note: depending on how you treat the intercept, this function will be equivalent to this more common formula for GCV

1/n || (I - A) y ||^2 / [1/nTr(I - A)]^2
A = X(X^T X + n lambda )^-1 X^T
  1. We load an example dataset. This is taken from

    McDonald and Schwing (1973), "Instabilities of Regression Estimates Relating Air Pollution to Mortality," Technometrics, 15, 463-481

and is available at NCSU

df = pd.read_csv('pollution.tsv', 
                 header=0, delim_whitespace=True)
X = np.array(df.iloc[:, :-1].values, dtype=float)
y = np.array(df.iloc[:,-1].values, dtype=float)
X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X)
  1. We'll use this package to find the optimum alpha for LOOCV and GCV and verify they're different

    import peak_engines
    loocv_alpha_best = peak_engines.RidgeRegressionModel(score='loocv').fit(X, y).alpha_
    gcv_alpha_best = peak_engines.RidgeRegressionModel(score='gcv').fit(X, y).alpha_
    print("loocv_alpha_best = ", loocv_alpha_best)
    print("gcv_alpha_best = ", gcv_alpha_best)


    loocv_alpha_best =  8.437006486935175
    gcv_alpha_best =  7.095235374911837
  2. Plot the functions across a range of alphas.

    alphas = np.arange(0.1, 20, .1)
    loocv_scores = [compute_loocv(X, y, alpha) for alpha in alphas]
    gcv_scores = [compute_gcv(X, y, alpha) for alpha in alphas]
    plt.ylabel('Mean Squared Error')
    plt.plot(alphas, loocv_scores, label='LOOCV')
    plt.axvline(loocv_alpha_best, color='tab:green', label='LOOCV Alpha Best')
    plt.plot(alphas, gcv_scores, label='GCV')
    plt.axvline(gcv_alpha_best, color='tab:red', label='GCV Alpha Best')
    plt.title('CV Error on Pollution Dataset')
    plt.legend(loc='upper right')

    outputs: image

  3. Build a RidgeCV model and confirm it's using LOOCV not GCV

    model = RidgeCV(list(alphas) + [loocv_alpha_best, gcv_alpha_best]), y)
    print(model.alpha_, loocv_alpha_best)
    print(model.best_score_, compute_loocv(X, y, loocv_alpha_best))


    8.437006486935175 8.437006486935175
    -1631.3585649228744 1631.3585649228833

I also put together this notebook that combines all the steps.

Expected Results

If RidgeCV used GCV as claimed, step 6 would print 7.095235374911837.

Actual Results

It printed 8.437006486935175 the LOOCV optimum.


System: python: 3.7.5 (default, Nov 20 2019, 09:21:52) [GCC 9.2.1 20191008] executable: /usr/bin/python3 machine: Linux-4.9.125-linuxkit-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-19.10-eoan

Python dependencies: pip: 18.1 setuptools: 47.1.1 sklearn: 0.23.1 numpy: 1.16.3 scipy: 1.2.1 Cython: None pandas: 0.24.2 matplotlib: 3.1.1 joblib: 0.16.0 threadpoolctl: 2.1.0

Built with OpenMP: True

glemaitre commented 4 years ago

I cannot look at this right now in details but pinging @agramfort @GaelVaroquaux @jeromedockes

jeromedockes commented 4 years ago

Indeed the RidgeCV does LOOCV, computed efficiently as in Rifkin, Ryan M., and Ross A. Lippert. "Notes on regularized least squares." (2007). (which does not mention Generalized Cross Validation)

It seems the documentation misuses the term "GCV"?

(btw, looking at the docstring of RidgeClassifierCV, it also contains an outdated comment: " Currently, only the n_features > n_samples case is handled efficiently")

rnburn commented 4 years ago

The short-term fix might be to update the docs.

But GCV is generally considered to be the better metric for setting regularizers. Quoting from Golub, Heath, Wahba:

At the time of this writing, the only other methods we know of for estimating λ from the data without knowledge of or an estimate of σ^2, are PRESS and maximum likelihood, to be described. We shall indicate why GCV can be generally better than either.

(By PRESS they mean LOOCV)

If you compare the performance on the pollution dataset, for example, you'll see it does slightly better than LOOCV (see notebook).


So you might consider switching to it or supporting both GCV and LOOCV

TomDLT commented 4 years ago

The confusion seems to be pretty old

The short-term fix might be to update the docs.

Yes, we should first fix the documentation before considering adding GCV.

isunitha98selvan commented 4 years ago

@TomDLT I can fix up the documentation. This is my first time contributing to sklearn.

TomDLT commented 4 years ago

@isunitha98selvan Yes please, and welcome !

Villareally commented 3 years ago

Thanks, you are so genius

Villareally commented 3 years ago

Thanks, you are so genius, I am finding how to solve GCV function.Thanks a lot

rnburn commented 3 years ago

You're welcome!

If you're looking at cross-validation, you might also be interested this other work I was doing

It extends the approach for optimizing LOOCV / GCV to optimizing Approximate Leave-one-out Cross-validation, allowing you to use it for Generalized Linear Models (e.g. Logistic regression, Poisson regression, etc). TLDR: you can use second-order information to efficiently dial in to the exact hyperparameters that optimize Approximate LOOCV (which is nearly as good as LOOCV).

agramfort commented 3 years ago

I would be super interested in available benchmarking code on this.

rnburn commented 3 years ago

There are benchmarking results in the paper. (Obviously those are sensitive to system setup and I didn't spend a lot of time tinkering).

But if you want to benchmark it yourself, I set up this repo

that makes the (Approximate) LOOCV optimization approach available for use as a python module. You can install with pip.

Villareally commented 3 years ago

You're welcome!

If you're looking at cross-validation, you might also be interested this other work I was doing

It extends the approach for optimizing LOOCV / GCV to optimizing Approximate Leave-one-out Cross-validation, allowing you to use it for Generalized Linear Models (e.g. Logistic regression, Poisson regression, etc). TLDR: you can use second-order information to efficiently dial in to the exact hyperparameters that optimize Approximate LOOCV (which is nearly as good as LOOCV).

Ok,I will read the project you did. Thanks a lot.

rnburn commented 3 years ago

@agramfort Here's a quick benchmark you can run comparing ALO optimization to a standard grid search for logistic regression.

First, pip install peak-engines

from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegressionCV
import peak_engines
import time

X, y = load_breast_cancer(return_X_y=True)
X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X)

t1 = time.time()
model = peak_engines.LogisticRegressionModel(), y) # Finds the value of C that optimize Approximate Leave-one-out Cross-validation.
                # See for a description of ALO.
t2 = time.time()
print('***** approximate leave-one-out optimization')
print('C = ', model.C_[0])
print('time = ', (t2 - t1))

print('***** grid search')
t1 = time.time()
model = LogisticRegressionCV(scoring='neg_log_loss', random_state=0), y)
t2 = time.time()
print('C = ', model.C_[0])
print('time = ', (t2 - t1))

YMMV, but running it on my computer gives

***** approximate leave-one-out optimization
C =  0.6655139682151202
time =  0.007418155670166016
***** grid search
C =  0.3593813663804626
time =  0.25518298149108887
Villareally commented 3 years ago

@agramfort Here's a quick benchmark you can run comparing ALO optimization to a standard grid search for logistic regression.

First, pip install peak-engines

from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegressionCV
import peak_engines
import time

X, y = load_breast_cancer(return_X_y=True)
X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X)

t1 = time.time()
model = peak_engines.LogisticRegressionModel(), y) # Finds the value of C that optimize Approximate Leave-one-out Cross-validation.
                # See for a description of ALO.
t2 = time.time()
print('***** approximate leave-one-out optimization')
print('C = ', model.C_[0])
print('time = ', (t2 - t1))

print('***** grid search')
t1 = time.time()
model = LogisticRegressionCV(scoring='neg_log_loss', random_state=0), y)
t2 = time.time()
print('C = ', model.C_[0])
print('time = ', (t2 - t1))

YMMV, but running it on my computer gives

***** approximate leave-one-out optimization
C =  0.6655139682151202
time =  0.007418155670166016
***** grid search
C =  0.3593813663804626
time =  0.25518298149108887

Thank you for your program, yet when I use pip install peak-engines, it called error, peak-engines error' I can run other pip install well, want to use the code you write, can you solve it? Or the setuptools is both ok

rnburn commented 3 years ago

Yeah, sorry. It doesn't support windows yet, only mac and linux.

Villareally commented 3 years ago

Yeah, sorry. It doesn't support windows yet, only mac and linux.

ok, hope can support windows one day